Dracolicious says
12 years ago
Lest you all think that I save all of my singing for auctioning, my coworkers were just treated to a chorus of "Need to do my timesheet"
latest #12
12 years ago
A tune I made up myself, on the fly.
12 years ago
And as I sang it and opened my browser to report my hours, I clicked the wrong thing and they were treated to the follow up hit...
12 years ago
"Need to use the right tool... "
12 years ago
That could be your themesong!
12 years ago
Your talents are never-ending
12 years ago
Please tell me you sang it in the tradition of a show tune standard...
12 years ago
Karizmah423: It was really more in that absent way that children will sing to themselves based on what they're doing.
12 years ago
P_Pexington: I always use the right tool on Theodore!
12 years ago
Also drew a giant penguin on my notepad instead of paying attention to the very depressing meeting.
12 years ago
Like, you see some notes started. Then where I got bored and decided to draw a picture instead.
12 years ago
This is why I can't have children. I am one.
12 years ago
And that is why we love you.
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