slicing the watermelons especially.
modern technology is very interesting.
what the obsession with watermelon smashing is.
discovers Fruit Facts in the game. Apparently pineapples are not a single fruit, but a cluster of up to 200 fruitlets.
not quite sure what to think of that...
discovers that unripe pineapples are toxic too. Is this really true?
no idea. But when thinking about a certain pineapple, he can't help but think it's a good alliteration.
reads, "The largest watermelon ever grown was 262 pounds." He eyes Daemon.
glares. "I'm quite healthily 142!"
taller and has wider shoulders.
You're petite. I'm over six foot!

Oh look, it's the pineapple fruitlets.
if he can try this after reading that early explorers used watermelons as canteens to carry their water supplies.
At least watermelons are useful. Unlike little birds.
Miners use birds to check for gas leaks in mines. If they die, there is gas. (<
stomps for Mukuro's foot.
snickers. How true! He pats Alaude's shoulder mockingly.
moves his foot away, chuckling.
addicted to the game, so he's going to get a real knife and tries to slice the fruits in front of him with ninja speed.
yelps and beats a hasty retreat, glaring. "Decaf!"
leaps out of the way, wary of the mad skylark.
declines decaf. Watch him toss knives at both of you.
shakes his head. No, Alaude needs to start drinking decaf. To Mukuro: "Run?"
nods, ducking beneath the knives. Time to flee, predecessor!