I most certainly DO! I happen to own a nice book featuring it.
Its true! I know you are so envious.

Signed by the arteeeeest, even.
He is an otteest, who makes swimmingly good stuffs out of junques. Otterly wunnerful. Deserves a bucket of fish!
For the record, I have this humanoid guy stand in for me at RL events.
All buckets[fish] are greatly appreciated
Well, I'm sure that's all right, as long as you've trained him up well. I hear buckets of dingdongs work on the humanz.
haha, love the story! Well done.
Very excellent. I just spent a while stalking along your plurk timeline, and I absolutely love your work. It is otterly wonderful.
Never apologize for otterly fun puns!
isle: My plurkline is meant for stalkin'! And thanks so much for the kind words! And to youse all otters too! Public speaking is something I dread, so was kinda happy I didn't pass out in the process
I otter tell you that I had a wonderful visit from the diminutive giant at my sl house and was otterly delighted. I, too, sport a striking dead tree addition of yon wonderful works and am otterly amazed at it.
I understand that Scottius was directly involved in chomping the trees down used in this printing
That would be my friend Bucky the Beaver
Bravo, my fishy friend, bravo
ScottiusPolke: you did great, I read something last week that helped me out too for public speaking... Nobody knows how you feel inside, they have no idea you are nervous.. so if you don't go suddenly mute, or
fall down, you are golden.
I once sort of forgot how to speak, right in the middle of an important job interview, and the clock went tick, ..tick, ... tick...
There were 4 people at a big table interviewing me... ugh. But I started talking again, and did get the job.
I hate public speaking, but it is part of my job. I dread it. Then after, it is better. And 3/4 of the way through it isnt so bad.
isle I had an interview where I had to use their laptop, and I had the hardest time using that built in thingie used as a mouse. I began to lose my concentration as I continued to struggle with it
And by the end just wanted to get out of there. Fortunately this was a much friendlier setting, just always get that twang
Next interview, take a USB mouse with you
I'm kinda hoping my interview days are over and out
Well, maybe those kind of interviews.
I used to have a big fear of public speaking, until I learned that if you have something to tell someone that you believe in, that is the trick. Have a deep knowledge and the desire to explain it.
Teaching small groups to start with helps. groups of just a few people.
You rocked it Scot, thought about you several times over the weekend and wondered how it was all going. Looks like a huge success. Bravo you.