12 years ago
my very good boyfriend has a 2nd facebook account that is super private and all of his listed friends are GIRLS from different places.. -.-
latest #27
Mistake Not... says
12 years ago
Oh well I have a Skype especially for this purpose too. But I'm not the relationship kind. More the flirt-fling type of person.
Mistake Not... says
12 years ago
Confront him but slowly. Get him to show you what it's about.
miLeyzmiLey says
12 years ago
tsss nevermind.. i added his acct with my dummy account.. so, i will still know all of his activities
miLeyzmiLey says
12 years ago
Jan Jahre
12 years ago
.... that's... that's just... um...
miLeyzmiLey says
12 years ago
whut? -.-
Jan Jahre
12 years ago
That's kind of going too far, don't you think?
miLeyzmiLey says
12 years ago
well, i just wanna know what is it that he's doing
Jan Jahre
12 years ago
spOnggy: I'm sure... but there has to be a limit. There's a reason why there is a thing called right to privacy.
Mistake Not... says
12 years ago
spOnggy: Girls have their secrets too 'ya know. Even more than guys
miLeyzmiLey says
12 years ago
but ...
Jan Jahre
12 years ago
spOnggy: Think about it. Would you like your guy to know everything that's going on with you at the moment?
Jan Jahre
12 years ago
Would you like the idea of him thinking that every guy or guy friend you meet up or hang out with is somebody trying to take his place?
Mistake Not... says
12 years ago
If you trust him leave him to it for now. Give a him a bit of time and he'll open up.
Jan Jahre
12 years ago
It gets creepy.
miLeyzmiLey says
12 years ago
well,, nothing is going on with my life as of the moment that he wont like
miLeyzmiLey says
12 years ago
what if he wont..? :-(
Jan Jahre
12 years ago
spOnggy: That's a risk you have to take. Trust begets trust.
Mistake Not... says
12 years ago
He will if he trusts you. If he loves you he'll trust you.
miLeyzmiLey says
12 years ago
well, a part of me understands why he is doing that.. he is a seafarer, and no girls over there!!!
Mistake Not... says
12 years ago
He's a sailor? On what kind of ship? Cruise? Cargo?
miLeyzmiLey says
12 years ago
tssss... i think i better leave everything to him .. its his choice..
Jan Jahre
12 years ago
Mistake Not... says
12 years ago
Military? Pirate god forbid?
miLeyzmiLey says
12 years ago
Mistake Not... says
12 years ago
miLeyzmiLey says
12 years ago
yah... sooo no girls for 9months... except if they will go somewhere when they get to the port
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