Question: between AT&T, Comcast, and Clear, which is the less shitty option for internet?
latest #49
I've been googling around for seriously 2 hours and all I can find is how they all suck which isn't helpful in choosing one...
Oh also moving into the new flat tomorrow, won't return to the internet till I have wifi hooked up but returning the moment that happens
Because that is the last thing that needs to be settled. Finally!
12 years ago
I haven't got any experience with the other two, but I'm using AT&T at the moment. They're a pain in the ass, but only when you actually
12 years ago
have to deal with them to get shit done. If you just make stuff like payments automated, you can avoid contact until problems flare up.
:|a Duly noted. I can beat customer service up, I'm just worried about shitty internet. Thanks.
12 years ago
XD I've had a few issues with router stuff, but USUALLY it isn't too bad. Also, I think one of the service reps managed something physically
12 years ago
impossible while working with my account that one time. (unsure) According to another employee, at least.
12 years ago
In our area, Comcast is really the only way to go- AT&T has a terrible reputation for service, both actual internet and customer support.
12 years ago
Might be better for you since you're 'in town'. My last landlord had Clear and loved it when he lived in Midtown- I can't comment because
12 years ago
.....good point, it may well be regional
12 years ago
I've never lived close enough to the city to be in their area.
Pretty sure it's regional. We have Comcast with its shitty customer service, and the internet itself is fine, but I hear people complain
about the internet from them all the time in other places.
12 years ago
^ This.
12 years ago
I would say just go with the cheapest option because all providers are going to cover the downtown area pretty well.
12 years ago
It's us folks out in the suburbs that generally get screwed on service.
12 years ago
I'd love to steer clear on Comcast- but they basically have a monopoly around here. ): Lucky Jenx is downtown where there are choices.
12 years ago
clear is annoying but the least worse of the comcast/clear thing. comcast thinks of new ways to rip people off almost continuously.
12 years ago
I had clear for like 3 years but comcast only for two months before I told them to go to hell
12 years ago
then again if you get the package deals with cable and stuff people seem happy with them. just never for Internet only
12 years ago
I have AT&T and it is typically pretty reliable. Ive had clear in the past and had connectivity issues. But when it worked it was fantastic.
12 years ago
clear is all about your relative location to a tower tbh.
Clear reviews in Atlanta are horrid but it turns out AT&T only has the shittiest service plan available in my flat.
Soooo I'll take a risk on Clear's 15 day trial and see how their connectivity is in my flat before I resign myself to Comcast.
Thanks for all the input, guys.
In contrast, our Comcast service people are fucking idiots. They signed us up for a completely different plan than we asked for I think
three times, and each time B called them and told them to fix it and they didn't until he got really nasty with the last one and got a
manager on the line. This happened in a span of two months, if I remember correctly.
So it probably just depends on, you know, Atlanta.
Can't find any Atlanta-specific reviews for Comcast, just Clear. Eh.
12 years ago
I've had good experiences with Comcast. Clear has VERY mixed coverage.
12 years ago
If you are not in one of their BEST SPOTS, you will have ass-all internet and a modem that resets constantly.
12 years ago
yeah, AT&T kinda sucks out hereworse for cell phones, incidentally, but variably flaky for interwebsbut it's def. regional
12 years ago
...Accidental Strikethrough, we meet again!
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