13 years ago
i love how sl friends and family can be so fake, i stop logging on and i pretty much get erased from their lifes, fuck u all
latest #46
Aww that's bullshit!
Justin says
13 years ago
13 years ago
Killer_Dimples: no kidding
My sister and I have been sisters for 4 yrs now. She has left SL a few times and we haven't stopped being sisters ever!
13 years ago
Killer_Dimples: your one of the lucky ones, i stop logging on and i stop existing
Aww I just want to give you a hug. You can come be in our family. We never toss people away. We have a bunch of friends that log in once
in a blue and we still love them.
Shoot, my fiance didn't log in for like a month and I am marrying the fool! lol
Just Kelly
13 years ago
JewForce: you can be my brother...I only have one and I want another!!! :-)
13 years ago
Killer_Dimples: aw thanx ill be in ur plurk fam i dont log on sl anymore
13 years ago
Kellywelly: that would be great
Just Kelly
13 years ago
I'm not like that...I love my SL family no matter what..even if they never log in. Its just nice to have someone that misses you
Just Kelly
13 years ago
if you're gone awhile.
Just Kelly
13 years ago
JewForce: and I'm on SL a lot so if you ever do log in and wanna hang out, just IM me. You can add me as a friend if you want to! (cozy)
13 years ago
Kellywelly: thanx when i log on i'll make sure to IM you
Just Kelly
13 years ago
Please do! We can hang out and do cool stuffs. :-)
13 years ago
Kellywelly: hahaha sounds like a awesome plan
LOL i see how it is.. I will only be a plurk family member.. I'm already a black sheep!
13 years ago
Killer_Dimples: pffttt ur not a black sheep ur a epic sheep
Just Kelly
13 years ago
Sheep are cool.
13 years ago
yup sheep sisters are the bestest haha
Just Kelly
13 years ago
LOL...they're so fluffy!!!!
Well just like Kellywelly said. You log on SL hit me up. Cuz lord knows I will probably logging in SL until I am 90. LOL
13 years ago
Kellywelly: not unless you shave em and make a nice warm blanket out of em..not that im going to shave u with this razorrrrr
Oh and my twin sister too! LOL
Boo 🐼
13 years ago
JewForce: I just remembered you were a Cali boy too. From icky Fresno though. LOL I use to live in San Jose. ha ha ha
Just Kelly
13 years ago
JewForce: Dun you DARE shave me!!!! -.-
Just Kelly
13 years ago
Killer_Dimples: Just like me!
13 years ago
Killer_Dimples: eh its not so bad i got used to living here, my vacation place capo beach by san diego in my gf's appt
13 years ago
Kellywelly: <3 hugs
Awww how cute is that. I use to love to go to Santa Cruz, SF, and Half Moon Bay!
13 years ago
i loathe sl families, i dont understand why beings someone fake sister is better than being their best friend
13 years ago
you choose your friends, surely tahts a bigger compliment?
Well I can only speak for me, my sister is my everything. My best friend, my comforting shoulder, my heart, my partner, again my everything
I never really have anyone but her as my sibling. LOL
13 years ago
i am one of 7 kids, in RL, and you are stuck with them whether you like them or not
13 years ago
but i CHOOSE my friends
Darkley: I am an only child in RL so I choose my family. My bffs in RL are like my sisters and we treat each other as that.
They even call my mom and dad Mom and Daddy
Gypsy says
13 years ago
My sl family ditches me too. I know how you feel. Ooo. I live in Oceanside, California. Yay!
13 years ago
13 years ago
GypsyHelendale: lucky!!
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