Lets begin with Maya being miffed in the dishwasher.
And now a bunch of pictures of Mia! Mia is a cat who you might've heard about in Raile's plurks.
She was kind of neglected by someone in the apartment complex, who has also been missing for the last 3 weeks. We've sort of taken her in
and took her to the vet and shit. Right now she's got dewormer on her so we've got her isolated in Raile's room.
Now I'll post a lot of blurry picture of her because she's too busy rubbing on everything, purring, and using my hands as a chew toy to
actually get a decent picture of her. But she's a total sweetheart and I kind of hope I get to keep her after we talk to the "owner".
...cat, what are you doing
Because this is the second time the cat has been visibly neglected to the point that neighbours have taken her in.
SHE WANTS TO BE A DISH. Anyway, part of my busy has been taking care of Mia. And now pictures!
....keep her~! A friend once climbed from hr balcony to that of her neighbour's because they had locked out a kitten
for two weeks and then brought her to me~ /wasn't allergic back then
Awww. Good on your friend!
I love those very clear images of her torso, with her super blurry head. Love love love.
Also, Maya/Mia- I was totally wondering why you were spelling Maya's name wrong for a minute.
Oh my goodness, this kitty
Actually the torso's blurry too. She's got some tabby stripes in all that tortishell when she's standing still. She's kind of gorgeous.
She has a similar pattern to one of my cats'. Except with less grey and white.
You might have a kitty! ^_^
wonders how many animals you will have accumulated by the time I have kids old enough to play with them
... I see Mia is not nearly as photogenic as Maya.
How are she and Maya, uh... handling each other's existences?