Glam Bam Boa shares
11 years ago
happyandhealthykate.word... <---my new blog sharing my weight loss experience! 53 lbs. down, 26 more to go! :-D!!!
latest #18
11 years ago
i really enjoyed reading your post! a couple of my friends have been using MyFitnessPal to get healthier as well. maybe i should give it a go after all. (thinking) i've never been one for counting calories, etc
Demon Lacie
11 years ago
Hot damn! GOOOD FOR YOU!
11 years ago
Rock on!
Glam Bam Boa
11 years ago
THANK YOU!!! It is still not an easy journey, but being more public about it is truly motivational. :-)
Glam Bam Boa
11 years ago
Please join up Maddy! I still hate counting calories, but if I miss a day I make sure to go back and remember what i had the day before.
11 years ago
you're right that so much of it is just watching what you eat and getting some exercise. i really struggled after having my daughter and finally just by walking regularly and eating less fast food i lost 5lbs
11 years ago
in a couple months after months of not losing any. i'd like to get back to my target weight by the end of the year or close but that's going to take some actual discipline, lol.
Sapphie D•Luxx says
11 years ago
Amazing!! Well done! I LOVE myfitnesspal.. even though I don't use it as much as I should, I'm never now unaware of the calories I'm consuming. It's helped me keep to one weight instead of yoyoing like I did.
11 years ago
and i feel sooooo much better after a good walk or really any actual exercise, lol. maybe this would help me make it a priority.
11 years ago
Proud of ya! And also, HOW DID YOU MANAGE TO KEEP THE BOOBS?! Mine were never impressive in the first place, but they were the first thing to go when I started losing weight :-(
11 years ago
We're on similar journeys. I started in April and have lost 48 pounds with about 25 to go. I'm Isabeal on myfitnesspal. It feels great, doesn't it?
Glam Bam Boa
11 years ago
IT's so true Maddy, even if you don't run every day, just a walk or something to move your body helps. every little bit helps!
Glam Bam Boa
11 years ago
Thank you everyone! I am not as diligent as i could be using myfitnesspal, but it helps me keep my calories in perspective. when I hit a plateau that is when I really utilize the site.
Glam Bam Boa
11 years ago
haha Morri, honestly keeping my curves is a priority. I didn't cut any foods out and "dieting" can cause your body to use your fat from ANY area of your body to fuel instead of what you are eating.
Glam Bam Boa
11 years ago
I want my body to burn the food calories and the unwanted fat cells. I'm also very fortunate that my natural shape is hourglass, so my tits and ass are the last to go! :-D
Glam Bam Boa
11 years ago
honestly though, every body is different. I'd love for my stomach to be a ltitle thinner but alas, i've still got that pooch! lol
11 years ago
Oh, I do have one too! I wish I could start going to the gym, but that cannot happen until I find a new job.
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