Dusan needs
15 years ago
links! What Web sites do you consider "go to" sources for 'serious' virtual world info?
latest #23
15 years ago
terranova.blogs.com/ is a serious VW and other blog
Dusan says
15 years ago
yeah - totally. Egg-heady a bit haha
Dusan says
15 years ago
what would you recommend to a boss who wants to learn about VWs
15 years ago
I keep an eye on VirtualWorldNews.com
Valiant says
15 years ago
I would put together a PowerPoint, describing VW concepts with embedded machinima, links, etc. that is targeted towards his industry
15 years ago
no, wait...wrong link..sorry...wait...
Valiant says
15 years ago
Depending on what the goal is, you might want this delivered by a 3rd party ;-)
Tateru says
15 years ago
Isn't the usual process here to go to Butler or Gartner or someone and purchase a report that supports your position?
15 years ago
it is www.VirtualWorldsNews.co... -- with an "s" after worlds.
15 years ago
to a boss, show this one
Valiant says
15 years ago
Dusan says
15 years ago
tateru - yeah, but i've BOUGHT those and they suck and don't say anything
Dusan says
15 years ago
um Shopping Cart Disco Dami? haha
Dusan says
15 years ago
LifeFactory - good call for sure.
Dusan says
15 years ago
I like Metaverse Journal from australia kind of.
Valiant says
15 years ago
I like LifeFactory 's suggestion too. Although, as a side note: Does anyone else find it ironic that Engage expo is not virtual?
Dusan says
15 years ago
Engage expo is hmmm. No comment.
Tateru says
15 years ago
VWestland I think 'ironic' is less an appropriate term than 'sad'.
Valiant says
15 years ago
Agreed Tateru !
15 years ago
There was a panel at the VW Expo in LA in Sept titled: "how to talk about SL to your boss without sounding crazy." You might be able to...
15 years ago
find those notes online, which I recall had some very good tips/links.
15 years ago
a ton of very good ones here : virtual-worlds.alltop.co...
Dusan says
15 years ago
ohh thanks Bevan forgot about alltop - but how come they don't have Dusan Writer!
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