11 years ago
had decided to drown her personal sorrows in a bottle of vodka at a club. She came home with a plan formulated in her mind, stalking through the house quietly for Angeline.
latest #126
Angelien was
11 years ago
quietly painting a landscape in the living room, being sure to keep newspaper all around so as to not ruin the others floor. She hadn't had time to find a studio space around yet...
11 years ago
can hear the crinkle of newspaper, dizzily making her way through the house until her legs found her at the doorway. She pauses, admiring the piece of art until she remembers why she's
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here. "Angie~!" she greets, holding the doorframe to keep her steady and trying not to appear too drunk.
11 years ago
glanced over to her, palette and paintbrush close to her. "Ja, Madeline?" She could tell from the rosy look on the others cheeks that she had been drinking, but didn't know to what extent.
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giggles a little. She wasn't very good at hiding being drunk. "Let's watch a movie together!"
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smiled faintly, liking how adorable the Canadian could be while drunk. "Ja, okay. Let me just clean up." She finished using the paint on her palette before going to wash up, and move some of her studio.
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smiles widely, clearly thinking this was the best idea. "I'll go set it up!" she answers, hesitating a moment before finally letting go of the door frame
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and heading back downstairs, giggling quietly at how much more clumsy she was like this.
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kept an eye on the other while she could, making sure she didn't hurt herself too bad. She changed into an above knee nighty and brought a Miffy plushie downstairs, figuring it was time to relax. "Need help >
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with the setting up?".
Madeline is
11 years ago
sorting through the dvds, trying to read them. She had taken off her glasses somewhere. "No it's fine sit sit!" she smiles, browsing through until she finds a sappy romantic movie and pops it in. She wasn't
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planning to pay attention to it, after all, she had just wanted Angie in a space away from messy paint. After popping it in and hitting play, she dims the lights and plops down onto the couch next to Angelien.
11 years ago
had her legs folded to the side of her, leaning against the back of the couch with a bit of a blanket around her legs. She kept her Miffy to the opposite side of where Madeline was and just relaxed. She needed>
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this it seemed. She always loved spending personal time with her.
11 years ago
leans against her, still obviously drunk but feeling like she was more sober now that she was sitting down. She nestles in against Angie's side, hugging her arm. Really, she had no idea how to go about seducing
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people, but she figured if she started with innocent touches it would move progressively from there! After all Angie had a crush on Matthew, so why not her too?
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didn't even consider the other to be trying to do anything deceptive. She just thought Madeline got a bit more friendly while drunk, which she liked. Though, she would be lying if she didn't have but a small >
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bit of a crush on her. Canada meant so much to her in many, many ways...
11 years ago
lets the movie start up, wanting Angie to be a little distracted. After a little while, she cuddles a little closer, hand falling to rest on her stomach lightly, trailing her fingers over the
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light fabric of her nightie seemingly absentmindedly, though she was actually concentrating on it.
11 years ago
did get interested in the movie rather quickly, and was focused on that. She barely felt the others hand on her stomach, and only noticed it when she started getting a little ticklish. She tried to ignore it >
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though, and shifted slightly.
11 years ago
pouts a little when she realizes that that wasn't working, and instead trails her hand down to trace gently over her thighs. She dazedly decides maybe it's better to just jump in though, and
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she squeezes her thigh gently to get her attention.
11 years ago
felt her leg twitch a little and looked down, putting her hand over Madeline's. She just looked over to her with a confused expression.
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pouts up at her, though there's an unfamiliar mischievious look in her eyes. "We should kiss," she blurts out.
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made a choked sound in her mouth and leaned back a bit. "W-what...?" She was even more confused, and was really starting to question how drunk the other was now.
11 years ago
nods at this, hopping up onto her knees on the couch. "Yeah! It'd be nice," she replies, smiling at her. It was in moments like these that one could see Amelia's influence on her. "I mean we're like besties
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and you like dude Canada so don't you like me?" she reasons out, clearly thinking this was the best idea.
11 years ago
blushed and looked off to the side. "I-I... well, I do, in a way. More than a friend, even..." She slowly looked back, seeing the other and smiling a bit. She turned more towards her and lightly placed her >
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hand on the others cheek, running her thumb slightly across it.
11 years ago
grins at this, the words not really clicking in her usually sympathetic mind that maybe playing with feelings was bad. She blushes a bit herself at the gentle hand on her cheek, giggling a little as she tried
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to place her hands on the other's thighs to lean in and steal a kiss... she misses by just enough to make her slip awkwardly though, a little too drunk to be taking control of this.
11 years ago
chuckled quietly and just leaned forward, placing a light kiss on her cheek as she slowly pushed the other against the cushions on the couch, leaning over her. Her better judgement was being clouded by how >
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vulnerable the other looked at this point and time.
11 years ago
gasps softly as she's pushed backwards, clinging to her as she's laid back down. She giggles a little drunkenly, wrapping her arms up around Angie's shoulders. She looks up and admires the woman above her for a
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moment- really, if her crush on Amelia wasn't the foremost thought in her head, she probably would realize she cared a great deal for Angelien and that she was going to hate herself in the morning for
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this. But that thought never enters her mind, pulling the other against her and giving her a deep, unco-ordinated kiss.
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took more control to get the kiss under control, and deepened it. She lightly traced over the others skin as she brought her hand up her side, settling it on her chest and groping her. Her mind kept telling >
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her that this was wrong but her heart wouldn't let her stop.
Amelia has
11 years ago
come to visit her sister, figuring the other has calmed down somewhat. She sees the movie on, though she can't see the two women pressed against the couch yet. She does hear the sound of kissing though and it
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makes her unexpectedly angry. She comes close, looking down at them from the back of the couch- glad they were distracted at least. Then she shoves them both off of the couch and into the floor. "What the shit
Amelia is
11 years ago
going on here???"
11 years ago
gasps softly against the other's lips as she takes control, letting out a soft moan and arching into the grope. She doesn't hear the front door open as she presses closer to her, but cries out when suddenly
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Angelien is falling off the couch, falling with her because of how they are tangled. She lands with an 'oof' on top of the other, dazedly sitting up... straddling Angie's hips. "W-what the hell...?"
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she asks, blinking up at the source of trouble with a frown.
11 years ago
felt her head hit the ground harshly and noticed her vision blur once her eyes reopened. She blinked up at the other before glancing over to the furious looking American. Neuken.
Amelia is
11 years ago
coming around the couch to grab Madeline and drag her off the top of the other girl. "What the fuck are you doing Maddie jeezus." It's only now that she's close that she can smell the alcohol on her breath
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and the cursing intensifies. "Shit fuck jeezus christ on a goddamned cracker you're fucking drunk aren't you god fuck."
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yelps as she's pulled backwards, struggling haphazardly against her. "Let me go I was enjoying that!" she crosses her arms as she realizes she's not strong enough to escape, stiffly still Ami's arms
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as she's dragged backwards. "Go away," she pouts, turning her nose up in the other direction.
11 years ago
felt awkward and slowly stood up, brushing her dress down as it had lifted a little from the fall. She had no idea that Amelia would have a crush on her, and almost felt betrayed and lead on by Maddie. This >
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just made her more confused as she watched the two, keeping aware and on her toes, in a way.
Amelia gives
11 years ago
Angelien a glare but she's more irritated with Maddie at the moment. "What the fuck Maddie you flip fucking shit when I kissed you drunk and now you're macking on some goddamn body else??? Fuck that shit. It's
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your bed time hot tits."
11 years ago
squirms in her grasp, pouting miserably still. "You're not my mom let me go!" she protests, turning around and pushing at Amelia's face to make her let her go. "Angiiiiiie," she whines, wanting help escaping
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from her angry sister and avoiding the rest of what Amelia said.
11 years ago
narrowed her eyes and stepped forward, breaking the two up. "Even if she is drunk, she does have a point. You can't just force her to do something, especially when she's this adamant about it. Just let her >
11 years ago
be." Even if she felt awkward in this situation she wouldn't let her best friend be talked down to like this. No matter what the situation, she'd back her up.
11 years ago
turns her eyes on Angelien now and pushes back, keeping between the two of them. "Says the seemingly sober bitch grabbing my drunk-ass sister's tits." She raises up to full height, all righteous American fury._
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"When what she needs is a glass of fucking water and a nap."
11 years ago
whines at the fighting, slumping to the floor behind Amelia and just laying there face pressed against the floor. "Stooooop," she whines, voice probably too quiet from down here to really do
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much. All she had wanted were makeouts!
11 years ago
growled quietly and stood up straight herself, challenging her. "She invited me, I wasn't going to be rude and ignore her. What she needs is someone to care about her!" She might have been overstepping her >
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boundaries quite a bit, but her emotions were starting to get the better of her now and fogging her judgement. "She's a wonderful person. And a wonderful person shouldn't have to listen to someone like you."
11 years ago
puts her hands on her hips, staring her down. She was unimpressed. "I do fucking care about her. I'm not the one taking advantage of a drunk chick and calling that 'caring." She turns to help Maddie to her
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feet, rather intent on getting the girl tucked into bed. "She is a wonderful amazing person as if I don't fucking know that." She is trying to carry Madeline toward the stairs, more intent on that than arguing.
11 years ago
whimpers at the escalating argument and covers her head with her hands. She's limp in Amelia's arms as the other tries to pick her up, tears evident on her face. "Let me gooooo," she whines again. She hadn't
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accounted for Amelia to walk in on her plan, she just wanted to prove... something. Amelia's reaction when she had told her she hadn't been kissing anyone else had pissed her of a bit.
11 years ago
walked back over to them and took Maddie back in her arms, protecting her. "You don't even live in this house. Go home, and I'll take care of her." She had lost interest from the events before, frustrated and >
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overall upset. She just tried not to show it, and wanted to get Maddie away and out of harms way from the Americans seemingly harsh movements, or so that's how she viewed them.
11 years ago
doesn't let the other take Maddie, gripping her close as the other girl tries. "I don't live here but I've lived near and with Maddie the longest. I'm not going to leave her with the chick grabbing her tits." _
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She leans down to very gently kiss her sister's forehead and rub the tears from her face. "Aww, c'mon sweetie, It's Ami, baby I've got ya, don't cry." ><
11 years ago
gasps softly as the pair start to play tug of war with her, sobbing softly. "I just wanted kisses...." she mumbles, trying to weakly paw her way away from both of them. She could barely register what they were
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even fighting about anymore, she just knew fighting was bad. "Let's all kiss," she huffs, figuring if everyone kissed everyone the argument would be over right?
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crossed her arms, staying defiant. She wasn't going to kiss anyone, especially not America. "Madeline and I have history you'd not even be able to comprehend. We're closer than you think, Amelia." She just >
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wanted to leave now, but not seem weak. And wanted to watch over Maddie.
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finds that amusing. "I've known her since we first stumbled out of the woods, Miss Priss. I know pretty much everything about this little lady. Shit, I was the one that taught her how to kiss, so you're
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welcome." She tries to calm Maddie down now though. "Baby no, no kissin' right now okay." She starts to sit down on the floor, pulling Maddie down with her since she was so weak and trying to fight. "Come on
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now, baby cakes you need to calm down right?"
11 years ago
's head was spinning a little now, trying to make sense of what was going on. She can't help but be pulled into Amelia's lap as she tries to stop sobbing. "No I learned from Maman," she protests, not quite
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coherent enough to mention that it was from watching, not practice. "I don't like you anymore," she huffs, falling over on the floor in a dizzy daze. "You ruin everything," she starts to cry again, the
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alcohol causing too many emotions at once.
11 years ago
blushed faintly at hearing Amelia's words but tried to ignore everything else. She knelt down in front of Maddie and stroked her hair a bit. "Don't cry, it's not like you." She tried to ignore Amelia even >
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being there.
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doesn't care that the other is ignoring her. She is still petting her as well, trying to calm the poor drunk thing down. She tucks the bit about Marianne away to deal with later. "Awww, you don't mean that._
11 years ago
You love me Maddie!!" She kisses her forehead again, still trying to soothe her. "What'd I do wrong huh?"
11 years ago
hiccups and starts to hyperventilate a little as she tries unsuccessfully to calm down, the sweet attention from both being both reassuring and yet causing her to panic. Something at the back of her mind was
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telling her that tonight was ruining everything, but she couldn't concentrate enough to figure it out. Quite suddenly a look passes across her face and she realizes she needs to escape. "Lemmego," is
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what she manages through the tears, scrambling to her feet and running for the bathroom quite clumsily, leaving the other two behind.
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frowned and shot to her feet, going to help the other. She could tell from the look that she wasn't feeling to well, and someone would need to help her if she got sick or needed help balancing herself.
Amelia was
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after her just as quick. She knew what that meant. She crowds into the bathroom with the other two, moving to hold Madeline's hair.
Madeline wishes
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she had locked them out, but she was a bit preoccupied. "Go away," she mumbles in protest when she feels a bit more relieved, not liking people watching her like this.
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didn't care, she had seen this a lot of times with humans. She wouldn't think of her any different or judge her. She was going to go against her wishes and help clean up, but being on her side she just nodded >
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and slowly stepped back. She wanted to help still, but not if the other wanted to be alone...
Amelia was
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a little bit difficult to convince to leave. She wasn't going to leave her sister pucking alone!! She holds her hair and hums, her other hand rubbing her back. "S'not the first time I've seen you puke and it
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won't be the last. Just get it out huh?"
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groans, really just wanting to be alone right now. She raises a shaky hand to shoo Amelia away, glad at least one person is listening to her.
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snuck a few glances now and then, wanting to help her more. She was confused and frustrated on what to do. She really wanted to help Maddie, but she had felt like she was getting in the way now.
Amelia is
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too stubborn to be shooed though she does look up at Angelien. "Go get a glass of water please. That'd be really helpful."
Madeline is
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preoccupied by another round of emptying her stomach, feeling ashamed and sad and embarrassed and certainly nothing good.
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turned and went to get it, even if she was still cross at the American. She was doing this for Maddie. She came back a bit later, with the glass of water and a cloth, lightly cleaning the sides of Maddie's >
11 years ago
Amelia is
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still sitting at her side, rubbing her back and holding her hair. "Try and drink something sweetie..." she mumbles when Angie comes back.
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sighs after she finally starts to feel better, sitting back and still kind of teary. She takes the glass and mumbles a thank you, taking a gentle
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sip. She was exhausted now, in all aspects of it, and it was probably obvious from the look on her face.
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just stayed as a witness as to what was going on. She could obviously see how much Amelia liked Maddie, and it took a lot for her to keep quiet. She couldn't blame her though, Maddie was a great person...
11 years ago
can tell she's exhausted. She smiles gently. "Good girl. Lemme carry you upstairs. You look really tired now." She moves slow this time, to pick her up, to make sure that she wasn't going to fight or vomit
11 years ago
Madeline was
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too tired to fight, and her stomach was pretty much empty by now. Her head had cleared just enough to let guilt step in, and she reaches out for Angelien, trying give her a hug with tears in her
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eyes. " 'm sorry...." she mumbles.
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shakes her head as she turned away, unknowing of the hug. "It's okay, Canada." She stepped away, holding the doors open on the way to the bedroom to give Amelia some aid.
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settles Madeline in against her, holding her bridal style and trying to get her to stop crying. She carries her up to the bedroom and holds her close as she goes. "Come on, let's get you cuddled in."
11 years ago
drops her arms sadly as Angie turns away, thinking that she had been purposely rejected and that the other hates her now. She curls up hesitantly against Amelia, trying to wipe the tears from her
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eyes. "..k-kay..." she whimpers weakly.
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helped get the bed set for her, even fluffing up the pillow and getting the blankets set on her. She stepped back after to give Amelia the room to set Maddie down, more so trying to blend into the background >
11 years ago
11 years ago
smiles at how the other helps her, glad for that at least. She carefully sets Maddie down before climbing in after her, intending to stay there to make sure she didn't wake up to vomit. She cuddles her in close
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and had clearly every intention of staying there with her.
11 years ago
mumbles out a thank you to Angie, letting herself fall into the warm caress of bed. When Amelia tries to curl up next to her though, she pushes her away and turns her back to her, still a little
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pissed at her and just really wanting to be alone still.
11 years ago
figured Maddie would be fine now, seeing how insistent Amelia was. The scene before her was starting to get to her anyways, so she uttered a quiet goodnight to Maddie before turning and heading downstairs.
11 years ago
sighs when the other rejects her cuddles- really she thought the girl was just angry that she ended their drunken make-out which seemed like such a strong show of hostility but... well. Drunk didn't make sense_
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She stays anyways, to keep an eye on her.
11 years ago
wraps the blankets around herself, ignoring everyone else in the room. It doesn't take long until she's passed out though, of course.
11 years ago
sighs and watches her sleep for a while before she sleeps too, confused but glad that she seemed okay.
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