how would I make a flickr slideshow for wordpress for a flickr group?
latest #12
I found info on google but nothing with an HTML code that actually works
then click the upper right SHARE button and copy the EMBED html and paste into your post on the html tab
you can click on Customize this html it specify the size.
yeah but for groups there isnt a slideshow option
We are making a hint page for the upcoming Finding FabFree hunt and would like to have a slideshow on the bottom to display pictures from it
I see slideshow on my individual pictures, but do not see the option for the entire group so I can have it showing what designers add
NM I think I found it. bottom of the group page there was a slideshow button that was tiny!
I swear I looked and looked on the page!
ugh but that didnt work either
OMG you know what I had to do! simply had to paste the address for the slideshow. It wont accept embeded slideshows
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