♥Livy♥ is
15 years ago
reading TRINNY AND SUSANNAH books of how to style ourselves properly. Great books, full of pictures and useful tips. I really (heart) them.
latest #10
♥Livy♥ says
15 years ago
seems like they have their own TV shows. Too bad I can't have them in my cable TV. I'm gonna look in YouTube (goodluck)
♥Livy♥ says
15 years ago
:-o owww... that's too bad. I really like their fashion tastes on real bodies. They make women feel beautiful+happy under their own skins.
♥Livy♥ says
15 years ago
you're right, it's a good show. But I can't find any in YouTube :'-(
GladysLineng says
15 years ago
i might be need some fashion tips for val's day ^^
Murphy ! says
15 years ago
Asha, you are such a cutie! Just thought i would let you know
♥Livy♥ says
15 years ago
lady_muffin, I'll lend them to you after I finished with them ;-)
♥Livy♥ says
15 years ago
sooo AGREE with you, LetharJoe :-))
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