grlofthecity is
16 years ago
sorry she hasnt been around, plurkers. she has been taking care of a new pet...a hamster!
latest #15
LoRi_25 says
16 years ago
awww cuute
sweetbutterfly says
16 years ago
ooooh.. fun!
Godtess says
16 years ago
Yay! What's the name?
16 years ago the caffeine! There's a story behind it. ;-)
Godtess wants
16 years ago
to hear the story!!!
16 years ago
Well, I name my animals after SOMETHING that will remind about the period in my life during which I got them.
wingedorange says
16 years ago
You got the hammy!
wingedorange says
16 years ago
Do you have a picture of him yet? Sadly I won't be able to Skype this weekend; Scotty's here.
16 years ago
I got Tobey in college and I named him after the dining hall I would always eat at (and steal food for him from!)
16 years ago
The college I work for is having their annual gala and the theme is "Thanks a latte!" I've designed everything for it...
16 years ago
...and all the materials ended up being designed in brown and white. Well, Miss Hammy is brown and white so hence...Latte!
16 years ago
The neat thing about it is that designing the website for the gala is what got me this job in the first place! ;-)
16 years ago
wingedorange: No worries! Enjoy your time with him! Despite your advice, I ended up getting a girl instead of a boy.
16 years ago
She is...something! (LOL) I've been trying to get a good picture of her, but she won't sit still and they come out blurry!
Godtess is
16 years ago
so plad you are enjoying your new pet! (dance)
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