Dusan wonders
16 years ago
whether Metanomics should have live transcription for people who don't use voice.
latest #16
Dusan says
16 years ago
dunno why I'm wondering exactly, but this has been rattling around for some time.
16 years ago
When Philip was there someone did do transcription over chat bridge. Her name is Gentle Heron & she works with Virtual Ability Inc
16 years ago
They are an inworld group that provides support for people with various kinds of disabilities.
Valiant says
16 years ago
That's a GREAT idea Dusan! It would also be a great service to those who frequently are frustrated by audio problems!
Moggs thinks
16 years ago
it's a great idea - I'll always vote for inclusion and accessibility.
DoubledownTandino says
16 years ago
Awesome! Which means there could also be subtitles added to the recordings
Tateru says
16 years ago
Sounds pretty good :-)
16 years ago
yes- actually I do get a lot of feedback requestion that - for hearing impaired people or people who can't use voice -
16 years ago
Gentle's wonderful and I have some other names as well
16 years ago
16 years ago
good plan
Parker wonders
16 years ago
if Dusan would realy want to know ALL of what can't be heard. :-o
Parker says
16 years ago
as one who is hearing impaired and attends lectures conducted in voice, it would be nice to also have the transcription much likCC on tv.
Dusan says
16 years ago
sorry all...went offline....wonderful feedback. I really think a "CC" type idea is important. I hate the feeling of excluding ppl
Dusan says
16 years ago
Chestnut - thanks on that reference as well...Virtual Ability is awesome
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