That annoying cow...
(( Yes, he's back to normal as of...this plurk. ))
/awww no more free hugs!/
/go away, Byakuran, he wants to smother Mukuro with platonic love.
/no now he has to earn his hugs D:/
Oof. /okay okay, that's enough hugging, Spade/
tersely, "So where is that brat?"
(And too bad, Byakuran ;P)
/no, he's incredibly relieved, he will not let go! "Somewhere." Doesn't care.
hmphs. "Did you miss me that much?" he asks mockingly.
growls suddenly and pushes him back, glaring. "If you ever use your illusions on me again I will murder you."
blinks in shock for a moment. Then a corner of his mouth quicks up. "Why, are you ashamed I have greater skill?" he teases lightly.
I've had enough of being nice. /advancing on the poor child now with his trident/
flails. "F-fighting is no good..."
's red with anger. "And don't go against me again, either. Especially not with Giotto. You're lucky you were cute when I came after you."

/Well, he's sort of glad one person is normal again.
D-don't hurt Lambo, please!! >_<;;
pauses, glaring at the crowd.
to Daemon, "I'll make it up to you later. Once I've dealth with this cow."
Don't try and stop me, Vongola.
nods, visibly mollified. Go kill the cow.
Don't kill hicoughhim!! >_<;;
/just...terrorise him (</
Step aside,
Sawada Tsunayoshi.
o___o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /whips out cannon and fires it at Mukuro again/
dodges it this time, around Tsuna, and launches himself at Lambo with a snarl.
hugs Lambo protectively >_<
comes to a halt. Unhand the cow! "Vongola..." he says threateningly.
N-no! Don't you have a shame?! Hi--/cough/ hitting a little kid like him!
Tsuna-nii... /teary eyes filled with gratitude/
You wouldn't say that if I were attacking the Arcobaleno.
Re-Reborn isn't a normal kid!! /coughs violently/
D-don't bully Tsuna-nii! D:
gestures with his weapon to Lambo. "Nor is he..." Frown. "Are you sick?"
Lambo and Reborn are di-- /coughs again, trying to shakes his head at Mukuro's question/
eyes the cow unfavourably, as if the child is somehow to blame for the cough as well. "All the abuse the Arcobaleno has thrown at him-
It's because Reborn wasn't serious...
takes a step closer. "I won't harm him either. Only scare him," he says sweetly.
that can't too!! >_<;; /hugs Lambo tighter/
's glare intensifies. He looms over Tsuna, saying quietly, "Hand. Him. Over." Or else assert your don-ly authority or something.
No! /will protect Lambo from Mukuro!/
snarls and lashes out suddenly.
protects Lambo from him with his own body. Preparing himself for whatever will he do
throws a grenade at Mukuro. >< "D-don't hurt Tsuna-nii!!"
knocks the grenade away and it explodes behind him. Are you sure you want to use your body, Tsuna? He might scratch you. ;|
scared, but Lambo probably even more scared than him!
furious with Lambo. So he comes after them looking even more frightening than usual.
not let Mukuro harm Lambo!
appears to take on the form of some shadowy monster, which he has thrust its face close to Lambo's with a growl.
dodges it, with Lambo still in his arms /cough
/a cage forms around the two - how will Tsuna avoid that? O:/
o__o;; "M-Muku-- /cough/ro!! Let us go!!"
sneers at Lambo. "As if you do." He doesn't remember wearing that uniform ever.
I'll let you out if you hand over the Bovino.
Never! /coughs violently again. It's hurt.../
(( does that mean i post it on plurk?

(( ...yes, though he'll hate you forever and ever for it )
You're in no state to argue, Vongola. Not with that cough. /reaching through to grab Lambo--/
(( so how do i hand it over?

(( You just...post the picture. And say that he's given it over? .__. ))
hides Lambo in his hug, still coughing
shares 12 years ago
h-here... /hands it over/
stunned; why does he have such thing?
(( -mun rolls around laughing ))
Lambo found it! But Lambo thinks Mukuro-nii won't want it spread around so...
can't believe Lambo really had such a thing D<
You had better not have made copies of this...
Lambo is good! Lambo wouldn't! ):
glares at the picture...then tucks it away. The cage disappears. "This doesn't mean I'll forget," he warns.
sighs in relief "T-Thank you, Muku--/cough/"
hmphs. The trident dissipates. "And you should see a doctor. I don't want to possess a sickly boy."