Madeline is
12 years ago
vegging out today and watching movies.
latest #163
12 years ago
couldn't believe it had been this long since she saw her friend... She walked up to her door and looked around before knocking on her door.
12 years ago
blinks up at the sound of the door, never usually expecting guests. She fixes herself and steps over to the door. She blinks
12 years ago
in surprise, though a big smiles crosses her face when she sees who it is. "Angelien!"
12 years ago
nodded a little to her. "Hallo, Madeline." She had pulled her coat a bit closer to herself, getting a little chilled. "Are you busy?"
12 years ago
notices that it's cold again, stepping aside to let her in. "Ah.. no, not really? Just watching movies," she smiles.
12 years ago
made her way in a bit, taking her long boots off and putting them close to the door. She ran a slim hand through her hair after. "Great. I >
12 years ago
need a break." Even though she had just gotten back from work.
12 years ago
would think that's the best time for a break, really. "Well, you can come join me, or we can do something else?" she asks. She had been
12 years ago
watching silly romantic comedies, mostly.
12 years ago
shrugged her shoulders as she hung up her coat. "That sounds good. I need a beer though. I've been through some annoying things lately."
12 years ago
nods. "Make yourself at home, I'll go grab some." With that, she hurries off to the kitchen to grab them some beer and snacks.
Angelien was
12 years ago
happy to be in familiar territory. She walked over to the couch, still knowing the layout of the house before seating herself on one side.
12 years ago
comes back in and sets chips on the table, handing a beer to Angie and taking another for herself as she flopped back down into her spot.
12 years ago
opened the beer and leaned back, taking a long drink of the beer. "Refreshing..."
12 years ago
smiles, relaxing into her seat. "Would you like me to start from here or from the beginning?" She hadn't gotten very far in the story yet.
12 years ago
shrugged her shoulders and rubbed her eye."It's okay here.I might fall asleep anyways."She wouldn't mean to, but she had been through a lot.
12 years ago
blinks at this. "Ah, if you want to nap, I can set up the guest bed for you?" she offers with a smile.
Angelien was
12 years ago
tempted by that but shook her head no. "Dank u, but this is good." She sipped at her beer some more.
12 years ago
hums softly, nodding. "Alright then," she smiles, hitting play. She relaxes back into the couch, sipping her drink too.
12 years ago
held her beer closely, ever so faintly fidgeting her fingers on the can.She couldn't really concentrate properly on the movie,unfortunately.
Madeline is
12 years ago
watching the movie quite happily, since she already knew the start of the story. She's a little oblivious.
12 years ago
sipped quietly at her beer as to not disturb the other. She sighed quietly, not really wanting to bother the other, but she had a few >
12 years ago
questions stuck in her head that were bothering herself.
12 years ago
wouldn't mind being asked, she was just oblivious to it at the moment.
12 years ago
waited for a slow part of the movie and finished her beer. "Hey, Madeline..."
12 years ago
blinks, glancing up at her. "Yeah?" she answers, smiling.
12 years ago
slowly looked over to her. "Can you tell me... about what happened...?" She hadn't been well informed about the counterparts, or what >
12 years ago
had happened to their world.
12 years ago
blinks at this, not sure what she's referring to at first. "What happened...? Oh, like the other nations and shit?"
12 years ago
nodded quietly to her. "I finally get home after a too long business trip, and find Dorthe living there. With her 'boyfriend' who is a male>
12 years ago
version of me. I just don't understand..."
12 years ago
hums softly, trying to think it over. She hadn't really gotten much of an explanation either really, just woke up in this place one day. "Ah
12 years ago
well.... I'm not really sure myself. It seems like we got shifted into an alternate universe or something...? No one seems to have any
12 years ago
idea, but we're coping.."
12 years ago
groaned annoyed and nods. "Alright. So Dorthe was telling the truth." She curled up a bit on the couch, more so for her own comforting.
12 years ago
nods, noticing her annoyance. She smiles sympathetically, patting her back. "Sorry. We get used to it though..."
12 years ago
appreciated the comfort. "I apparently have no where to live now too. Dorthe seems to have sex everyday in what use to be my bedroom."
12 years ago
blinks at this, hesitating only a moment. "I'm sure you can stay here! I don't know if Matthew has another guest room, but if not you
12 years ago
can bunk with me...."
12 years ago
looked at her and nodded faintly. "So, he does actually live here... Whatever. I'd not mind bunking with you."
12 years ago
[Sorry, but I gotta go out now... I'll be back another time to reply though!]
12 years ago
((okay have fun~))
12 years ago
smiles. "Yeah he does. We haven't had any problems though, he's usually busy..." There was really just that one time made things a little
12 years ago
awkward... but that's okay. "If you're uncomfortable with sharing a bed I can just set up on the couch downstairs, no problem," she
12 years ago
offers with a smile.
12 years ago
shook her head at the other. "I don't mind sharing a bed. Dorthe use to sleep in my bed a lot whenever she got too drunk or high to go home>
12 years ago
." She ran her hand through her hair gently. "When can I start staying over...?" She didn't really want to hear the noises the other two>
12 years ago
made normally at night
12 years ago
12 years ago
smiles at this. "Oh, that's easier then," she hums at the question, tapping her lip. "Anytime you want? As I said, I don't think
12 years ago
Matthew will mind."
12 years ago
nodding her head a bit as she got up to throw out the empty beer. "I'll go and gather up my belongings then. I'll be back later." She >
12 years ago
stopped after putting her boots and coat on. "Is there anything you want from my place?"
12 years ago
hums at this, starting to stand. "Ah.. do you need any help?" she offers, shaking her head at the question. "...not unless you
12 years ago
want to bring over a little to smoke," she chuckles, half kidding.
12 years ago
thought for a moment before shrugging and nodding. "Sure, I could use some help now that I think about it." She had a feeling Canada would >
12 years ago
want something to smoke... they had good times in the past after all. Even if she didn't mention it she would have brought some over.
12 years ago
nods, hopping up from her spot to get her shoes on. She grabs a jacket, ready to help with whatever necessary!
12 years ago
smiles faintly at how eager the other was. She walked outside soon after and got into her car.
12 years ago
climbed into the passenger's side, buckling up. She liked being helpful.
12 years ago
started off to her house once the other was buckled in. She was starting to make a mental note of what things she wanted to take.
12 years ago
stays quiet, turning on the radio as they went.
12 years ago
liked Madeline's company. She liked quiet people, and people who kept to themselves mostly.
Madeline is
12 years ago
likely the best candidate for that, unless you caught her in one of her sports moods.
12 years ago
would admit that she liked seeing her in a sports mood. She got riled up during football, and liked to enjoy watching Madeline get riled >
12 years ago
up with hockey. It was fun, and one of the only times she'd not act her normal self.
Madeline likes
12 years ago
it too, though right now she's quietly tapping her foot along to the radio. -u-
12 years ago
really liked her company. After many hours they got to her house, and she parked in the driveway before getting out and taking a much >
12 years ago
needed stretch.
12 years ago
eventually fell asleep in the car, not noticing the hours pass. She wakes up blearily, head leaning heavily against the glass.
12 years ago
made her way to the house once she had fully stretched her limbs. She didn't like being cramped in a car for so long.
12 years ago
makes her way up the walk as well, rubbing her eyes. She was glad she didn't need to think about this too much.
12 years ago
got inside and went to her room to pack some clothes. "If you could gather some art supplies that would be great. Just whatever you find and
12 years ago
> can fit into a bag."
12 years ago
nods, going off to do so. She had been over enough times to know where things were, regardless of the weird world mix up.
12 years ago
finished packing her bags of clothes a little while later, sighing quietly to herself. She couldn't believe she was leaving what use to be >
12 years ago
her house. Either way she made her way back downstairs, making sure her rabbits things were packed, as well as some of her stashes.
12 years ago
wouldn't think much of it, she had come to think of Matthew's house as exactly that. It had the same layout, but none of her decorative
12 years ago
touches. She finishes her task before stepping back out to find Angie.
12 years ago
didn't like to admit that she had liked the art in this house, which she assumed was done by the male Netherlands. She nodded at the small >
12 years ago
Canadian as she brought her things out side and started packing them into the car.
12 years ago
helps her carry them out and shove everything into the car, a little haphazard but it worked. "Is there anything else you need?"
12 years ago
looked back to the house and shook her head. "No. I got everything I need here..."
12 years ago
nods then, smiling a little. "Did you need me to drive back, or...?"
12 years ago
rubbed an eye lightly. "If it's not a problem for you, I'd not mind a little nap in the passanger seat. I'm not so good with long drives."
12 years ago
nods, moving aroud to climb into the driver's side. "Oh of course," she smiles, having to adjust the seat for herself.
12 years ago
got into the passenger seat after and got comfortable. She could already feel her eyes starting to betray her and begin to close.
12 years ago
smiles and pulls out, starting the long drive back and keeping the music at a peacefully low level.
12 years ago
had fallen asleep after an hour of driving. She had her arms crossed and her head tilted forward and slightly to the side.
12 years ago
mouths along to the radio, careful not to wake her. They arrive after a long while, Madeline super glad to finally be home again.
12 years ago
had started to wake up once they were off the highway. She covered her mouth before giving a yawn and rubbing her eyes. "Damn..."
12 years ago
smiles, sparing her a quick glance. "Good morning," she hums softly.
12 years ago
opened the door of the car and got out, stretching her arms and back. "Danku. Again." She looked around a while before unpacking her >
12 years ago
belongings, making sure her rabbit was one of the first into the house. It needed to get use to its surroundings.
12 years ago
smiles, helping her unload things into the house, though she pauses to say hello to the rabbit and... maybe gets a little distracted.
12 years ago
did not mind since she had to drive through the trip. After getting her things in she closed the trunk of the car and walked back inside >
12 years ago
to go settle her things in her friends room.
12 years ago
smiles and plays with the bunny until she remembers she's supposed to be helping, but by then there's not much left to carry
12 years ago
up. She picks up the bunny cage and takes it up with her to her room, glancing around at the boxes.
12 years ago
scratched the back of her head. "I didn't mean to bring this much with me, hopefully it won't make moving around the room difficult."
12 years ago
shrugs, setting the bunny on the bed. "No worries, I'm sure we can organize it all..." she hums, starting to shove her own things out of
12 years ago
the way to clear up some space.
12 years ago
went along to push her boxes and things to the side. She made sure her rabbit would be alright on the bed, she didn't want him falling off.
12 years ago
had kept him in the cage, and she doesn't think it'll fall off. She hums softly, piling things she didn't need in the back of the
12 years ago
closet before putting Angie's boxes in.
12 years ago
sat on the bed once she was done and took her rabbit into her lap. "Danku for the help. It would have taken a lot longer if I did it >
12 years ago
12 years ago
smiles, brushing her hair back with a smile as she finishes up. "Of course, no problem," she replies, flopping on the bed
12 years ago
next to her. "It'll be like an extended sleepover party," she laughs.
12 years ago
smiled a tad and nodded her head. "Ja. It will be nice having you as company." She unpacked a few of her Miffy plushes and put them >
12 years ago
on the bed.
12 years ago
smiles, she liked the cute plush toys. "Well I hope so eh?" She hums, relaxing against the bed.
12 years ago
looked to the female and ran a hand through her hair loosely. "Do you want to go out for dinner? It's a little late, and you've helped >
12 years ago
a lot today."
12 years ago
hums softly, looking up at her. "Sure, anywhere in particular you wanna go?"
12 years ago
shook her head. "You're country, your area. I'm sure you know where the best places to eat are."
12 years ago
smiles. "Well there's a diner down the road, or we can go somewhere fancier if you'd like?"
12 years ago
smiled a little at the Canadian. "A diner is fine. I'm not picky, as long as I don't get Spanish food I'll be happy."
12 years ago
nods, debating over the places before sitting up. "There's Zak's nearby, it's a good little spot," she suggests.
12 years ago
got up and opened the cage of her rabbit to pet him a bit. "Sounds good. Do you need to prepare before we go?"
12 years ago
shakes her head, standing up. "Nah, it's just a diner, we can go like this."
12 years ago
went to the front door again to get her jacket and shoes on. She rubbed her stomach as to help it not make a sound. The thought of food >
12 years ago
now was making her hungry.
12 years ago
smiles at her, slipping on her shoes and heading out, waiting for Angelien On the porch before setting off to walk towards the diner.
12 years ago
quickly caught up with her and kept in step. She liked being in Canada, the land always seemed to relax her.
12 years ago
smiles softly as she leads the way, looking up at the sky. When they get there, she holds the door open for her.
12 years ago
thanked her quietly as she walked in and looked around. Nothing fancy, but she wasn't picky. And didn't expect anything fancy really.
12 years ago
smiles, grabbing a couple menus and tugging her over to a table by the window.
Angelien was
12 years ago
glad she chose that, she liked people watching, no matter what time of day. She took the menu and started looking through it in detail.
12 years ago
already knew what she was getting- this diner had the best poutine. She folded her menu and contented herself with looking out the
12 years ago
window while Angie chose.
12 years ago
eventually settled for a chicken salad. She wanted to know how different it was from the kinds back home.
12 years ago
smiles when she notices she chose, catching the eye of the waitress and motioning her over, placing her order.
12 years ago
gave her order shortly after. She was glad her English had improved greatly over the years.
12 years ago
smiels, handing off the menus and relaxing back in her seat, glancing out the window.
12 years ago
looked out as well and people watched. "I missed this place, in all honesty."
12 years ago
blinks at that. "What, here? Not much exciting happens here..."
12 years ago
shrugged her shoulders, leans back in her seat. "But it's so different from home. And this is one of the only places I'd visit willingly."
12 years ago
flushes a bit but shakes her head. "How odd... I guess we always want to escape our own countries, eh.."
12 years ago
took another look inside the diner. "I guess. But I just like it here because of... well, our history. It's like my second home."
12 years ago
nods, smiling softly. "Well, there is that too, of course.." she hums softly, the waitress bringing them their drinks.
12 years ago
took her water and sipped a bit. "We go way back, don't we?" She smiled a tiny bit while looking into her water.
12 years ago
smiles, stirring her milkshake. "Yeah, I guess we do eh..."
12 years ago
sipped more of her water and licked her lips as the food arrived. "Wonderful, it looks great too."
12 years ago
smiles at this, sitting back to let the waitress put it down. "It's always good here," she nods.
12 years ago
took her fork and gently started picking at the food and eating. She bobbed her head, confirming that it was great food.
12 years ago
smiles, doing about the same as she started in on her meal.
12 years ago
covered her mouth as she sat back and chewed her food. "Thanks again, for allowing me to stay..."
12 years ago
nods at that. "Of course eh? I wouldn't turn you out."
12 years ago
ate a few more pieces of lettuce with a rare faint smile on her face. "I'm glad. I don't know who else I'd stay with."
12 years ago
smiles softly. "You're always welcome here."
12 years ago
finished her meal a few moments later, taking the napkin and wiping her mouth with it before putting it on her plate. "I'll remember that >
12 years ago
for if I need to escape my house and land again."
12 years ago
chuckles softly, nodding. "I know how weird it can be living with your other self.."
12 years ago
looked down and before she knew it she was folding her napkin, doing some kinds of origami. "It was just a shock. But, if we're similar >
12 years ago
then I guess it wouldn't be too bad living together."
12 years ago
shrugs. "Matty's pretty similar to me, so I guess it works.."
12 years ago
sipped more of her drink as she watched people walk across the sidewalk outside. "I hope so. I guess he would have the same kind of >
12 years ago
history that we have? Like him and the other Nederlander."
12 years ago
nods, humming into her drink. "Yeah,pretty much. Some details changed, but mostly the same."
12 years ago
nodded a little as she continued to look outside, getting sidetracked and got lost in thought. She was curious about the male Canadian now.
Madeline thinks
12 years ago
he's pretty sweet, though she's a little awkward around him now. >3<\
12 years ago
tilted her head a bit. "Why are you awkward about him?"
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