12 years ago
Drove 22 hours yesterday. Ice sheets, snow covered passes in sometimes intense snowfall, freezing fog and came mere feet from striking an Elk the size of a horse. Didn't kill anybody, so it's a win.
latest #9
12 years ago
Freezing fog. I'd never heard of it until the other day and saw it for the first time in the small hours. It's like aerosolized ice and it sticks to your windshield like glue.
12 years ago
yeah, that's bad stuff. Glad you made it.
gknee says
12 years ago
MissM is
12 years ago
glad you made it! And missed the ELK!
12 years ago
glad you are now safe
12 years ago
Did you, you know, STOP along the way?!
12 years ago
Oh, yes. We stopped. "I need water" stop "I have to pee" stop "I need water" stop... and don't get me started on their silly "need" to eat this thing called "food"
12 years ago
Yikes! So glad you're there safely. Makes our 7- hour trek up the 5 seem wimpy.
Vini says
12 years ago
whew. what a ride.
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