Matthew has
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just accidentally locked himself in his attic while trying to clean it. He's misplaced his cellphone and now he's pretty much stuck there
latest #228
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until either a. someone shows up at his house (which he's not counting on) or b. hunger and boredom get the best of him and he climbs out
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the window. It's been 2 hours. He's starting to see the appeal in climbing out more and more with each passing second.
Arthur has
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stopped by to pick up a few things that he accidentally left behind after staying during the holidays. He's been waiting on the porch for a
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good ten minutes, however, and the other still hasn't come to greet him. Letting out a soft sigh, he fishes out the spare key he had made,
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unlocking the door and walking inside. "Matthew? Are you here?"
Matthew thinks
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he hears some sound from downstairs and walks over to the door. "Hello? Is someone there?" He calls, in a softer tone than he intended.-
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sometimes regrets not being so loud. Taking a deep breath, he tries to raise his voice a bit more. "Hello? I'm locked in! Help!"
Arthur has
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to strain his ears to hear, but when Matthew's voice drifts down to him from the attic he quickly makes his way upstairs, spying a ladder in
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the middle of the hallway, leaning against a trapdoor in the ceiling. "I hear you, Matthew! You're up in the attic? Is there some sort of
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key or do I just need to push it open?"
Matthew is
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both relieved and a little frustrated with himself. "Um... There's a key, but I don't remember where I set it down..." Why did he have to be
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cursed with a terrible memory? It got him in so much trouble... "B-but I think it might be somewhere near the ladder...?" He tries, leaning
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against the door. Maybe Arthur will be able to find the key and get him out. Or maybe he just screwed himself over and he's going to end up
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climbing down from a window 10-25 feet above the ground.
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does a quick sweep of the hallway, spotting a small, silver key not too far from the ladder. "Ah, yes, I think I see. Just hold tight for a
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bit." He replies, in what he hopes is a soothing manner, picking up the key and carefully making his way up the ladder. To his relief, the
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key easily slides into the lock and, with a quiet 'click', he pushes the attic door open and is immediantly bombarded with a heavy pile of
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dust. Coughing and now very dirty,(though, on the plus side, at least he hadn't worn one of his more expensive suits,) he climbs into the
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attic, trying, to no avail, to brush the dust off his clothes. "Well, we know the key works...where are you, poppet?"
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smiles widely at that, relief flowing through him. Arthur found the key! Hooray! Everything is bright and right with the world again. He
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looks up when the briton walks into the room, standing and going over to him to give him a big hug. He doesn't care that they're both
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covered in dust and that Arthur's wearing a rather nice suit that doesn't look as though it'll take kindly to having dust all over it. He's
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just happy to be out of the hellhole of an attic. "Arthur! Thank God! I thought I was going to be stuck here forever..." He exclaims with a
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nervous, happy laugh.
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makes a small, surprised noise in the back of his throat, nearly toppling over but quickly righting himself, wrapping his arms around
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Matthew in return with a quiet chuckle. "It's nice to see you, too...I'm guessing you've been up here for a while, hm?" He muses, doing a
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quick visual sweep of the attic. It's not terribly large but it's mostly empty, everything shoved into a few boxes which are pushed, more or
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less neatly, into a corner. There certainly is a hell of a lot of dust, though... "How on earth did you even get stuck up here? Were you
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nods against Arthur's shoulder, pulling away a bit. "I think I've been up here for about 2 hours." He's not completely sure though, since
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the only clocks he has up here have stopped or are slightly broken and he still has yet to pick up a habit of wearing a watch. Not that he
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even has one in the first place. But the idea seems appealing, even if he would lose it. "Oh, um, I was cleaning, yes. I accidentally left
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the key by the ladder after I came up here and then shut the door without thinking. It automatically locks and... Well... I got stuck." He
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explains with a little shrug of his shoulders.
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can't help but chuckle softly at that, walking over to the ladder and climbing back down into the hallway. It isn't that he finds the
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situation (and, consequently, Matthew's misfortune) amusing, but it just seems, to a T, like the sort of thing the Canadian would do. "
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Well, then, I suppose you're lucky that I came along, aren't you?" He hums playfully, motioning for the other to come down as well. "I just
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came to pick up a few things I forgot, but...if you don't mind, I think I'll stick around a bit longer. Just in case you get into anymore
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12 years ago
walks over to the ladder and climbs down slowly after the Briton. "Ah? I am, I am! I thought I was going to have to climb out the window. No
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one usually comes by my house and it's not like Kuma or Kia can get me out..." He says, reaching the bottom with a thud and a relieved smile
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at finally being out of the attic and safe again in a not-locked part of his house. "Hmm. I... That sounds good. Except, I won't get into
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anymore trouble." Talking as though he knows. It's actually more likely for him to, rather than not, get into more trouble with his luck.
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's lips quirk up in a small smile, obviously unconvinced. It wasn't too hard to see where the lad got his stubborn streak from, though it
Arthur was
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almost never as prominent as his brother's. Granted, that was one of the many things that made Matthew better than his brother, but
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Arthur wasn't the type to go around blatantly declaring these things. Wrapping his arms around the Canadian's shoulders, he starts down the
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hallway, determined to get his things off the porch before they get eaten by a bear or stolen. Not that that sort of thing is common in
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this area, but one can never be too careful. "True...but in that case, you'll have to be careful, poppet-I'm world-renowned for causing
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trouble, you know~"
Matthew will
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have to make sure to be extra careful. He doesn't want to cause trouble with a guest in his house- especially not when the guest is Arthur
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of all people. The arm around his shoulders is paid more mind than it deserves and earns a pink tint in his cheeks. "Ah, um, oh." He's not
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completely sure how to respond to something like that coming from someone like... Arthur. He knows all about his imperialistic days and then
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punk days and everything. But these days Arthur had, as far as he could see, calmed down. A lot. The pink tint turns red at both his
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inability to respond and just the overall fact that Arthur causing trouble sounds... Almost exciting in a way.
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can't help but think that Matthew is absolutely adorable when he's flustered, leaning in just long enough to brush their lips togeter and
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murmur, "But I suppose that's one type of trouble that wouldn't be so bad to get in to, don't you think~?" before pulling away completely
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and going outside to fetch his bags. Chances are he'll get an earful from his boss about returning late and there'll be a colossal amount of
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paperwork waiting for him when he gets back, but it's more than worth it if the alternative is spending time with Matthew and having,
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albeit the unconventional brand of, fun with him.
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lets out a breath he wasn't even sure he'd been holding when Arthur pulls away. He's beyond flustered now and a little confused. "What type
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of trouble? Eh?" He watches Arthur grab his bags, a little nervous now. "Do you need help with those?" He offers, eying the bags. While they
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don't seem too big for Arthur to handle, he just wants to help in general, a little quirk he's always had. Even if he can't help he wants to
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simply shakes his head in response, easily carrying the bags inside (he didn't pack that much, really, just a small packet of tea and
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clothes for about three or so days,) and setting them down on the kitchen counter. "The best kind of trouble, poppet~...but I suppose
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you'll find that out soon enough, won't you?" He fixes Matthew with a gaze hot enough to melt rock, something perfected from back in his
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privateer (not pirate, no matter how many movies they make about it,) days.
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steps back, closing the door behind Arthur and looking back at him. "Oh?" His cheeks seem to be permanently heated, an angry shade of bright
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red. The gaze makes him nervous and he looks down at his feet to save his mind from turning to goop at the fire in Arthur's eyes. He walks
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into the kitchen, looking around as if silently deciding what to do for dinner. Though in fact, he can't get his mind off of the feeling of
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Arthur's eyes trained and following him. His heart is pumping much too fast.
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takes his time in making his way back over to Matthew, leaning against the kitchen counter and absently drumming his fingers against the
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linoleum. While it's nice to see the other flustered and speechless, the last thing he wants is to overwhelm the poor lad and cause
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something unfortunate to happen. That doesn't mean, by any means, that there won't be trouble, of course. "Why don't you come over here,
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poppet~?" He all but purrs, covering the gleam in his eyes with a thin veil of false innocence.
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looks over at Arthur again when he speaks. The same fiery look is in his eyes, but his expression is innocent enough and it's not like that
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side of Arthur scares him. In a lot of ways it excites him. "Ah? Okay." He walks over to the briton, stopping a foot or so away from him and
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giving him a curious look, the heat in his face is starting to die down and he feels a little more relaxed than before.
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clucks his tongue softly, gently but firmly grabbing hold of the Canadian's wrist, pulling him closer and wrapping his arms around the lad's
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waist. "Don't tell me you're getting all shy now, luv~" He hums playfully, one hand coming up to rest on the back of the other's head,
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threading through those lovely blonde locks. "I know I haven't been gone for very long,'ve you been faring~?"
Matthew feels
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the blush return full-force, making a surprised sound as all of a sudden he's pulled flush against Arthur. "S-sorry?" He apologizes softly,
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fearing that the beating of his heart will give away how much he's enjoying being treated like this. Romantic Arthur is nice, but sometimes
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this is better. An Arthur who gets to him and who makes him flustered and speechless. "I... I've been good. Sort of lonely." He says,
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sighing gently at the touch.
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lets out another quiet chuckle,(laughing has only ever been this easy with Matthew-either the times were too tense or the the words were
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too harsh, but he's never been able to be at complete ease with any other person,) leaning up and gently pressing his lips to the other's,
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lingering a bit longer than he did a few moments ago. "No need to apoligize,, is that so...? It really is a good thing I
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stopped by then, isn't it~? Could it be that you've been getting into trouble with the hope that I would show up and get you out of it,
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though? That's not like you at all, naughty boy~" He chimes, fingers trailing down to brush against the nape of Matthew's neck. "If you want
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to see me, all you have to do is ask, you know~"
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blinks before kissing back gently, a hand finding it's way to rest on Arthur's shoulder after having nothing else to do with itself. "Mm-hmm
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, I'm very glad that you came over." He says with a small smile and a nervous laugh of his own before his face takes on a new brighter shade
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of red. "N-naughty? I... I didn't..." He says in a small voice, eyes wide at what was either a misunderstanding or a purposefully
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provocative explanation for something that was just... Him being him. Either way it strikes him as embarrassing.
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makes a soft, tutting sound with his tongue, shifting a bit so that his lips are resting close to Matthew's ear, breathing hot air against
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it as he speaks. "Or did you~? Whether it was your intention or not, perhaps there was something you needed so badly that your sub-
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concious just took matters into its own hands?" Putting that thought into the atmosphere, which is already succumbing to sexual tension as
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it is, he pulls away from the other male, flashing him a brief, what could only be described as predatory smirk before shrugging and going
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into the livingroom to recline on the couch. "But I suppose it's not really my place to say. I don't know too much about these sorts of
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12 years ago
's eyes widen as the breath on his ear makes him shiver and his breath and heart beat quicken. His ears burn as the blush spreads to
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encompass them too. "E-eh? I... Need... What?" He tries not to look too disappointed when Arthur steps away, sighing with slight relief.-
Matthew has
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a hard time dealing with pressure like that. Especially pressure that's so very... Embarrassing. "O-oh. Um, okay." He says nervously,
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following him into the livingroom like a shadow, intent on finding out what exactly that was a couple seconds ago.
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hums quietly to himself, now in an even better mood than he had been when he arrived. He's feeling very much in the mood for a sort of
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game, one he hasn't played in quite some time but always enjoys coming up with last-minute rules and penalties for. However, he thinks,
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the most interesting part of the game will be seeing how long poor, dear Matthew can hold out. He picks up an abandoned, dog-eared book
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lying on the couch, flipping to a random page. "Why don't you sit down, luv?" He offers without looking up, making himself comfortable.
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eyes the book in Arthur's hand, finding the choice random and strange. It's one about raising polar bear cubs, which he had, surprisingly,
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needed when attempting to raise a second so many years after the first. Nodding a little, he sits down next to Arthur, sure to be close
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enough to not get pulled closer like before, but not enough to make it awkward. Or maybe this over-thinking and sitting farther apart makes
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it more awkward. He isn't sure. God, he's so high-strung. Right now he just needs to calm down or Arthur will notice and think something's
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wrong. But of course there isn't anything wrong.
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flips through the pages almost absently, not paying much attention to the glossy photographs of polar bears and the accompanying information
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-tips on breeding and feeding and the like. He's always wondered how Matthew manages to keep Kumajirou so small,but he's never bothered to
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ask and he doubts he'll find it in this book. No, what he's doing now is waiting-something he's never been terribly good at, granted, but
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at the end of the day he's still human, and they aren't terribly known for their patience, so that's to be expected. One wonderful thing
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about humanity, though, is that oppurtunity seems to favour it, so the moment it knocks he'll be more than ready to strike. Or pounce, more
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likely, but to each their own. "Ah, you don't mind if I cook tonite, do you? I've been practising one particular dish lately, and I do
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believe I've finally managed to get it right."
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looks over Arthur's shoulder, wondering what makes him want to read that book. He looks at the british man with a thoughtful look. Part
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of him wants to tell him that 'No, no you can't cook because it's my kitchen and I don't want you to burn it down'. But he knows that
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that's rude beyond all measure and he's still a little shaken up from before. So his back-bone isn't even what it usually is, which isn't
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saying too much. "Eh... Sure." He says and shifts a little on the couch.
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closes the book without bothering to mark his place, setting it down on the coffee table. Well, at least now he's got an excuse not to read
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it, interesting as it might be to some... "Mm, lovely. Will you be alright here while I go out to buy ingredients? I've already got most of
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the...ah...most important supplies with me, but there are a few things I'm still missing. Of course, you can come with me, if you like-
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unless you're too embarassed to be seen out in public with me~?"
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blinks, looking incredulously at Arthur. "Why would I be embarrassed to be seen with you?" He asks, eyes wide in surprise. "Do you actually
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think that?" His voice has taken on a concerned tone, getting closer to Arthur on the couch as if it's going to prove his point about not
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being embarrassed by him by getting closer. Maybe some of the things Arthur does embarrasses him a little, but it's not like... He doesn't
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want people to see them together! Why would he be? "I'd love to go to the store to get the ingredients with you!"
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stares at the Canadian for a long moment, surprised that Matthew had actually taken him seriously. However, the genuine look on his face
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gets to him, and he can't help but give a lighthearted laugh, gently grabbing hold of the other's hand and giving it a gentle squeeze. "Of
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course not, luv-I'm only teasing you. If you want to come along, though, I certainly don't mind." Still rather amused by the enthusiastic
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response, he presses his lips to Matthew's cheek before standing up, going out to the hallway to fetch his coat.
Matthew thinks
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that Arthur shouldn't say things like that because obviously he can't tell the difference. it really did scare him. "Oh thank God!" He says
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with a very relieved smile. He stands as well, smile widening into something more than just relieved. "I'll come along." Following Arthur
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down the hallway, he grabs his sweatshirt and tugs it over his head and walks out of the house into the snow. "Come on."
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quickly pulls his jacket on, buttoning it up and grabbing his wallet before hurrying after Matthew. A cold gust of air hits him as soon as
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he steps outside, making him shiver involuntarily. Well, it is mid-winter, so he really can't expect even fifty degree weather. However,
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he doesn't quite feel like driving today... "I do appreciate you coming along, though. you suppose it'd be alright if we walked?"
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walks almost everywhere, even when it's snowing hard, so of course he's willing to walk. "I don't mind." He says, locking the door and
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turning back around to face the cold and snow he's so fond of and used to. It's a good thing Arthur asked him to come along, too. Because it
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looks like it wants to snow soon. And hard. It would make it even more difficult to get to the store. He starts walking.
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whistles softly as he walks, his own way of lightening the mood, though the sound is carried away and lost in the howling of the wind. He
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supposes, in a way, that each season has it's own 'song', and he remembers the days when fae frequently and carelessly revealed themselves
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to humans and could be heard singing day and night. There are times when even he can't hear them anymore, and can't help but wonder if
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that's a nation's equivalent of 'growing up'. The distance between Matthew's house and the store honestly isn't that long, though, and after
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a few minutes (and a couple more slightly less-than-pleasant thoughts,) they arrive at it, and Arthur stops and holds the door open for
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Matthew. "Here we are, then. I'll try to be quick."
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lets the cold air wash over his face, making his cheeks turn a rosy hue as he walks along. He really does love the cold, even if his love
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isn't shared by many. It's always refreshing. He nods to Arthur when he opens the door, stepping into the store. "Ah, it's fine. You can
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take as much time as you want. It's not like we're in a hurry." He says softly, looking around at all the food and wondering what Arthur had
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in mind for dinner... He sincerely hopes that it turns out half decent. Maybe he should help? He could teach Arthur or... Something like
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that. Somehow he doesn't see Arthur's pride being able to take it. Besides, most of what he knows is from Francis and Arthur is less than
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fond of him and his food. To put it mildly.
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unbuttons his coat when he steps into the store, the sudden wave of artificial heat that hits him an almost sweltering contrast to the
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weather outside, and one he's not sure he's terribly fond of. Offering Matthew a small smile, he tips an imaginary top hat and manages a
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short little bow. "Much obliged, luv. Nonetheless, I'll try not to keep you waiting-in fact, would you like to pick out something for
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dessert? And don't worry about the cost, of course-I'll be paying for it."
Matthew is
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considering going back outside because the heat in the store is unbearable. He'd rather become an icicle than a puddle of melted Canadian in
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the middle of the store. At least with the icicle scenario he doesn't get mopped up by under-paid employees. "Eh? Dessert? Alright." He says
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with more than a hint excitement in his voice. Hooray for sugar! As American as that sounds, he's very partial to pastries and sweets and
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such, though not really the artificially flavored candies or gummies. He blames his pastry love on France. "But you don't have to pay." He
Matthew feels
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like he's obliged to mention this. After all, Arthur is a guest and he's not going to make him pay! He'll have to choose carefully on the
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dessert if he is- the higher the price, the worse he'll feel.
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can't help but feel a small flicker of warmth (the same kind of ooey gooey feeling he always gets when Matthew lets go of his shy demeanor
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long enough to actually show emotions,) at that, nodding and offering the other a small smile. "Mm-hm. Preferably something that'll go
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really well with potatoes...and ice creme might be nice on the side, too." He heads over to the vegetable section, calculating how in his
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mind how long it'll take for him to pop into the medicene section without, of course, being seen by Matthew. If he's lucky, (which he
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usually isn't, though almost everything that has to do with Matthew is an exception,) the other will have what he needs in his house
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somewhere, most likely left by France. (And most likely handmade by France, and therefore illegal. He doesn't want to think too much about
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the technicalities, though.)
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browses around the dessert aisle, trying to choose between the many delicious choices. His sweet tooth leans towards a light yellow cake
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with carmel-maple ice cream. But he doesn't think he should get essentially two desserts or else he'll feel so guilty for burning a hole in
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Arthur's wallet. Hmm... Decisions, decisions. Finally after what seems like forever, he settles on the cake and ice cream, wondering if his
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lover will let him pay for them instead. (which is a weird concept when he thinks about it, hoping someone will let you pay) He's got
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enough money on him now to do so and he just can't let Arthur pay. It's just something inside him that's just... Adverse to having someone
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else pay for his things when he can already. With that in mind, he walks around the store, looking for the other man and poking his head
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around corners to search down aisle after aisle. "Arthur?"
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decides that he's just going to have to rely on whatever Matthew has in his house when he hears the other calling his name. Ah, well,
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commercial aphrodisiacs always have bizarre side effects, anyway...perhaps that's the only reason they're legal. "I'm over here, poppet!" _
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He calls, quickly moving away from the section of...ah, questionable items and back towards the area with all the vegetables. "I believe
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I've got everything that I need...what about you? Are you ready to go?" He offers the other a slightly-wider-than-usual smile, attempting as
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_to look as though he was not just contemplating buying Viagra.
Matthew gives
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the other a curious look before shaking his head, clearing away the suspicious thoughts before smiling back and approaching. "There you are.
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I was looking all over." Holding up the small basket with his items he nods, "Eh, yes, me too. I just... Can I pay for them? I don't want to
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make you." Plus, he'll most likely being the only one out of the two to really eat the ice cream. Arthur may not like something so sweet,
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even though he loves sweets. His love isn't shared by everyone. It's in his house too and any left overs will stay there. So it's just not
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fair. Is he over-thinking this? Definitely maybe yes.
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does his best to hide the small flush threatening to spread over his cheeks, linking his arm with Matthew's and heading for the check-out
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area. He eyes the ice creme and cake, letting out a soft chuckle-it's been a long time since he's had anything really sweet, and while he
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can never eat very much of it, that type of thing just seems to fit Matthew's personality so much that he can't help but be amused by it.
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"Mm, that looks delicious~ Well...I don't want you to have to use your money, but...if you'd rather pay for it, I don't mind."
Matthew is
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actually very happy that Arthur said yes, smiling a little wider and in a more relieved way. "Ahah, good. Thanks." He chirps, falling into
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line to check-out, the basket in one hand while the other in preoccupied with holding Arthur's.
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offers the other male another small smile, setting their items on the conveyor belt and ignoring the odd look (obviously single, by the way
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that she's balding) one of the mother's in line is giving them. "No problem, poppet~"
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*mothers...mother's? ;; Idk.
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(mothers. XD)
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doesn't even notice the stares, mostly because he's used to people staring right through him. So stares don't bother him much at all anymore
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. He checks out and pays for the dessert, taking up the bag and thanking the cashier politely and crossing over to the door.
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murmurs a quiet 'thank you' to the cashier as well, walking outside and looking rather relieved to find that the blizzard has calmed down
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considerably. "Well, that didn't take as long as I thought."
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nods a little. The weather is fickle, no matter where you are in the world you can count on that. He starts down the familiar pathway home,
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carrying the bags carefully. "Mm-hmm. Though it's good. Now we have fresh snow on the ground~" He calls happily, looking around at the
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snowy winter-wonderland the blizzard has left in its wake.
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reaches down to intertwine his fingers with Matthew's, walking down the sidewalk with, though he would vehemently deny it, what could be
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called a slight spring in his step. "Yes, it just looks absolutely gorgeous. Like someone draped a blanket over everything while
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we were inside." He muses, looking around.
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finds amusement in the use of the word 'gorgeous'. In a lot of ways it makes Arthur sound a little more... Ah, flamboyant than he actually
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really is. "Mm." He hums in agreement, walking through the white world before stopping outside his house, letting go of Arthur's hand to
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scramble for his keys. Now which pocket did he leave them in again...?
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would most likely flush, vehemently deny it, and sulk about it for a while if he were to be referred to as flamboyant-however, it's not
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entirely untrue, and there are a lot of factors against him...n-nonetheless, regardless of what Alfred says, he is not, by any standards,
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fruity. He takes a few more moments to enjoy the scenery before turning back to the door, arching an eyebrow when he sees Matthew digging
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through his pockets. "Forget something, poppet?"
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nods a little before producing a set of keys! Hooray! ... However in his excitement at finding them his hand decides to just let go and the
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keys fall to the frozen ground with a crunch. "Ah! Crap..." He mumbles, bending down to pick them back up, searching through the snow and
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finding it even harder than before to find the set. Stupid metal has to be grey and it's getting darker and the snow and... He's seriously
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considering just breaking into his own house now. "My keys!" He says after a while of searching to sort of key in Arthur to what's going on
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. He's not used to having another person with him and gets caught up in his own thoughts too much.
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can't help but let out a quiet chuckle, bending down to help Matthew look for his keys. It's not as though he finds the lad's misfortune
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amusing-it's merely the fact that he manages to be so bloody adorable in everything that he does. He doubts that it's intentional, as that
12 years ago
hardly seems like Matthew, but that just makes it all the more special. "Yes, I can see that~...I don't suppose you have a spare that you
12 years ago
keep under the rug or the like?"
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