12 years ago
[Artie~] shifts from one foot to the other outside Arthur's door. His hands are behind his back, clutching a bouquet of brilliant red that
latest #30
12 years ago
perfectly match the blush dusting his cheeks. If Arthur doesn't answer the door he might just take a nose-dive into the bushes out of pure
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nervousness and embarrassment.
12 years ago
hasn't been feeling terribly well this week, and he's fairly sure that he hasn't seen the sun for more than a total of half an hour all week
12 years ago
-there's so much bloody rain, so he's just been hiding inside, drinking tea and reading. It's a bit of a surprise when he hears a knock at
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the door, as most people wouldn't want to be in this weather, but he hastens to the door, opening it. "...Matthew? What...ah..." His eyes
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travel from the man's face (always a welcome, comforting sight,) to the bouquet of roses in his hands,and his cheeks flush in a mixture of
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surprise and embarassment.
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smiles widely and nervously when Arthur answers the door. He all but shoves the roses at him- much more forcefully than he intended,
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stammering out a quiet, "Hello Arthur, t-these are for you." And resuming his earlier standing and being overall blushy and embarrassed, as
Matthew is
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his usual state of being when around the Englishman. He thinks over what he was going to say besides just 'these are yours' "Erm... I-I saw
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these and thought of you and decided to buy them... For you. A-and I hope you like them." His heart is beating too fast, he decides, if it
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keeps up this constant hammering it might just pop out- like Russia's. Or he'll have a heart attack or... He needs to calm down.
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looks rather flabbergasted, tightly clasping his hands around the base of the bouquet to keep from dropping it. He's not sure what to say-
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noone's ever done something like this for him before(and the frog doesn't count, because he gives flowers to everyone)-but he doesn't want
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to just leave Matthew standing there while he stares like a moron. Unprompted, his face breaks into a small smile, and he leans in briefly,
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kissing the younger lad's cheek. "Thank you," he murmurs,"T-They're lovely..." He turns to go and fetch a vase for them, opening the door a
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bit wider. "Ah...why don't you come in and sit for a while? I'll make take yours with maple syrup, don't you?"
Matthew is
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unnerved by Arthur's silence until words do come from his mouth and a kiss is planted on his cheek. "Y-you're welcome." He murmurs happily,
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reaching up to touch the skin of his cheek that was kissed, as if he could feel with his hands exactly where those lips made contact. With a
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small nod, he takes a step inside. "Mm-hmm. I take maple with everything." He comments with a quiet, tinkling laugh. Tea would certainly
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help ease his nerves, which have yet to realize that everything is okay now as he's still a little shaky.
12 years ago
grabs a tall glass vase out of the storage room,(right next to the bags of topsoil and scattered rose petals, having lost their colour long
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ago but not their memories-how ironic) filling it with cool water and setting the roses by the windowsill. Humming softly to himself, he
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puts the kettle on the stove to heat water. His less-than-pleasant week already seems like a thing of the past, and he pulls up two chairs,
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making himself comfortable in one and gesturing to the other. "Haha, yes, I suppose I should have assumed that much. How have you been
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getting on, luv?"
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takes a seat in the chair prepared for him, thanking him politely. "Oh, I've been okay. It's been kind of... Er, quiet and lonely around my
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house lately." He answers, looking down at his hands in his lap. "Although that's not much different from normal." Silence and loneliness
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isn't unheard of for him, after all, but lately it just seemed thicker or less tolerable. Looking back up, he smiles a little, trying to
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push away from the current subject. "How have you been, Arthur?"
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