crystldalrs says
12 years ago
The ppl who lived here before us. Screwed us. They rigged the light meter. We are now going to have to pay over $2,000 in back pay. And $852
latest #10
crystldalrs says
12 years ago
Of that has to be paid immediately or it will get disconnected. I am so livid. That was our money for graceland and VB. and i its only the
crystldalrs says
12 years ago
First week steven has been gone. In that time. Frederick has gotten sick with roseola. My back has gone out. And now this. (angry)
Disney°o°Mama says
12 years ago
Whoa! There's no way you can explain that it wasn't you who rigged it? Or get on a payment plan?
MrsDemkowicz says
12 years ago
Yeah, that's BS that you gave to pay for what you didn't do.
MrsDemkowicz says
12 years ago
Have not gave
crystldalrs says
12 years ago
When i called them to come check it. The guy who checked it said that the data reading showed that this has been happening for over a year.
crystldalrs says
12 years ago
We havent even been here a year. So they know. I cant do anything about it today bc they are closed. But come monday my mom and i are going
crystldalrs says
12 years ago
To speak to someone. We are fighting it. But we might not get much other than the 2000 put into payments!
12 years ago
i hope you get something worked out. truthfully i dont think you should have to pay any of it. but they may make you pay for some of it
Awesomepants!! says
12 years ago
pppsh i'd be telling the company they need to go back in their records and find the name of the person and bill them!
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