LipGlossJunkie asks
15 years ago
what is the worst job you ever had?
latest #16
LipGlossJunkie says
15 years ago
I worked at IHOP for a day. It wasn't for me. That was the only waitress job I ever had.
15 years ago
did cremations and worked at a mausoleum for 8 months.
Loli says
15 years ago
Cleaning restrooms at the Department of Human Services (Welfare office)
turtle_avenger says
15 years ago
telemarketing for Pacific Northwest Ballet
turtle_avenger says
15 years ago
oh, for about 3 hours before I walked off the job.
Catsmacking says
15 years ago
street canvasser for ACLU. The people I worked with were awesome. Asking people for money was not.
badcandy says
15 years ago
I had a job like that, catsmacking, only it was for the citizen action group. *shudder* Still not the worst, though.
Erica says
15 years ago
one month at a special event venue where I was supposed to be a Sales Manager, yet somehow I was being asked to set-up tables
Erica says
15 years ago
and make sure bathrooms were clean and work 16 hour days.
Erica says
15 years ago
oh and work for a guy who was practically wishing his cancer stricken mom dead.
15 years ago
Probably not the worst, but certainly the weirdest - I worked as a Christmas elf on my mom's friend's Christmas tree farm one year.
15 years ago
Which sounds like it should be fun, but it was mostly taking pictures of children who were terrified to be sitting on a strange man's lap.
15 years ago
On the up-side, I got free apple cider for the whole day.
Shteevie says
15 years ago
I worked as a 1-hour photo engineer and a supermarket night-stocker for a few months.
Shteevie says
15 years ago
getting heavy metal developer chemicals in box-cutter wounds is no fun.
Kansas says
15 years ago
worked in a pizza kitchen at the local supermarket. It wasn't that bad but really boring
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