(( 'Cause a few people are inactive or just...don't know how to reply? ))
(( Yep. As Yuu said ._. ))
( Well at least people could say a word, if they dont know how to reply. I thought this would be more active here. )
(( It is rather active, Purin. Plurk also tends to not show alerts for replies, so if you're waiting on specific threads, mention them. ))
( I checked them the past days, so there arent any. No, I'm sick of running after people for replies. I do that enough already )
(( It's not "running after" if you mention in passing, "Oh, I replied to so and so." It's courteous to offer reminders. People need them. ))
( But I need to remind people a lot. I dont really feel like doing that anymore. I kinda feel annoying then )
(( It's not being annoying. Like I said, Plurk doesn't alert a lot. Most of us have to remind people now and again. ))
( Especially for older threads, where it can be hard to track down if you accidentally mark it as 'read' )
(( Lambo-mun wonders why you haven't replied on Haru's baking cookies thread...))
( I replied already :\ guess i need to post it again )
(( omg? Why it no show? I just checked the last reply was by me... ))
( plurk can be a bitch with showing answers. For example I never see Yama-mun's reply in one of our rp, I needed to "like" it and check it
( I replied already :\ guess i need to post it again )
( and now it is posted twice in this one uhh )