The SL Blender
12 years ago
Help me name my new Dog
latest #11
The SL Blender shares
12 years ago
12 years ago
Arthur, Artie for short
Gyorgyna says
12 years ago
the link says his name is Frenkie..u're going to change it?? I suggest Dexter, Giotto, Moki, Pepe, Rufus
SySy says
12 years ago
aweee what a cutie!!!!
I think Frankie kinda suits his look. Dash, Happy, or get really tricky and use a Roman Dog Name Tricky is kinda nice too
The SL Blender
12 years ago
12 years ago
My mom named her's Jack Russell - I know, so original there....
The SL Blender
12 years ago
GyorgynaLarnia: Rufus is quite nice plus my best friends is called Dex
The SL Blender
12 years ago
turbulent: Awee like a English farmer dog
The SL Blender
12 years ago
SySy_Chapman: Thxxx :-)
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