Creative Burrow says
12 years ago
How is everyone? Who's writing? Holla at me!!
latest #10
Micheas Elijah says
12 years ago
holla!!! :-)) a write-up only :-P
footpad is
12 years ago
always writing (it pays the mortgage); however, I haven't been writing what I want to, though I have been working on scenes and character studies.
IronyMaiden is
12 years ago
sketching out some scenes for a bigger piece. It is looking more like a novel instead of a short story!
Dark Emperor says
12 years ago
Editing book #3 of my series for release in mid-Feb. Hoping I'll actually get to do some creating once that's done >_<
Creative Burrow says
12 years ago
micheas: A write up for what?
footpad: I hate it when you don't get to write what you want to write! What are you writing about?
Creative Burrow says
12 years ago
ironMaiden: Sketching as in drawing or sketching as in writing a time line sort of thing? I have a HUGE long timeline for my book, complete with little symbols for another page filled with scene details ha ha.
Creative Burrow says
12 years ago
The_Literary_Dark_Prince Prince: Yay! Hows it feel to have so many books out? I bet it feels fantastic!! :-D
IronyMaiden says
12 years ago
sketching as a spiral notebook of scenes and ideas! I can't draw stick figures! (LOL)
Micheas Elijah says
12 years ago
uhm forgot :-)) i think i was helping my sister with hers :-P
Dark Emperor says
12 years ago
BunnyRabbitSex: - It's a relieving thought, actually. After a decade of writing it's nice to see the work available to readers.
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