annhandley thinks
16 years ago
that falling karma is a buzz-kill on Plurk. Why admonish your users...? Seriously?
latest #46
tomwhitejr says
16 years ago
I struggle with the karma roller coaster...
16 years ago
I agree. If you're out of town for a weekend, you lose it? I don't care for karma but I'm sure it pushes others to stay on more now.
gianandrea says
16 years ago
i have heard about ranking with people posting hundreds time a day to stay on top
frankmartin says
16 years ago
I was out of town this weekend building positive family karma as I was shrinking Plurkarma. Still, irrational as it is, it pisses me off.
markgoren asks
16 years ago
does it really matter what your karma is? C'mon people, we know better than that. ;-)
gianandrea says
16 years ago
karma is just for better emoticon (s_dance)
Tim Jackson
16 years ago
Handley, if you were a pro like me this wouldn't be a problem.
gianandrea says
16 years ago
gassho: wow. i simply mean that there is no reason to push for a better karma.
DaniellaStarr says
16 years ago
i agree. i lose karma on the weekends at a faster rate than i gain karma.
gianandrea says
16 years ago
the bionic thumb plurker is back! hallo, tim
Beth Harte says
16 years ago
agreed. You shouldn't lose karma for not plurking constantly. Otherwise, I'd sit here all day an quote Oscar Wilde.
frankmartin says
16 years ago
of COURSE it doesn't matter. Not a whit. But it's there, and I irrationally want to see it increasing rather than shrinking.
annhandley says
16 years ago
Right -- I am fine with not GAINING Karma... but when it drops is what I have issue with.
annhandley says
16 years ago
markgoren is right - it doesn't really MATTER. But it still feels punitive. What other brand punishes you? That's the buzz kill.
annhandley says
16 years ago
it's very Soup Nazi.
frankmartin is
16 years ago
in complete agreement
16 years ago
I just want the next level of emoticons, then....
jayseae says
16 years ago
I generally don't notice it - it's just emoticons.
annhandley says
16 years ago
gassho Right! The MarketingProfs forum (Know-How Exchange) offers points in exchange for good answers, based on the community votes..
annhandley says
16 years ago
but you never *lose* points!
annhandley says
16 years ago
jayseae I just noticed the little "down" arrow.. and I was like, WTF?
mindblob says
16 years ago
Ann... I'd give you all mine if I could! In the meatime... here : ;-)
Beth Harte shares
16 years ago
I lost Karma and I plurked last night and this what did I lose it for? That's what I'd like to know.
Stinky says
16 years ago
I agree. I logged in this morning and my karma had dropped. I mean, good grief, I have to sleep!
Beth Harte says
16 years ago
it seems random. annhandley, you are right, it's a buzz-kill and right now, I just don't have the steam to worry about it. (s_annoyed)
annhandley says
16 years ago
I guess my question is from a business perspective.. it just doesn't seem like good business for a brand to punish the folks who use it.
annhandley says
16 years ago
I guess that's an observation... not a question!
frankmartin thinks
16 years ago
they want people talking about karma, but not pissed about losing it. BAD buzz is not gonna help them.
mindblob says
16 years ago
the thing is that people see Karma as popularity, so losing it becomes negative. Change the word with "pressure" and the POV changes, right?
gianandrea says
16 years ago
mindblob is right. Emoticons are a cute way to put pressure without feeling it so negative. Still a game.
jayseae says
16 years ago
true enough, annhandley, a down arrow can be seen as a Bad Thing. Did you look to see how far down it went (the new hover info is nice)...
annhandley says
16 years ago
I don't know how far it dropped... it's just a bummer. (I do like the hover tips, however.)
16 years ago
amen, Ann! (g_applause) I find it ironic that the site saying "your life, on the line" will punish you for having a life beyond Plurk!
llyfr hates
16 years ago
the falling karma idea ... mine is going to plummet in July, when I'll be spending a week hiking! (s_tears)
mindblob says
16 years ago
the karma idea is SO linked to human behavior. Should we care after all? But hey... most of us do, right! Is a down arrow "negative"? ;-)
annhandley says
16 years ago
It is when it's linked to a message that reads, "Your karma has gone down .16 points!"
markgoren says
16 years ago
True, it shouldn't matter, but it does. Though, if you think about it, it does make sense that the Karma can go up and down.
markgoren says
16 years ago
but I do agree, from a business perspective, it's not the best way to motivate people.
banane says
16 years ago
i haven't been a victim of the falling karma yet
bruceturner says
16 years ago
"If you don't use our product, ding!, you lose karma. Y'all come back now, ya hear?"
bruceturner says
16 years ago
the new karma algorithm punishes for too few and too many plurks, I understand. Over 30 is the cutoff for too much.
16 years ago
maybe they should give us a counter then, so we know how we are foing?
16 years ago
ahh meant Doing
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