13 years ago
[Event] has finally done it! He's managed to sneak into the only pub in town which, unfortunately, run by a supervillain-he's going
latest #72
13 years ago
incognito and for the sake of alchohol, of course, but...he brought a few weapons, just in case.
Liet is
13 years ago
in the same bar, just hoping to wind down after a very long day. The city just seemed so crazy lately.
13 years ago
(would either of you mind a villain joining in as well, or do you want this to be a two person rp?)
13 years ago
(I wouldn't mind at all~ It is, technically, a supervillain hideout~ What fun would it be without any villains~? >-D)
13 years ago
(Haha, excellent, then, just wait a minute.~)
Hungary is
13 years ago
sitting at the other end of the bar, when she notices a couple new people enter. They seem strangely out of place, and she wonders why,
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before it comes to her. They're heroes. She grins, and figures it might be fun to mess with them, she walks over slowly.
13 years ago
looks up from his drink where he hears footsteps close-by, panicking inwardly when he realizes that, even without her usual outfit, he
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recognizes this woman-oh hell, hell, hell...hopefully she won't recognize him..."Good evening, Miss." He says as nonchalantly as
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possible, adopting a more casual seating position.
13 years ago
(Aaaand...now we wait for Liet, our damsel-in-distress~)
13 years ago
isn't quite sure who this woman is, but she puts off an air that makes him uneasy. He tries to angle himself so he can
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keep an eye on her, but otherwise tries to stay unnoticed, nursing his drink.
13 years ago
"Hello young chaps," She begins casually. "Forgive me if I'm wrong, but don't you two..." She tilts her head to the side, "seem a little of
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place?" Her green eyes flash dangerously.
13 years ago
takes another sip of his drink, keeping his tone steady and his smile calm. "Ah, I get that alot...I'm actually on a buisness trip from
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London, so it only makes sense that I would seem out of place. But I'm sure that doesn't mean we can't get along...why don't you have a seat
13 years ago
13 years ago
blinks. "M-me?" He shakes his head, only want to keep out of trouble. "S-sorry, you must have me confused with someone..."
13 years ago
Looks back and fourth between the two of them feeling confused. What game were they playing at? But it didn't matter. She sat down and
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continued to survey them. The blonde was better at acting that the brunette, but they were both obviously heroes. Question was, were they
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spies? "Of course of course," she played along. "You're from out of town...and what exactly, are you on business for?" she asked coyly.
13 years ago
takes another sip of his whiskey, waving at the bartender to bring something for the too-persistent, too-sober villainess sitting beside him
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. He pauses at the question, deciding that if he's going to tell a bull-shit story he might as well tell an extremely far-fetched one..and
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do it as convincingly as possible. His smile morphs into a faint smirk, and he leans in a bit closer to her, dropping his voice to a whisper
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. "Well...it depends, miss. Can you keep a secret?"
13 years ago
(question, I know we're rplaying with three, does that mean we have to continue with the same order each time? sorry for interupting again)
13 years ago
(Um...yes, it's usually polite to do so, to avoid swamping the other player(s) with replies and to keep them involved. :3)
13 years ago
(of course, just had to check, thank you, I'll wait! ^ ^ still getting used to regular role playing...having three boggles my mind haha)
13 years ago
(Haha, that's alright~ ^^ It does take some getting used to, but thankfully this role-play group isn't as strict as a few that I've been in
13 years ago
13 years ago
just received his drink, so he's not leaving until it's finished, but the two people next to him are putting off so much tension, it's
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almost visible. The man doesn't seem to have a problem with talking to the strange woman, so he'll just let him do that.
13 years ago
"Keep a secret? Me? Of course." She grinned wickedly again, enjoying the battle of acting they had going on. She begins to ignore the
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other hero, as he is probably only a side kick anyway, and couldn't possibly do any harm as far as she's aware.
13 years ago
allows a small chuckle to escape him, handing the nameless woman her drink. If he can get distracted/intoxicated enough, then he'll be able
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to slip away without actually giving anything away. "Well...I'm actually a spy sent here by the MI6...I'm sure you've heard of them
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before? And I'm trailing..." He pauses momentarily, pulling a random name off the top of his head-a rather amourous Frenchman that he went
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to university with, "a man by the name of Francis Bonnefoy."
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, despite his fervent desire to stay out of this, can't help but be intrigued by what the man is saying. MI6? This...this could
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make a good story. When he gets a chance, he digs a notepad from his bag.
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Takes the drink and finishes it with an unladylike gulp, without becoming the slightest bit woozy. She's far to used to alcohol for that.
13 years ago
"You don't say, you're a spy? Fascinating." She actually has never heard of the M16, but doesn't much care. She's sure he's lying anyhow.
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But she wants him to continue, and waits for him to keep talking.
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eyes the now-empty glass with slight uncertainty, wondering if he's gotten himself in too deep. ....but of course, that's to be expected,
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considering he's a hero. They have to stick their noses where they don't belong...urgh. "Indeed...I'd show you my badge, but I'm afraid I
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left it at home."
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frowns. That won't lend much credibility to his story. Depending on how things go, however, he could possibly follow the
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man (oh, that sounded so sketchy) and ask to see his badge later.
13 years ago
"Oh no worries, it's very obvious to me what you are she smiled, you don't need a badge to prove it." As if a badge would prove anything
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to me anyway. She was getting bored. His lie was ridiculous. She leaned in and whispered in his ear, "You're in the wrong place, aren't
13 years ago
13 years ago
finishes off his whiskey and allows himself to slump back a bit, mentally commending himself for a job well done. His alter-ego may very
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well go undiscovered for the evening, at this rate...however, the sudden closeness and almost cruel whisper makes him jump, nearly
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dropping his glass in the process. He quickly composes himself, clearing his throat. "Erm...the wrong place..? How do you mean?"
13 years ago
reminds himself to take a drink every now and then so he doesn't look suspicious. Hm, the other woman seemed to know something,
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and what happened earlier was questionable too. Perhaps she was a contact?
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Continues in a whisper, "Obviously you're not a spy, or maybe you are, but you certainly don't belong here." She's slowly ridding herself
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of her own innocent act. Now all she's concerned about, is finding out what two heroes are doing here, and why.
13 years ago
stares at her for a moment, glancing at the wall clock and feigning suprise before standing to his feet and paying for his drinks. "Oh,
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would you look at the time...I've, erm, got to go. My...mother has cancer, so I've got to go see her at the hospital." It's another lie, of
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course, but whatever gets him away from here the quickest is best.
13 years ago
writes down 'hospital'. He stares at it for a moment and then scratches it out. That would be far too unkind to visit him there, if that was
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the case. And...oh, shoot, he was leaving. Hopefully the other woman would go with him...
13 years ago
Senses the man's urge to leave. She eyes him critically. "So why did you come here in the first place, if indeed your mother has cancer?"
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At any rate, she's not letting him get out of here so easily, and she follows him as he attempts to leave.
13 years ago
curses inwardly, thinking that this is one of the reasons he avoids lying as much as possible-he's not very good at it, and he always ends
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up contradicting himself. "Well...I have this bad habit of drowning myself in alchohol when things get tough..." Alright, that part's not
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a lie, at least. He hurries out of the bar, stomach sinking when he notices that the woman is moving to follow him. Oh, hell...
13 years ago
quickly finishes his drink and follows. The woman scares him a little bit, but he's made a living by being well-informed. And it appeared
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that they knew something. If nothing else, it would make good gossip, and well...that was almost the same thing. His best friend would
13 years ago
at least be interested.
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