Dusan shares
15 years ago
M Linden Flickr Stream - am I the only one who didn't know he had one? And that he actually EXPLORES?
latest #11
Dusan says
15 years ago
anyone who wanders aimlessly gets one bonus point. Seeing as I wander aimlessly so much.
Parker says
15 years ago
I used to wander aimlessly. Now I just dance aimlessly at my pub.
15 years ago
yays. I have a bonus point, I have a bonus point... skips off.
15 years ago
Quaintly says
15 years ago
I didn't know he had one either!
mccabe says
15 years ago
nice to see he's picked some good places, too
15 years ago
/me clueless
15 years ago
I didn't know, but that's nice that he is taking the time to get to know SL's sights
jjacek says
15 years ago
Even M Linden is not immune to the Glow bug. (LOL) http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3584/3288886416_59b892544e.jpg
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