[Yup, I have been going to fashion shows and networking events. @_@. I have a wedding next month so I'm going to die]
[are...you a model?

(( No worries, good luck! I hope it all goes well. ))
[haha no no! I'm a photographer!]
[and thank you ^^ everything is going really well now!}
[OH lol i was like omg you're a model!]
[Haha oh no, I have modeled for few things. But I'm no model. I'm so short xDD]
[I'm short too sigh. that's why i buy high heels lol. i hate my height]
[ i'm probably shorter than you 8D]
(( I'm a little over 5 ft 3 in and you say you're short... ))
[i'm the shortest in my family lol! lily's 17 and she's the same size as me!]
(( I am the shortest among my siblings but I'm conside-- why are all of you saying you're short. ))
[because in my family we like tall people T^T]
(( ...you are all taller than me... ; ; ))
[[lol xD oh my god, is everyone in this RP short?!]
[so far i'm the shortest 8D]
(i'm like a damn amazon warrior...)
(( I'm even shorter than Tsuna ; ; ))
[you are an amazon warrior~]
[aww :'l tsuna mun. /hugs]
(( .../staring at these heights/ Everybody shoosh. ))
[5"6 LOL OMG you're the same age as lily right xD gosh a 17 year old taller than me...]
(i'm dark from swim practice and pretty buff lol so yea i could be an amazon warrior)
(( You hate me, too? Sniffle. Lovely, Hiba-mun. Make evvvveryone jealous. Ha! ))
(( I hate Hibari-mun ; ; /hides in the corner ))
(lol everyone hates me? I'm gonna cry. even though i'm a giant i still have feelings!)
(( How tall is Tsuna-mun? =o= ))
[haha 8D I like that you're tall!]
[tall women are attractive :3]
[lol she can be a model 8D]
(( Whew, I catch a whiff of flirtation. Time to duck out. ))
(model? I'm camera shy lol. i take bad photos anyways. I hate being tall lol! all the guys are around your height xD)
(and you hit things when you stand up)
(( Shorter than Tsuna. Not telling more than that :/ ))
[haha and the flirting just died~]
[haha I want to be tall 8D. I'd attract mooore ladies~]
(wait he was flirting? o_o um lol?)
(lol they said you were flirting? good luck trying to actually flirt with someone like me. i ruin the mood.

(( I was kiddiiiiiiiiiing. =n= Pfft. D'oh well. Funny lost. ))
[hmm i'm curious. What does everyone look like >__>]
(( Flirt with me and I'll call you lolicon -u- ))
[HAHAH there's only one photo i would show people and i dont have it. damn i miss my alien picture D:]
(dark. very dark. lol that's it.)
(( Sorry, I don't like pics much =3= ))
[wow am i the only one who likes picture?]

(( I don't look like a girl. At all. ))
(( I like that hairstyle =u= Nice. ))
[hehe thanks! I love how my hair is two colors 8D]
[ :'l i'm so sad everyone is so shy]
[i'm not shy i just wish i had my funny space picture.]
(( I'm not shy. Aki will get jealous if I show. ))
[you can't just take another picture of me in space lol]
[ :l why can't you go now?]
[pft why i can fly. i just need my jet pack which i dont have]
(( Won't spread photos here. I don't like my pict get taken, but I don't mind giving you in private -u- ))
[do you want my gtalk, skype, or fb 8D?]
[and :l why don't you have your jetpack?!]
[[what's with all these tall people ?? My so very little pride has crushed and flew away with the wind... ;-;]]
(( ...Depending on which picture Yuu shows. Humm. ))
[ACTUALLY BEL MUN. I wanted to show you the pictures of my friend and I cosplay Bel and Fran. ;__; I SHIP THEM SO HARD!!]
[ :'l please tell me you do too]
(( whatever you want, but I don't have skype xD ))
(( Bel-mun, how tall are you? ))
(( Yamamoto-mun, added ))
[[haha...I ship quite a few ppl with Bel...'3' but my main are BelFran and BelMammon...I would really like to see the costly picture!!!

[[...I haven't grown in three years...T^T]]
[eeee!!! <3 Oh my god I LOVE BELFRAN >u<~]
[[yes! They are so freaking cute, they are like an angry old couple! Haha xD]]
[ >__> if you have a gtalk. I might have to ask you to add me so we can RP there]


[[...OMGSHASDFGHJKL!!!!what am I looking at? Are you two angels? What is-oh no the feelings-why won't they stop?!]]
[ My Bel is the cutest Bel in the world;;]
[[I agree! So cute~^^...is gtalk
[[excuse my noob moment , is that google talk?]]
[unless you wanna use something else]
(( omg franxbel spazzing right nowwwwwwww!!!!! So many prettiness all aroundddd Lambo-mun is jealous... AND ME WAN.SEE COSPLAY PICS TOOO ))
[the picture is a little up there

[i have a tumblr of them 8D;;]
[hehe oh my god they are so cute xDD <3]
(( lololol do you cosplay other series I mean :3 you look like such a pro q_q /tears of jealously/ nah my drawings are kids drawings

[i love your drawings ;__;. I have cosplayed from pokemon, hakuouki, panty and stocking, TF2, Hanna is not a Boy's Name, i forgot;;;]
[I'm not a pro

. ]
(( do you have deviantart?

(( sorty having a rushed lunch before going back to work so won't type much. I'll pester yamammy-mun sooon ))
[ hehe

keep pestering me~ And I do, but I don't use it much anymore. I usually put my pictures on fb or if cosplay, then on cure or
[[I don't mind using gtalk

and omg?! Panty and stocking?! Pokemon?! Gah! I must see these!!]]
(( ikrrrr add fb!!!!!!!!! ))
[Yeah XD. I want to do my Red Cosplay again since now I have red contacts and lost a lot of weight

. And I cosplayed Stocking!]
(( friend requested.

going back to work now I shall stalk you later

[ :l Bel-mun. If you ship Green and Red and want to do an RP of it. I will love you to death >__>]
[[o//////o oh Red, oh Green ~! They are one of my childhood ships, I will also love you to death if we can RP that! /melted from memories/]]
[ o//^//o. adddd meee on gtalk nowwww]