AndreaGeorge feels
16 years ago
people have more courage to be honest and speak up behind a screen or a phone call. (bye)
latest #8
rachellosek says
16 years ago
or maybe even the chance
16 years ago
that too!!
thenickfooteshow says
16 years ago
plurking is more organized, theres many times i want to say something, but there is a fight over speaking and the topic usually gets changed
AmbleStride says
16 years ago
Who would ever be so rude as to change the plurk topic?!
16 years ago
(dance) (dance) (dance)
rachellosek says
16 years ago
I agree with thenickfooteshow! its frustrating...there is one person who asks all these questions and cuts people off yet never gives people
rachellosek says
16 years ago
the chance to answer their questions or speak
thenickfooteshow says
16 years ago
Maybe thats another reason why we have plurk... so that you can look back and comment on what you want :-D
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