Sydd Sinister asks
12 years ago
If someone bumps or runs into you in SL do you get upset?
latest #16
Pocket Lola
12 years ago
nope....but i've seen and have been a victim of mcbitchy peeps in SL who do (LOL)
Sydd Sinister
12 years ago
I dont understand, someone just yelled at someone for running into them because of lag. GTFOH
Pocket Lola
12 years ago
ahaha i was called a vampire freak when I did it.... iw as like o.0 I'm not a vampire today (rofl)
12 years ago
nooo I bump into people all the time by accident either cause they haven't rezzed for me yet or I'm lagged and still moving
just ely says
12 years ago
not at all.. but I always feel bad when I run into someone else.
Sio ♥ says
12 years ago
It depends. if it's an accident no. But if someone just keeps running into me, pushing me even after I say something then .yes definitely.
12 years ago
I only bump into people when they are standing on the edge of a platform or something
12 years ago
nah to me it's no big deal. it takes a lot for me to tell ppl to fk off in SL.. in RL on the other hand...
Sydd Sinister
12 years ago
Sean Gorham
12 years ago
Getting bumped or pushed in SL is a rite of passage. You're not a real SL resident until it happens to you!
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