13 years ago
really needs to go out and get wasted...anyone want to come along?
latest #359
13 years ago
could totally go for that. If you're willing to have the most awesome company again.
13 years ago
would be more than willing to have you as a drinking partner again. Same pub as last time?
Preußen thinks
13 years ago
that sounds like a pretty damn good idea. He'll meet England there.
13 years ago
happily abandons his ever-present mountain of paperwork, grabbing his wallet and a coat before heading out. Tonight will certainly be
13 years ago
13 years ago
shows up at the pub after a little while, ruffling his own hair and moving straight to the bar to take a seat and order two beers.
13 years ago
walks in about ten minutes later, moving towards the unmistakeable mop of white hair hovering by the bar. "Long time no see, Prussia." He
13 years ago
remarks, taking the seat beside you.
13 years ago
pushes the second beer towards England without even really looking up, smirking. "Ja, bet you missed me."
13 years ago
gratefully takes the beer, indulging in a decent-sized gulp before rolling his eyes, a quiet chuckle escaping him. "But of course. Everyone
England needs
13 years ago
a certain amount of awesomeness in their lives."
13 years ago
"People like you especially." Grins as he takes another drink and then makes a small "oh" sound as he remembers something and
13 years ago
pulls a chick out of his pocket, setting it on the counter and patting its head.
13 years ago
arches an eyebrow, taking another long draught from the bottle. Ah, yes, that's the stuff..."And what,pray tell, do you mean by that?" He
13 years ago
stares curiously at the chick, hesitantly reaching over to poke it.
13 years ago
The chick peeps at England and then goes about preening itself a little, obviously a little bit ruffled from the ride in the pocket. "Oh,
13 years ago
nothing bad. Just that you're not awesome yourself, so you need awesome company sometimes to make your life less boring."
13 years ago
"Oi, I'm plenty awesome enough. Just because I don't go around announcing it on a daily basis doesn't mean I'm not." He smiles again, a
13 years ago
combined result of the adorable behavior of the chick and the magical (in his opinion, at least) properites of the alchohol.
13 years ago
snorts into his drink and pats the chicks head a little bit again. "You keep telling yourself that. You know you'll never be as awesome as
13 years ago
me anyway."
13 years ago
waves at the bartender for another drink, thinking that, really, Prussia's the one in denial about his 'awesomeness', not him. "Oh? But
13 years ago
you've got no evidence to back that up, do you~?"
13 years ago
"Oh, I got plenty of evidence." Gestures to himself. "And here it is. Look at that. Look how fucking beautiful that is."
13 years ago
relaxes in his seat a bit, the familiar buzz of alchohol already starting to affect him. "Hm...no, all I see is a slightly-too-pale,
13 years ago
obnoxious albino~"
13 years ago
laughs. That was an amusing statement. "A bit redundant to call me pale and albino, don't you think?" Leans back. "I'm thinking you just
13 years ago
don't know what you're looking at."
13 years ago
lightly circles the rim of the bottle with a finger, humming absently. "Just a bit, but it gets my point across, doesn't it~? Whatever it
13 years ago
takes to get through that ego-centric skull of yours~"
13 years ago
snorts. "You want to get through my skull? That's a little kinky, even for you." Hum, what? Drinks more beer. >_>
13 years ago
rolls his eyes, taking a quick glance around the bar. Really full house tonight, which is odd for a Tuesday.."Says the man pratically in
13 years ago
love with a dead king, hm~?"
13 years ago
Wait, what? "... the fuck did you just say?" Stares at him.
13 years ago
pauses for a moment, wondering if he's crossed a line. "...you heard me."
13 years ago
Yeah, you kind of have... -_-; "Ja, I just want you to say it again, so I can get it good in my mind before I hit you."
England gives
13 years ago
a nervous laugh, the tactless sound brought on by the amount of alchohol in his veins. "Oh, yeah..? I'd like to see you try that~"
13 years ago
looks away. And then casually reaches for England's hair to tug it.
13 years ago
winces and glares at you, even though he knows he deserves it. "Ow! What was the for, tosser??"
13 years ago
lets go of England's hair and just points a finger in his face. "... don't ever talk about Old Fritz like that again. Got it?"
13 years ago
reaches up to brush his hair back into place, out of obsessive-compulsive habit, with little success. Prussia's tone of voice is telling him
13 years ago
that, for the sake of his life, he better agree..."Er...yes, of course. I'm sorry. Won't happen again."
13 years ago
smirks. "... want another beer?" Finishes his off and flags down the bartender again.
13 years ago
moves his attention back to his now empty bottle. "...yes, if you don't mind. I think I'm going to need it."
13 years ago
"I think you always need more beer." Orders a couple more then swivels in his chair. "So what's up with you?"
13 years ago
reaches for one of the bottles, trying to grab it without sliding off the stool. "I've been...decent, I suppose. Yourself?"
13 years ago
snorts. "I'm better than normal. Anything interesting happened lately?" Starts in on his new beer.
13 years ago
inwardly wonders if anything ever gets Prussia down...or if he's just a bundle of never ending obscenity. "That's..good. Oh, well, there's
13 years ago
...quite a bit going on, you could say."
13 years ago
"Ooooh?" What's that? Prussia likes gossip? Damn right! It's possible blackmail. "Like what?"
13 years ago
honestly wonders why everyone around him seems intent on getting bloody blackmail. "...nothing in particular." He replies lightly, hoping
13 years ago
to come off as nonchalant.
13 years ago
"Nuh-uh, come on. I'm your pal, right? You can tell me shit." ... drinking buddies are pals, yeah?
13 years ago
can't help but give you a slightly skepitcal look. "...yes, I suppose so. Nonetheless, I'd...rather not talk about it until it's settled."
13 years ago
rolls his eyes. "Oh alright. Be that way." More drinking, yep.
13 years ago
nods absently, opening another beer. "So...how's your brother..?"
13 years ago
"Oh West? Uh, alright I guess." Shit. When was the last time he saw West? Uhhh... probably explaining why the couch had semen stains... uh..
13 years ago
"That's good...what about Spain and France?" He says those last two names with slight hesitation-the former because he's never really been
13 years ago
forgiven for the 'armada sinking incident', and the latter because he 'hates' the frog.
13 years ago
"Great, great." Pauses, then smirks. "Though you'd probably know more about Francis than me."
13 years ago
can feel his face flush slightly, but his pride can allow him, at least, to blame it on the alchohol. "Er...w-what are you implying..?"
13 years ago
griiiiins. "Oh, nothing that isn't true." Finishes off his beer and flags the bartender for another.
England is
13 years ago
more than slightly unnverved by the seemingly knowing grin on your face, slumping down in his seat a bit. "Meaning?"
13 years ago
Oh, this is way too much fun. "Meaning, I know exactly what you've done with Francis." Yeaaah.
13 years ago
chokes on his beer, the bottle dropping to the floor as a hand moves to hit himself against his chest. "Y-You-what??"
13 years ago
"Hey, watch it!" Looks at the bottle... "That's alcohol abuse... Bartender! We need a shot." Pause. "Gin."
13 years ago
glares at you for a moment, opening and closing his mouth like a fish before finding his voice. "W-What the hell was that about?!"
13 years ago
"You spilled your alcohol. I'm getting you a penalty shot. That's what that was about." Yeah, he's being an ass on purpose.
13 years ago
isn't sure whether to frown or say 'thank you'-either way, he's probably digging himself a hole. "...that's not what I meant, git."
13 years ago
smirks. "I know." Grabs the shot of gin and holds it out to England. "Penalty shot first. You don't abuse alcohol, Eyebrows."
13 years ago
takes the shot, shooting you a glare for good measure before knocking it back. "Yes, yes, I know...and quit calling me that, would you?"
13 years ago
"Never." Picks up his beer. "And Francis told me. He's kind of my best friend, you know."
13 years ago
makes a mental note to throttle the frog next time he sees him. Not that the git ever really visits, anyway..."...is that so? Went on and
13 years ago
on about how horrible of a shag I was, I'm sure...damnit, I need more alchohol."
13 years ago
snickers. "It would be so much fun to tell you that's exactly what he said, but..." Shrugs and finishes off his beer. "I've been trying
13 years ago
to be ... uh, different." That was awkward to say. "He was really fucking pleased about it. In a good way."
13 years ago
waves to the bartender for another shot of gin-he's still not completely willing to talk, so he's obviously not drunk enough yet. "Well,
13 years ago
thank you for your...honesty." He says with slight chagrin, giving the albino a curious look. "O-Oh, er...was he really..?"
13 years ago
orders a shot as well - uh, tequila, idk - and smirks at England. "Ja. He wouldn't stop fangirling about it."
13 years ago
can't help but laugh at the use of the word fangirling, knocking back the second shot of gin. "Really, now...I might have to have a talk
13 years ago
with him, then."
13 years ago
"Oh you should. And fuck him again. It makes him more tolerable." ... motions for the bartender to just leave the bottle of tequila
13 years ago
here, thank you very much. Does a shot.
England feels
13 years ago
the gin halt half-way down his throat, choking and spluttering again. "H-Have some tact, will you?!" He cries, setting the glass down on the
13 years ago
counter. "...more tolerable? How do you mean?"
13 years ago
smirks. "Tact is for pussies." Pours himself another shot. "And I mean... he's less mopey. You know how he gets. With all the fucking
13 years ago
13 years ago
stares at you for a moment, trying to picture, in the back of his mind, France moping...about him? "Er...I know how he can be, but why
13 years ago
would...ahem. He doesn't actually care that much, does he..?"
Preußen gives
13 years ago
England a look that clearly says: 'are you serious?' "You've... met Francis, haven't you? I mean, you were actually physically in the
13 years ago
room with him when you fucked him, right? Do you seriously think he doesn't care about you?" And people think he's dense.
13 years ago
frowns at that, abandoning his alchohol momentarily in favour of crossing his arms over his chest. "Of course I have!! I've known the frog
13 years ago
for almost all my bloody life..." Now he's looking genuinely confused. "...doesn't he hate me, though? That is, we're...er...always
13 years ago
fighting and..." Hell, even his own protests are sounding weak. So much for remaining forever in denial..
13 years ago
raises an eyebrow slowly. "I'm pretty sure Francis isn't happy with someone if he can't fight with them. Aaaand, drink more. It'll all make
13 years ago
sense when you're drunk." Pours England a shot of tequila too.
13 years ago
can understand that, and notices that it seems to be a recurring trait in nations-the need for some sort of conflict. How predictable. "I
13 years ago
suppose that makes...sense." Or not, but he'll gladly drink until it does.
13 years ago
takes his shot and then grits his teeth. "Always better without the chaser. Always." Like he's trying to convince himself.
13 years ago
arches an eyebrow at that, ordering a few more shots of gin. "Is that so? Seems to me as though you can't handle it~"
13 years ago
... glares. "I can handle anything." Yeah. He's BAMF.
13 years ago
waves at the bartender, calling for a bottle of straight vodka. "Anything? Really~?"
13 years ago
Don't be that guy, England. ;A; Wasn't expecting him to pull out the heavy guns. "... a-anything." SHIT, DID HE JUST STUTTER??
England gives
13 years ago
him something between a smirk and a sympathetic look, pouring them both a shot of the 'Russian water'. "Well, we'll see about that, won't
13 years ago
13 years ago
looks at the glass. But doesn't make a move to reach for it. Just watches it. And there might be some small horror in his eyes.
13 years ago
hesitantly reaches over, tugging on your arm. "Erm...Prussia? Are you alright?"
13 years ago
jumps a little at the touch... Then shakes his head and tries to grin with his usual cockiness. "I'm fine. Let's do this." Grabs the glass.
13 years ago
Oh SHIT, he can smell it...
13 years ago
can't help but feel as though he's crossed another line, but he knows from years of dealing with Alfred that, if he says anything about it,
13 years ago
you'll be all the more likely to go through with it. "...alright then." Knocks back the shot, a burning sensation spreading through his
13 years ago
mouth before making it's way down his throat and into his stomach.
13 years ago
raises the glass to his lips, but the smell is overwhelming and he just... lowers the glass again. Takes a deep breath and plugs his
13 years ago
nose before downing the shot in one go.
13 years ago
slowly breathes in and out, the burning feeling gradually settling down. "Well...it certainly didn't taste, good, but...blast, that stuff
England is
13 years ago
strong, hm~?" He laughs, clapping Prussia on the shoulder.
13 years ago
coughs at the clap and quickly sets the glass down, looking... mildly ill, actually.
13 years ago
"...Prussia?" He asks hesitantly, wondering if he should take you to the bathroom. "Are you alright?"
13 years ago
doesn't respond for a few moments and then just... shoves the glass across the counter, listening to it crash as it hits the ground on the
13 years ago
other side. That's a satisfying sound. "... I'm fine," he finally manages, though he still looks a little green.
13 years ago
jumps at the loud shattering sound, now sort-of regretting ordering the vodka. Probably wasn't his best decision of the evening.."Erm,
13 years ago
right...would you like some water, then?"
13 years ago
"I only drink water when I wanna sober up. I need more beer." Beer is the only way to get this godawful taste out of his mouthg!
13 years ago
13 years ago
(... where'd that g come from...?)
13 years ago
"...beer it is, then." He orders a dozen or so bottles, putting them on his tab. Hell, at this rate they'll both end up unconcious on the
13 years ago
street..that ought to be fun.
13 years ago
That would be a blast. Picks up the first beer he can reach and downs it in one very long drink.
13 years ago
grabs a bottle and absently begins to nurse it. Considering he's still slightly sober, he should probably call someone to ask them to be
13 years ago
his and Prussia's designated driver...
13 years ago
would be sad if England did that. XD Finishes off the one bottle and picks up another one. "Gott, I can still taste it." Makes a face. "How
13 years ago
does someone invent a liquor so awful?"
13 years ago
doesn't see why...you don't actually want to sleep in on the streets, do you? "It's...not really that bad, is it? It's actually rather
13 years ago
strong, so I would think you would like it..."
13 years ago
continues making a face. "Ugh, nein. I've gotten sick on it too many times..." And all against his own will.
13 years ago
encouragingly pushes another bottle of beer towards you. "Ah, I see...sorry about that, then."
13 years ago
waves a hand. "No problem. It was dumb of me to even try drinking it." ... yep, he's drunk. Admitting that he was dumb never happens.
England feels
13 years ago
something click in the back of his brain-the Iron Curtain...West and East Germany, with Russia taking-"Oh, bloody hell.." He murmurs
13 years ago
aloud, muffling the exclamation with the lip of the beer bottle. "Ahem..right.."
13 years ago
looks over at him and raises an eyebrow. "... are you talking to your stupid ass fairies again?"
England gives
13 years ago
him a withering look, finishing off the rest of the beer. "They are not stupid, thank you very much...and no, I'm talking to...er...myself
13 years ago
." Well, that doesn't help his argument for sanity...
13 years ago
And that eyebrow goes higher. "... aren't they an extension of yourself or... something?"
England wonders
13 years ago
if he can get you drunk enough to see the faeries..."No, they're...faeries. They're their own...beings. Right."
13 years ago
shakes his head. "I'm pretty sure... some smart... German asshole studied this shit and... yeah, no, they're an extension of yourself."
13 years ago
decides that he hasn't had enough to drink and reaches for another bottle. "...are you implying that I'm mad, Prussia?"
13 years ago
snorts into his beer and starts laughing. "Aren't we fucking all?"
13 years ago
stares at you for a moment before chuckling quietly, raising the half-empty (or is it half-full?) bottle. "I'll drink to that~"
13 years ago
grins and taps his own glass against England's. "Damn right you will." What does that even mean? Doesn't matter. Drinks.
13 years ago
quickly finishes off the rest of the beer, letting out a quiet, contented sigh. Yes, he really needs to go out drinking more often.."And
13 years ago
everything else, hm~?"
13 years ago
laughs, picking up some more beer and holding one out to England. "And more beyond that." Yep. That made perfect sense.
13 years ago
gratefully takes the bottle,popping it open even though he knows he's probably had more than enough. "Indeed~ You're not wasted enough~?"
13 years ago
"I don't think... any person in the world... is ever wasted enough." Starts drinking this new beer just as quickly as the rest.
13 years ago
laughs, thinking you've pretty much proved his point. "Really? Even when they drink enough to pass out~?"
13 years ago
shakes his head. "You've done it wrong if you get there."
13 years ago
arches an eyebrow at that. "Oh? What's the 'right' way to do it, then?"
13 years ago
leans in, conspiratorial all of a sudden. "... you drink forever... and never go to sleep. Ever."
13 years ago
personally thinks that is the dumbest thing a person can do with alchohol. "...I see. Sounds like fun."
13 years ago
"It fucking is." Drinks more. "... we need more shots!" Pours out some tequila.
13 years ago
(Now I want to make a de-motivational poster with a picture of drunk!England that says 'DRINKING:Ur doin' it wrong!')
13 years ago
13 years ago
stares at you for a moment before shaking his head, staggering to his feet and grabbing your arm. "Actually, I think we need to go home."
13 years ago
protests lightly. "The hell are you doing?"
13 years ago
tugs you towards the door. "Calling you a cab and sending your arse home."
13 years ago
"Hey, hey, no! I haven't gotten the fucking vodka taste out of my mouth!" But he's stumbling a little as England drags him.
13 years ago
"Then you should have gotten water." He replies almost absently, pulling out his phone. Let's see...he'll call Prussia's brother to pick
13 years ago
him up, and then...perhaps America is free right now..?
13 years ago
grabs England's sleeve and tries to yank his phone away from any... dialable position. "Wait, stop... dun do that."
13 years ago
frowns, lightly pushing your hand away. "Come off it, Prussia...why not? You're plenty drunk enough."
13 years ago
tries to stand up a little straighter. "... I don't wanna go home yet..."
13 years ago
lowers his phone for a moment, giving you a curious look. "...why not?"
13 years ago
"Because... I don't... I dunno! Because it's just like every other day ever and I don't wanna be there." Yeah, sense-making.
13 years ago
tries to make sense out of that, but...it just doesn't seem like that much of a reason to him. "I...see. Where do you want to go, then?"
13 years ago
waves his hand. Now that he's standing, he's realizing more and more just how much he had to drink. "Anywhere else..."
13 years ago
starts to walk down the street in a random direction, deciding that he can put up with that for a little while. "...alright, then."
13 years ago
leans only a little on England, and only for a short while, before he starts smirking and ambling around on his own. "It's nice out."
13 years ago
makes sure to keep an eye on you, lest you wander off to the road and get run over. It'd be hell to explain that to Canada..."Mm, it is..
13 years ago
for once."
13 years ago
winds up leaning against a wall and just kind of standing there. "... I like this. I haven't done it in a while."
13 years ago
stops and backtracks, sitting down on a convieniently placed bench not too far away. "Oh..? You don't get to relax like this too often..?"
13 years ago
"Relax?" Snorts. "That's not what I'm talking about." Meanders to the bench and flops down right next to
13 years ago
England. "I'm talkin' about spontaneity."
13 years ago
scoots over a bit to make room, staring at you for a moment. "...spontaneity, hm? Ah, I see...you're right, it's rather nice."
13 years ago
scooots closer. "Why'd you move away?" Pff.
13 years ago
"To make room." He replies, eyeing you warily. "It's also rather warm tonight, so.."
13 years ago
snickers. "It's not that warm. 'sides, I like it warm." Sooo drunk.
England is
13 years ago
sincerely doing his best to ignore any intentional innuendo there. "Er...right. If you say so."
13 years ago
"Hey... d'you ever just want to... fuck everything up... because it's all so boring?" Philosophical, except not.
13 years ago
"...sometimes." He admits, leaning back and staring up at the sky. "But...then I realize that things are already fucked up, and can't help
13 years ago
but wish for...a little bit of peace..."
13 years ago
... snorts. "You're too deep." Leans on England a little... and then just lets his head fall on the other's shoulder.
13 years ago
reaches up, awkwardly patting the top of your head. "I get that alot...I suppose I think too much."
13 years ago
"Nah. I just don't think you got what I was saying." Turns his head and... nips England's neck a little.
13 years ago
immediantly jumps off the bench, looking down at you with wide eyes. "W-What the bloody hell was that?!"
13 years ago
falls over a little, but looks up and smirks. "The fuck do you think it was? That's probably what it was."
England is
13 years ago
doing his best not to panic. "I-It looked like you were trying to make a pass at me!!" He pauses, taking a deep breath. "...right. You're
13 years ago
just drunk. This is what I meant when I said you needed to go home."
13 years ago
snickers. "Hey, looks like you're not as fucking dense as you seem. C'mon, what's wrong with it?"
13 years ago
can't help but sort of hope that this is just one of those extremely bizarre dreams..."What are you going on about?! What isn't wrong
13 years ago
with it?!"
13 years ago
sits himself up. "There's nothing wrong with it. We're nations, aren't we? We're allowed to fuck around."
13 years ago
glares at you, crossing his arms over his chest. "Being a nation does not give you the right to ignore morals. What would Matthew say?!"
13 years ago
Now he stands up, lifting his shoulders. "Dunno. I told him I'm not the faithful type. And fuck, I've been so loyal so far that it's
13 years ago
getting... boring."
13 years ago
just gives you a deadpanned look, one that says I-can't-believe-the-words-coming-out-of-your-mouth. "That..has got to be the largest load of
13 years ago
bullocks I've ever heard."
13 years ago
looks amused. "You can think that all you want. It's fucking how I work. What? If you don't wanna fuck, that's fine. I'll go find someone
13 years ago
13 years ago
throws his hands up in distress, not sure what to think. "The hell you will! I don't even...what is wrong with you? Why would you even
13 years ago
do something like that??"
13 years ago
grins. "Because I want to. Because I can't be fucking tied down. That's part of who I am. Or has everyone in this fucking world
13 years ago
forgotten all about me?" Suddenly, he seems angry.
13 years ago
blinks, hesitantly taking a step forward. Obviously, there's alot more to this then meets the eye...or perhaps the alchohol has just made
13 years ago
you bipolar, he really doesn't know. "Of...of course not. People know very well who you are, considering how often you remind us.."
13 years ago
"Oh yeah, tell that to the asshole south of Mattie." Snorts and runs a hand through his hair. "Fuck it, never mind. I'll go home and
13 years ago
fucking masturbate or something."
13 years ago
frowns, feeling something twitch inside of him. "Don't you dare talk about Alfred that way." He sighs, pulling out his cellphone again and
13 years ago
pulling up Germany's number. "No, you're going to go to your brother's house and sober up."
13 years ago
rolls his eyes, then storms over to snatch his phone. "You act like his house and my house are different places, dummkopf."
13 years ago
snatch Arthur's* phone that is.
13 years ago
England gives
13 years ago
you another dissaproving look,reaching to grab his phone back. "Don't be unreasonable...you're probably going to regret this entire bloody
13 years ago
evening later, you know."
13 years ago
"Unlikely." Fuck, something feels weird. Why does something feel weird? Runs his hand through his hair again. Then
13 years ago
frowns. And pats his pocket. The frown deepens. Hold on... what is he forgetting...?
13 years ago
"Don't start faking apathy on me, now." He makes another grab for his phone, thinking that he probably should have been home an hour or so
13 years ago
ago. "...something wrong?"
13 years ago
doesn't fight England, let's him take the phone and... "... GILBIRD!" O_O He forgot the bird! Suddenly starts running back towards the bar.
13 years ago
watches you run off, staring down at his phone for a moment before slipping it in his pocket, running after you. "Prussia, where are you
13 years ago
going?! You can't just run off!! You don't even know where you are!!"
13 years ago
takes a turn, then blinks. "Which way was the bar...?? I left my chick there!" ;A;
13 years ago
"Your...chick?" Oh, right, the small, yellow fluffy thing an hour and twenty-something bottles earlier..."Er, it's this way." Grabs your arm
13 years ago
and pulls you in the opposite direction.
13 years ago
follows. And doesn't even mind the arm-grabbing, because he's fucking panicking right about now.
13 years ago
walks back into the bar, relieved to see that they haven't quite closed yet, but there's at least no more alchohol left for you to further
13 years ago
ruin yourself with. "On the counter, right?"
13 years ago
"That's where I put him, yeah." Goes to the bar... and starts poking around desperately. "Gilbird? Gilbird!"
13 years ago
follows you over to counter, looking for a small ball of yellow fluff. "...you don't suppose someone took him home, do you?"
13 years ago
"If they did I'll fucking kill 'em." Suddenly spots the chick in a bowl of peanuts and snatches it up. "Oh thank God..." Chick-hugging tiem.
13 years ago
sits down on one of the stool's, ignoring the dissaproving glare from the bartender, whose currently trying to close up. "...wonderful. I
13 years ago
can call your brother to bring you home now, right?"
13 years ago
pets the chick and holds it close. "..." Looks at England. Then just grimaces. "Ja, fine, whatever the fuck you wanna do..."
13 years ago
looks rather relieved, getting up and going back outside the bar. "Good...look, erm...thank you for...tonight, I suppose. Even if you did a
13 years ago
few...crazy things, it was still...nice."
13 years ago
places Gilbird very carefully on top of his own head and then looks at England. "Everyone needs a little something like me in their life...
13 years ago
don't you think?" He actually sounds almost... sad.
13 years ago
pauses, staring at you for a moment-a small wave of something akin to guilt shoots through him, and he nods slowly. "...yes. Yes, I
13 years ago
believe we all do at times."
13 years ago
"Heh. Good." Reaches up to pet the chick and looks away from England, seemingly uninterested anymore.
13 years ago
shrugs, finally pulling out his phone and dialing Germany's number. Hopefully the Kraut will actually pick up.."Yes, of course.."
Deutschland was
13 years ago
busy trying to figure out a way to get his credit cards re-instated without a certain someone finding out and maxing them all
13 years ago
out once more, and the phone call is quite a surprise, but he does pick up. "Hallo, this is Ludwig."
13 years ago
lets out a sigh of relief, leaning back against the nearest wall. "Ah, yes...Germany? This is Britain...your brother is here in London, with
13 years ago
me and he's...very drunk. Would you mind coming to take him home?"
Deutschland wonders
13 years ago
vaguely how Gilbert got out there in the first place before sighing a bit. Leaning back in his chair, he pinches the bridge of his nose
13 years ago
before replying. "Ja, I'll come get him. Make sure he doesn't do anything stupid, please."
13 years ago
glances to his right to make sure Prussia is still there, relieved to see that he, at least, has yet to run into traffic and try to befriend
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a semi-truck. "Yes, of course...just get here quickly, please."
13 years ago
can't help but become a little worried at the apparent urgency of the situation. Has Gilbert hurt himself...? "Right, I'll be there
13 years ago
shortly." And, with that, he hangs up, abandoning his work and figuring out out to get there as quickly as possible.
13 years ago
slips his phone back into his pocket, slumping back against the wall. Really, he's not sober enough for this...then again, he's not nearly
13 years ago
as wasted as he was when he left the bar. Hell...all he can do now is wait for Germany to arrive."
13 years ago
(...ignore that quotation mark. ahem.)
13 years ago
just simply sat there and pretended not to pay attention as England spoke with West. Now he shifts a little and looks up, smirking. "So...
13 years ago
little brother's coming to save me, huh?"
13 years ago
blinks, glancing over at Prussia. "...'save' you? I don't know if I'd call it that, considering you aren't in any immediate danger, but..
13 years ago
yes, he's coming here to pick you up."
13 years ago
(Plurk just loooves to let me know when you reply. -_-; )
13 years ago
"Ja, ja, it was a joke. Lighten the fuck up." Scowls at the counter a little bit.
13 years ago
(Blugh, I know the feeling. D8-)
13 years ago
awkwardly clears his throat, leaning back and staring up at the night sky. "..erm, right. Sorry.."
13 years ago
sits still for a long time... then suddenly gets up, marches over to England, grabs his face, and staaaares at him.
13 years ago
(... and lemme know if that's not okay. OTL)
13 years ago
(Pfft, it's fine. :3 I'm tolerant of just about...everything when it comes to this fandom~)
13 years ago
blinks, jerking away out of instinct and feeling more than slightly creeped out at the intesity of the stare. "E-Erm...Prussia..?"
13 years ago
"Just... hold fucking still for a moment, okay?" ... He's still drunk enough to desperately want to do something stupid.
13 years ago
swallows rather nervously, the illogical part of him that's survived from his punk-rock days making him actually listen for once and stand
13 years ago
still as ordered, looking rather uncomfortable. "..what are you doing..?"
13 years ago
pauses. Stares for a few moments longer. "Something stupid." Then he leans in quickly to kiss England.
England feels
13 years ago
his eyes get wide enough to nearly pop out of his sockets, a hand shooting out to shove Prussia's chest and push him away. "W-W-Wha-?!"
13 years ago
stumbles back a little and rubs at his chest. "What was that for? ... my kissing's not that bad. Or bad at all, dammit."
13 years ago
hurriedly shakes his head, snapping his mouth shut when he realizes that he's gaping. "Wha...y-you git! Your...your kissing skill has
13 years ago
nothing to bloody do with it!! You just...you just...agh!!"
13 years ago
grins a little. "Have I actually driven you to speechlessness?" Goes to ruffle his own hair... meets the chick... stops. "... come on, it's
13 years ago
all for fun. Don't you ever just... wanna make out with someone 'cause you're having fun with 'em?"
13 years ago
isn't sure whether to be extremely pissed or utterly infuriated. That's just...oh, hell. "No, I haven't. And if you were slightly more
13 years ago
sober, Prussia, you would know that that was the alchohol talking."
13 years ago
snorts. "Not really. You're just too uptight for the fun side of life." Goes to lean against a wall. "Whatever. I'll find someone else to
13 years ago
make out with."
13 years ago
frowns, crossing his arms over his chest. "There are two types of fun, you know...I prefer to stay away from the unhealthy sort. And you
13 years ago
won't be going anywhere-you're going to stay right here until your brother arrives."
13 years ago
looks amuuused. "I'll just wait for West then." Hum, hum... taps his arm. "Maybe I'll make out with West."
England feels
13 years ago
the sudden urge to beat his head against the wall. "...I'm not entirely sure he would appreciate that."
13 years ago
"You don't know West well, do you?" Griiiiin. He's just trying to be disconcerting now. -_-; He's upset that England pushed him away.
13 years ago
blinks, giving you a confused stare before slowly shaking his head. "I...suppose I don't know him very well on a personal level.
13 years ago
Nonetheless, he's your brother..."
13 years ago
"So? Doesn't seem to stop... most everyone else." West would not be a fun lover, no... "What're you so uptight about? I wouldn't be
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kissing you anymore, would I?"
13 years ago
"Well, no...but that doesn't mean I'd be alright with you going off and making a loud of careless mistakes. Especially considering I'm
13 years ago
responsible for your current lack of sense..."
13 years ago
suddenly glares. "You're not responsible for anything that has anything to do with me." Pushes off of the wall he's supporting and goes to
13 years ago
storm away.
13 years ago
can't help but think that he may have hit a very strong nerve,immediantly going after you. "Bloody hell,Prussia,did I not just tell you
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that you have to stay here? Where are you going?"
13 years ago
"I'm going... somewhere. I dunno." Still storming, yep.
13 years ago
reaches over to grab hold of your wrist,letting out a quiet sigh. "No,I don't think you are."
13 years ago
tries to shake England off. "I just... wanna be somewhere else. Is that too much to ask?"
13 years ago
simply shakes his head in response. "Unfortunately. Your brother's coming for you,remember?"
13 years ago
"Don't care. West can find me again later." Tries to jerk his arm away now.
13 years ago
lets your arm go for the sake of avoiding a brawl. "...that sounds rather...inconsiderate."
13 years ago
"Ja, well... you're dumb." Yeaaaah. Good insult. Turns to start walking away again.
13 years ago
rolls his eyes at that,following you because he can. "...really,now."
13 years ago
"Really. Because who other than a dumb person turns down free make-outs?"
13 years ago
"Oh, I don't know...a person with morals who doesn't want to 'make out' with just anyone?"
13 years ago
turns around. "Am I 'just anyone' then?"
13 years ago
blinks,stopping in his tracks. "W-Well...considering I don't have romantic feelings for you..technically,yes."
13 years ago
rolls his eyes and turns to start walking again. "What does.. romantic feelings have to do with it?"
13 years ago
hesitates for a moment before following. "Because..those are the sorts of things you do with someone you love."
13 years ago
"Or... they're the things you do to relieve stress. Or get laid. Or have a little bit of fucking fun."
13 years ago
"...sounds like a perfectly good way to ruin your heart and your body."
13 years ago
makes a disgusted noise. "Because that fucking matters. I'm fucking immortal, aren't I?"
13 years ago
stops again,wondering why he's even following you at this point. "...yes, but you are still a human,not a monster or a machine."
13 years ago
(I... I am so sorry if this comes off as rude, but... r-really, the second person style is quite disconcerting to read...)
13 years ago
(/flails S-Sorry about that... ^^; When role-playing, I tend to switch from third...to second...to first...and it can be somewhat confusing
13 years ago
and...mreh. I'm keep it in third, yea..? :3)
13 years ago
(Yes please. ;A; It's just so much less confusing and... story-telling like that way. Thank you. <3)
13 years ago
(Durp...haha, you've certainly got a point there. Alright, will do~)
13 years ago
spins around, coming to a stop as well. "Nein!! I am a nation! And as such, I am not inclined to do things the way that a lowly human
13 years ago
13 years ago
flinches, the words hitting him extremely close to home. "But we're still human, aren't we?" He narrows his eyes in response to
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Prussia's words, shaking his head. "Lowly humans? How can you say something like that?"
13 years ago
"I can say whatever I want! I'm above all of you! E-even you!" Shit, he's stuttering. "... FUCK. Where the fuck is West??"
13 years ago
pulls out his phone to check for a message or missed call, but...nothing. It's late, and he really doesn't want to have to deal with a
13 years ago
drunk Prussia right now..."...right. Of course. He should be here by now...mm."
13 years ago
as if on cue, Germany arrives on the scene. He's driving particularly slowly as he'd been trying to keep an eye out for Prussia and England,
13 years ago
not having actually found out where they were before leaving. Once he spots them, he pulls up and steps out of the car. "Is everything
13 years ago
all right...?"
13 years ago
had opened his mouth to further... yell. But upon seeing Germany, he just lets out an explosive sigh and stomps towards the
13 years ago
car. "C'mon, West, we're going." Tries to climb into the driver's seat.
13 years ago
lets out a barely audible sigh of relief,glancing over at Germany and trying to convey just how grateful he is to the other man for
13 years ago
finally showing up and giving him a break. "Y-Yes, everything's...fine. Good evening,Germany."
13 years ago
"Good evening- Gilbert, you're not driving." He sighs, his attention quickly turning to his brother. At least it didn't look like anything
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too worrying had happened. After lightly trying to shoo Gilbert to the passenger's seat, he looks back to Arthur. "I hope he didn't
13 years ago
cause too much trouble."
13 years ago
"But West! I'm cool to drive, see??" Wobbles. "Ja! Like that." ... but winds up in the passenger seat anyway -__-;;
13 years ago
"...trouble? No, not at all...he behaved himself rather well." Arthur lies, deciding that he may as well keep the evening's...incidents a
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secret,for the sake of preventing an odd sort of scandal. "I'm sorry you had to come and get him...was it too much trouble?"
13 years ago
finds that a tiny bit hard to believe, but won't press the issue. "No, not at all." He pauses for a moment, trying to think of something
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more to say. "Thank you for keeping an eye on him." Awkward. Yeah.
13 years ago
whines! "Come on, West. I'm so pissed at this guy I could... I could piss or something, I dunno! Come oooon."
13 years ago
Yeah. Awesome.
13 years ago
nods politely,thinking that he's probably going to have to walk home...which isn't the most brilliant idea, considering how 'safe' London is
13 years ago
this late at night. "Ah, you're welcome. Take...erm...good care of him, I suppose."
13 years ago
"You take care, too." He turns back to his brother as he gets back into the driver's seat. "Wait, you're what...?"
13 years ago
"Pissed, dammit! So just drive! Fuck!" Sulks in the passenger seat.
13 years ago
13 years ago
starts down the familiar path back to his house,absently humming 'Greensleeves' along the way. Hopefully, he won't even remember any of
13 years ago
this come tommorow..
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