Dusan shares
15 years ago
latest #8
Valiant says
15 years ago
There is great potential for Architecture in SL. Now all we need is a ground up rebuild of SL that provides, among other things, native
Valiant says
15 years ago
import and export of builds using INDUSTRY STANDARD graphic formats!
15 years ago
lol my civil engineering CAD friend would totally agree. To her at this point it's useless for architecture because of time constraints.
15 years ago
mmm the time constraints cause by the lack of industry standard graphic support
Keystone says
15 years ago
Yeah, import and export are critical for SL to be useful in professional practice.
Keystone says
15 years ago
There is something magical about prims though, and what I really want is the ability to import, then explode to prims, then export to BIM
Keystone says
15 years ago
but I would settle for an import/export tool before I start adding new demands, lol
15 years ago
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