would come with a blanket if only Alaude didn't so discourage his stalking~
doesn't need a blanket. Shivering helps warm him......
that's pathetic. He's not sure whether to come anyway or not.
probably be sick for the trip to France then.
can't let that happen! Oh, fine. He'll risk Alaude's wrath!
a nice blanket that he carrrrrefully wraps around Alaude's shoulders.
freezes, hoping he doesn't wake up, and a little worried that the blanket's warm enough.
sighs in relief. His confidence is bolstered. Maybe...a little kiss on the cheek? He wouldn't wake up from that, would he?
sneaks over and kisses his cheek softly. Please don't wake up--!
's fist comes from below at Daemon's chin.
yelps, reeling back and rubbing his jaw. "Ooow! Ah bith mah thungue!" He glares with a frown. "You were awake the whole time."
grumbles, looking at him incredulously, before he turns and leaves, looking rather disappointed.
mumbles in his sleep, "Daemon..."
stops in his tracks, turning to look at Alaude with a shocked expression. At first he thinks he's caught but then his expression softens.
continues mumbling, "This watermelon really looks like Daemon..."
's eye twitches. He's not sure whether to be flattered that Alaude's thinking about him or upset about the subject matter.