Tatum Diesel
12 years ago
who believes the theory having a tan (NOT a crazy jersey shore orange tan) helps you appear thinner rather than being extremely pale?
latest #14
Gogo ♔ says
12 years ago
Tatum Diesel
12 years ago
i believe it also am considering getting a tanning membership back but have been out of the tan game for soooo long.
Kissyface says
12 years ago
I agree!
Tatum Diesel
12 years ago
sweet so im not crazy!
Hybie says
12 years ago
It contrast muscle tone, which is why ppl who do fitness competitions rub down with fake tanner just before the competition.
Hybie says
12 years ago
Also, do not tan. Its so bad on the skin. Beds are cancer cylinders of death
Tatum Diesel
12 years ago
true - i should probably just do the bronzer lotions or spray - but i get nervous about it rubbing off or streaking.
Gypsy says
12 years ago
It not only makes you look thinner but color makes you look sexy. :-D
12 years ago
It's better to habe streaking or rubbing off than to get cancer. I'd rather be pale and look fat than be tan and have leathery wrinkly skin
12 years ago
Gypsy says
12 years ago
Gypsy says
12 years ago
I'm so glad I don't have that issue. I tan quick and beautifully. Thanks to being half mexican. :-D
Tatum Diesel
12 years ago
GypsyHelendale: lucky!
Gypsy says
12 years ago
My legs hate me though. They need more sun. Lol.
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