13 years ago
[Event] Sets a time bomb up in the mayors office, and kidnaps the mayor just to top it off. She waits on a nearby building to watch the
latest #79
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explosion, and grins gleefully.
13 years ago
chokes on his breakfast when he sees the news repoty on the telly. "The mayor has been kidnapped?! Oh, bloody hell.." He abandons
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everything on the table, grabbing his costume and a few weapons before rushing outside.
13 years ago
*...that 'repoty' should be 'report' D8
Hungary has
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tied up the mayor in a nearby abandoned building, as he was whiny and annoying. She vaguely wonders if someone is going to try and stop her,
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but doesn't worry about it. There are approximately 15 minutes left on the time bomb.
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impatiently tugs on his costume, booting up his freeze gun (he's improved it since that incident in the park that one evening, when the
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blasted thing died on him) and heading towards the center of town. The newscast had said the kidnapping had taken place at City Hall, hadn't
13 years ago
13 years ago
A top a building across from City Hall, she notices a figure moving surprisingly fast in the direction of City Hall. So heroes were getting
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involved. She turned her nose up and rolled her eyes. *Them and their good-doing...* She thinks. She heads into the reclusive shadows. 13
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minutes left...
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runs into the building without a second thought, realieved to find that the doors are unlocked and the people have, for the most part,
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cleared out-the less civillians that get hurt the better, but now he just has to figure out where the mayor is being held and how long he
England has
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until the bomb goes off. Bugger, probably should have paid more attention to that newscast...
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Laughs as she watches the puny looking hero run into the doomed building. Even if he found it, it was only disable-able by a code. Not just
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some numerical code either, it was private only to her. She doubted anyone could solve it. Probably. She decided to give the fellow a
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little help. She went into the building she was on to connect to the broad casting system. After a bit of hacking, she was able to broadcast
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a message to the City Hall building. "Attention small hero who has undertaken the task of undoing my time bomb, you have 10 minutes."
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jumps at the sudden loud voice echoing off the walls of the building, pointing his gun at a random direction and furrowing his eyebrows
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together in conventional annoyance. "...who and where are you?! What have you done with the mayor??" Ten minutes? Oh, hell, there's no way
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he's going to be able to find it in time...deciding that he can chase after the bloody villain later, he hurries up a staircase and into
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one of the many offices. Empty...damn it!
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As there is nothing conducting his voice back to her, she has no idea what his response is, but she doesn't much care anyway. She adds, "And
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the Mayor is in the complete opposite direction by the way, happy hunting!" Shes not lying, but he isn't quite as hidden as she's making it
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sound like he is.
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lets out a frustrated groan, running out of the office and in the opposite direction. It would help if there was a map of the bloody place
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somewhere, but he's just going to have to trust his instincts now. He can't have any more than eight minutes at this point, and if the bomb
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goes off it'll be both his and the mayor's life now, as well as countless important documents and artifacts stored in this building.
Hungary is
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feeling very pleased with herself at this point. No matter how ingenious this hero is, it's beyond unlikely that he'll be able to deactivate
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the time bomb, and even if he does, he'll still have to find the mayor, and even if he does that, it's hardly likely she'll be caught in
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the process. She thinks she'll have to give herself a little celebration for this accomplishment, once it's over. Perhaps she'll go to the
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England has
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now genuinely begun to panic, flinging doors open as he runs down the halls and still unable to find the mayor. Hell, hell, hell, at
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this rate he's probably going to die and the building will be destroyed and god knows what else...taking a deep breath, he stops to lean
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back against one of the walls, trying to think about it logically. "Come on, can do this.."
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Starts to feel almost sorry for the hero, despite herself. It's his own fault, for being such a goody goody, she thinks, but her heart
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isn't in it. Oh fine, a little hint won't hurt, she sighs and hopes he blows up in a less painful way than most do. It's as close to nice
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as she can get. She starts the broad casting system again. "Since you're probably panicking, I recommenced you leave the building. If you
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are so inclined to kill yourself, the time bomb is in the lavatory. Also, in has a combination code only I would know. Have fun!"
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jumps as that taunting voice from earlier returns, practically drilling into his skull, and he resists the urge to clamp his hands over
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his ears. He isn't sure why the villain is 'helping' him in stopping her own crime, but...he isn't going to question it, and rushes off
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towards the lavatory without another word. Even if he doesn't know the combination code, he may very well be able to cut a wire or, better
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yet, use his freeze ray to just stop the damn contraption altogether.
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Suddenly questions her actions. She must be getting tired, why on earth would she she help the idiot? At any rate, she won't do it again.
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runs into the bathroom, doing a quick visual sweep of the room before going over to the single stall, pushing the door open and letting out
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a soft sigh of relief when he sees the bomb, quietly ticking away on the dirty tile floor. Bending down to get a closer look at it, he takes
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note of the International Villain Society logo on the side-figures that they'd pull something like this...pulling out his freeze gun, he
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begins to fire it up, feeling slightly more relaxed in knowing that he has five minutes or so to finish up.
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She heads outside onto the rooftop and wonders if the hero has another way of deactivating the time bomb. It was pretty sturdy. But perhaps
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if it were frozen at a high velocity...high enough to kill a normal human within a 10 meter range. She wouldn't be surprised if the hero
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just happened to have something that could do that but whatever. She didn't care, she could blow up another building tomorrow.
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takes a few steps back and holds his finger steady against the trigger, the still-in-progress gun sending an unplesant chill throughout his
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entire body. He takes a deep breath, aiming the gun towards the bomb and firing, the sudden jolt sending him backwards into an unsturdy sink
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. He winces, but momentarily ignores the ache and looks up, relieved to see that the countdown has stopped and the bomb is encased in a
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solid block of ice-even if it goes off, now, it'll do about as much harm as a pounce from a Golden Retriever.
Hungary is
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feeling bored as she can imagine all is going well by now, it's only a matter of time before he finds the mayor tied to the roof ledge. But
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she supposes she might as well watch at least. She hides in the shadows again. Pity. An explosion would have been way more exciting. Then
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she gets an idea. She nimbly jumps over to the other roof to where the mayor is. Then she pulls out a second time bomb, and attaches it to
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him. He tries to scream but his voice is muffled by the cloth covering his mouth. She smiles. "Sit tight! The hero is coming to save the
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day, so don't you worry!" She locks the time bomb onto him so it is clamped into his skin, removal would be extremely painful, but that's no
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concern of hers.
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walks out of the bathroom and starts down the hall, humming absently to himself. Let's see...the voice over the intercom had said the mayour
England was
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somewhere to the left, hadn't it? But it hadn't specified as to an exact location...he'd just have to check everywhere, then, but that
England was
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alright because he had time. Or, he could just...right, that would probably work better. Going over to the phone on an abandoned
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receptionist desk, dialing 9-1-1 and waiting for an answer. He could just call the police, and have some assistance in finding him.
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Waits in a hidden location on the same roof that she's tied up the mayor. Perhaps now she'll get to watch something interesting. Either she
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would be entertained by the mayor blowing up, or the hero's pitiful struggle to save him. Ah yes, life is good.
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briefly explains the situation to the authorities, who are more than used to receiving phone calls from superheroes and are therefore
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happy to be of assistance. Putting the phone back in its cradle, he flies back up to second floor and floats effortlessly down the hall,
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occasionally calling out in hope that the mayor will hear him. Poor fellow's probably terrified...
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hears the heroes calls along with the mayor, but it's not like he can answer, and she certainly won't be giving any more hints. She taps her
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heels impatiently. What the devil is taking him so long anyway? That's when she begins to hear the police sirens. *Drats.*
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eventually ends up back on the first floor, having searched the entire building and found nothing. "...where on earth is he..?" He mumbles
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out loud, walking outside and taking a look around. He can see police cars flying down the street not too far away, which is good because
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he's obviously going to need a hand in finding the mayor.
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Waits in an irritated fashion on the top of the building. In about five minutes she'll have to leave anyway, as the mayor will explode the
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rooftop shortly afterwards. She smiles at that thought. Explosions are so pretty... She wonders briefly if she should bomb the police...
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But she decides against it. One explosion will do for the day.
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