Tateru shares
12 years ago
Landmark EU ruling permits resale of digital downloads/licenses bit.ly/Olgk9i
latest #14
Han Held says
12 years ago
12 years ago
Interesting. I'm no law buff, but in cases of digital distribution couldn't the distributor (ie Steam) just make users sign a new TOS to
12 years ago
use their platform, agreeing that you don't own the digital purchases before you actually purchase?
juntunen says
12 years ago
Damo what this article is saying is that in the EU those TOS have no or very little legal standing.
12 years ago
What I took away from it was that they couldn't change the terms of the purchase after the fact. But I may be mistaken
juntunen says
12 years ago
In the US the law is that the manufacturer may not change the TOS after purchase.
Tateru says
12 years ago
They could indeed implement new terms for the distribution platform prior to sale. It'd be tricky, though, since it would need to satisfy
Tateru says
12 years ago
each publisher using the platform.
12 years ago
what, someone ruled that when you bought something you own it!? What is this world coming to? (dance)
12 years ago
Tateru: THat's what it seemed like. It could be tricky for some platforms, but for ones like Origin it would be easier.
Tateru says
12 years ago
AnandaS: It all boils down to exactly what it is that the court thinks that you purchased.
12 years ago
One of the several cases when the EU law makes sense and actively protect consumers. And some people think the EU is worth nothing (eyeroll)
12 years ago
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