Momma Ninja says
12 years ago
It is going to take dynamite to get me out of bed in the morning and strong coffee to convince me to come to SHINE.
latest #7
TheSensei says
12 years ago
i too know this feeling...only not for shine,
Church♥Mouse says
12 years ago
Well, I saw you there...shall I assume there is now a small hole in your brand new home? ;-)
Church♥Mouse says
12 years ago
I really had trouble getting out of bed for SHINE this morning.
Momma Ninja says
12 years ago
It wasn't as bad as I had feared. Emily, though, got up at 7 so she could work on a paper that had to be in by noon today.
Momma Ninja says
12 years ago
That was after staying in Fayette until I was off of work yesterday, which was around midnight.
Momma Ninja says
12 years ago
She had been up since 5 yesterday morning so she was tired and stressed.
Church♥Mouse says
12 years ago
:-( Poor Em.
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