AlchemyCyannis thinks
12 years ago
that since ImmortalisCyannis talked me into this I should bribe folks with chocolate to welcome him to get his bottom back in here. Yup :-D
latest #18
12 years ago
I have sent a friend request ;-)
Magda K
12 years ago
Dark chocolate?
12 years ago
mmmm dark and brooding chocolate :-P
Magda K
12 years ago
Grazia says
12 years ago
Immortalis says
12 years ago
Hey now! I'm a lurker not a fighter.
Immortalis says
12 years ago
do i get chocolate as weelllllll???
Magda K
12 years ago
Do you deserve chocolate? waits for the obvious answer
12 years ago
come to the dark side, we have chocolate and sexy toys
Immortalis says
12 years ago
Do I deserve it? Of course not, I've been very bad.
Magda K
12 years ago
In that case, have you EARNED the chocolate?
Immortalis says
12 years ago
most assuredly, and 7 ways to Sunday
Magda K
12 years ago
Then you should get a bit of chocolate ...
Immortalis says
12 years ago
Dark Chocolate Pots de Crème. Hmmm I don't have enough chocolate. I'll just HAVE to put this recipe away...and cook for everyone another day
AlchemyCyannis says
12 years ago
When the cat's Em, yes, he has been very bad, which is how he earned it ;-) And yes, dark & brooding chocolate for all. Nom!
Immortalis says
12 years ago
slips the key to the chocolate cupboard stealthily back on the hook
Eliza says
12 years ago
I've just added him here, want to gang up Miss Alchemy (devil) , nah what was I thinking, sure you have it covered :-D
AlchemyCyannis says
12 years ago
E, you know full well that you are taunting the devil. Of course I want to gang up (nyuk nyuk nyuk)
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