Madeline is
11 years ago
at Angelien's door, arms full of chocolate and treats for her bunny.
latest #23
11 years ago
felt that she was a really popular person as of late. She got to the door and answered it, raising her eye brow at seeing the female Canadian there.
11 years ago
"Don't shut the door," she pleads, the moment she sees the other's face. It's already obvious from her expression how worried and anxious she is that she's ruined everything forever.
11 years ago
shook her head faintly. "I wouldn't have. But it's nice to know you have confidence in me." She just leaned on the door a little, watching the other.
11 years ago
looks down at the ground, shaking her head. "N-no just.. you have every right to shut it in my face..." she starts, biting her lip. "I-I've been terrible to you, and I don't think words can really
11 years ago
fix what I've done but it's about all I have so... I'm sorry, I'm really really really sorry," she mumbles, already feeling like she'd cry again.
11 years ago
listened to her and sighed before stepping to the side. "Get in. You're letting all the heat out."
11 years ago
"S-sorry..." she mumbles, hurrying to step inside. She bites her lip and holds out the gifts to the other. "I-I brought these for you and your bunny..."
11 years ago
closed the door once the other was in and turned to face the gifts presented to her. She gave a faint nod and took them, going to put the bunny treats away. She didn't know exactly how to feel about all of >
11 years ago
this but the fact that Madeline showed up to apologize in person was a good help.
11 years ago
goes quiet again and stands there awkwardly, not sure what she should say next. It had been hard to read Angelien before, and it was even worse trying to now.
11 years ago
secretly snuck a few of the chocolates into her mouth. "I can't lie and say it didn't hurt... I really did think something might have come out of that night."
11 years ago
nods, trying to keep herself from breaking down right in front of her. "I-I know.. I-I uh..." she takes a shaky breath. "I-I didn't choose you at random, A-Angelien..." Truthfully, she really liked her as well,
11 years ago
but she had been so focused on finding someone to help her move on from Amelia that she forgot to consider the fact that rebounds don't last. (Even though she had never technically been with the American.)
11 years ago
hadn't known their relationship, as she secretly hoped that they weren't together so the two of them could give it a chance. She just sighed and shook her head. "I'm glad to know at least that, now." She >
11 years ago
tossed one of the rabbit treats to rabbit when he came into the room, making him hop after it.
11 years ago
fidgets a little with her sleeves, staring down at the ground. "I-I'm really sorry... I really do like you," she sniffles, the barrier on her tears breaking. "I-i-if everything was different,,," she trails off,
11 years ago
rubbing at her face. "S-shit..." she swears under her breath, trying to get herself under control. "I-I'm sorry...."
11 years ago
frowned when she heard her and looked back. "Madeline..." She shook her head and went over, putting a hand on her cheek and wiping some of the tears away with her thumb. "Don't cry."
11 years ago
whimpers softly at the little motion, shaking her head. "I-I'll understand if you don't want to be friends anymore, b-but I just wanted you to know I am sorry.." she mumbles out, unable to stop her tears.
11 years ago
sighed. "Even if you did hurt me, I can't imagine life without our friendship. I am who I am because of you, and nothing can change that." She got a Kleenex and lightly dried her eyes.
11 years ago
stands there uselessly, letting Angelien wipe away her tears and hiccuping as she tried to calm down. She can't think of words so she just nods, still feeling like a scolded child who did something wrong.
11 years ago
lightly took her arm and guided her to the living room, sitting her down on the couch. "Want tea or something else to drink?"
11 years ago
lets herself be lead, sniffling and feeling like crap now for a multitude of reasons. "I-I uhm.. just water, if you don't mind.." she answers quietly.
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