TammyW says
11 years ago
Left my iPad in an airplane seat pocket on Sun. and by the time the gate agent went to check it was gone. "Find My iPad" is on, but won't work unless the new owner goes online with it.
latest #12
mmossman says
11 years ago
that's really a bummer! Hope you can locate it.
GingerLewman says
11 years ago
Stink. Can you at least remote wipe it? Or maybe it's just a brick for them. Did it have a pass code?
11 years ago
Loonyhiker says
11 years ago
how awful!
g_teach says
11 years ago
oh no
Mr Bill says
11 years ago
I sure hope you get it back soon!
tillmanartist says
11 years ago
oh no!
Skip Z
11 years ago
StayinCooLu says
11 years ago
wish people could be honest!
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