I usually love the stuff on Pinterest's main page, but I'm getting pretty tired of the body shaming pins and aggressive pro-life comments.
latest #13
Weird, i don't get any of that when I look at the main page.
Whats a 'body shaming' pin? I have zero pinterest experience
this when you click "everything" or just the Pinterest logo to get things? If it's the Pinterest logo than that is a collection of pins
people you follow have done lately. You need more contacts on there.
i also thought they were no longer allowing the body shaming/ana/etc content? or maybe that was just tumblr?
I'm just referring to the "logged out" pinterest page, which has a lot of stuff that my account doesn't that is interesting.
wow i never seen any of that. o.O
i never see any of that, but never skim pinterest while logged out
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