Church♥Mouse says
13 years ago
I might actually bring food to pot luck this month (since I planned it ahead of time and put it on the menu and grocery list.) How does
latest #13
Church♥Mouse says
13 years ago
Meat Loaf (Kate Style--using Italian seasonings and Tomato Sauce on top) sound?
Church♥Mouse says
13 years ago
Is bringing meat loaf to pot luck weird?
Church♥Mouse says
13 years ago
(I've never really seen anyone else do it before, but it is so easy to make, I thought it might work.)
Momma Ninja says
13 years ago
I would eat your meatloaf!! (if there was any left when I went through the line)
RooshabyTNT says
13 years ago
I think meatloaf is a great idea. You're right, no one ever brings that, so it will be a nice addition.
Church♥Mouse says
13 years ago
Thank you both! I wondered why nobody ever brings it--perhaps because beef is so expensive? Then again, some of the items people bring
Church♥Mouse says
13 years ago
have to be at least ALMOST as expensive, after you add all the ingredients (let alone how time-consuming some things are to make.)
Church♥Mouse says
13 years ago
I don't have time to mess with it. I love bringing deviled eggs, but they take forever.
Church♥Mouse says
13 years ago
Anyway...I doubt it will be all gone before you get there, viane. I am doubling the recipe and am actually afraid I'll be bringing home a
Church♥Mouse says
13 years ago
bunch of leftovers, with all the other main dishes people bring. I don't know, sometimes it depends on the month and who comes.
Church♥Mouse says
13 years ago
We shall see.
Church♥Mouse says
13 years ago
(And my recipe is not all ground beef, so it's not as expensive as one might think, but don't tell anyone.) ;-)
Church♥Mouse says
13 years ago
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