England has
13 years ago
fallen asleep on the subway and is,unfortunately, plagued by his usual nightmares.
latest #157
Alfred was
13 years ago
wandering around, completely amazed by the new technology, and happens to find a certain familiar someone. Goes to investigate.
13 years ago
shifts in his sleep, eyes squeezing shut tighter as though in concentration. His mumblings are almost incomprehensible, but if one were
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paying close attention, they might hear "Mmn,no...put the gun down, you idiot...don't be ridiculous..."
13 years ago
(Btw... this is Alfred's new personality so England should meet him since Russia has, haha.)
13 years ago
(New personality...? Owo And what might that be?)
13 years ago
(Ah... well he sort of cracked in that changing room thread and the current Alfred's just... trying to recover. This new personality is...
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well, you'll figure it out soon. Heehee.)
13 years ago
wanders on over and finds it highly interesting how this... it's called a subway right? - can be so dark, yet people are okay with it...
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Shrug. And then he spots that really familiar mop of blonde hair, and his eyes widen, heart fluttering in childish excitement as he moves
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closer, content to just watch for now.
13 years ago
(Cracked...? Ohohoho, I don't know if I should be excited or scared~...)
13 years ago
(Ah, no, this one is a sane personality, don't worry. You'll see who it is, and when you do, you'll go AHA!)
13 years ago
(But it's just the current Alfred... if he tried to come out, he'll just collapse since he was tortured by his sadistic side. Yep.)
13 years ago
(So another one had to take his place and move the body. xD; )
13 years ago
"Y-You heard me, don't ask me to repeat myself..." A violent shudder wracks the Englishman's body, upsetting the small briefcase beside him
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and knocking it to the floor of the train. "I-I said...that there's no way I could fire after everything that's happened.."
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frowns. He's never seen England like this before... or maybe because it was for the reason that he'd usually be asleep... but moot point!
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Picking up the briefcase and setting it next to him, he places both hands (big hands) on your shoulders, shaking gently, "E-England... wake
13 years ago
13 years ago
can hear a familiar voice pulling him out of the haze of sleep, similiar to the one he's conversing with in his dream but much more real,
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so much more solid,and he all but jolts up at the physical contact, eyes snapping open. "Wha-...Alfred..? What are you doing here..? Where-
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Oh, right...I'm on the subway..." He blinks, staring up at you for a moment as though unsure as to whether or not he's actually awake.
Alfred is
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really quite worried about seeing England in this state, when he's usually been a taller man, proud and seemingly invincible... He shakes
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just a little harder to make sure you do wake up, eyes full of that concern as he peers down at you. "Ah... yeah, I actually got a little
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bored of my place, so I decided to come to Europe!~ And somehow I ended up here..." He trails off, lifting the suitcase and handing it to
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you. "Er... are you okay?"
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still looks somewhat dazed, taking the suitcase and setting it back down beside him. "O-Oh...well, you ought to have called, then..if I had
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known you were coming to Europe, I would have suggested places to visit or...something..." He clears his throat, the brief shake reminding
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him that yes, this is reality,and he needs to pay attention to the here and now, lest he drive himself mad. "What? Oh...yes, I'm fine.
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Aside from falling asleep in a public place,I'm just a tad bit...tired."
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blinks a little, taken aback by that. "Called you...? I don't know how- Oh!" Slapping his forehead, he pulls out that wondrous thing called
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a cellphone, and scrolls down through it... to find England's name. "Oh, yeah, sorry. I forgot I had one of these..." Well, that was mighty
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smart of him. He really needed to adjust... Snapping out of his thoughts at that, he sits down next to you, pouting a little. "Well, if
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you're tired, why are you out and about?"
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tilts his head to the side, confusion and amusement fighting for control of his expression. "Yes, Alfred, with your cellphone...you're
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always using that thing, so I can't imagine how you could forget you have one..." He lets out a soft chuckle at the ever-adorable pout on
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your face, opening his briefcase and pulling out a small paper bag. "Well, I haven't really got a choice...there's lots of work to be done
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,and I don't have too much time for sleep. Though...I did stop by a sweet shop this morning. Are you hungry?"
13 years ago
seriously needs to adapt to this stuff more, and being made fun of is not helping things! But he's a little too amused at the way the
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contraption buzzes and beeps and whatnot to really care too much about being teased... but he'll play with it later!~ Looking at you and
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then to your papers, he frowns a little. "Huh...? You've never had that much work before... did something happen?" The worry, however,
Alfred gives
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way a little to the mention of food, and he swings his legs happily. "Do you have to ask? 'Course! Are you gonna cook again today?"
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opens the bag and pulls out a small box of strawberry tarts, handing it to you. Part of him is amazed at the fact that you have yet to
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insult him in some way,shape or form, considering you've been talking to him for the whole of five minutes. Nonetheless, he's glad for it,
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and at your response another quiet laugh escapes him. "Well, I suppose I could cook, if you like...I thought you hated my food, though?
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You're always doing whatever it takes to get me out of the kitchen, after all~...mm? Ah, about that...recently, my boss has decided that
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it's a nation's duty to handle paperwork and the like, so...I've got quite a bit to do."
13 years ago
gleefully accepts that weird pink thing that he thinks is absolutely of the coolest colour. Taking it, he nibbles a little at the side to
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test it, amazed and surprised to see that it actually tastes really good before proceeding to devour the whole thing. "Thanks, England!~" He
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grins, licking his lips and humming thoughtfully. "Heh? I never said that... did I? I like your cooking." He tries to think of the old
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cooking and food you always made. "You even said it yourself, right? Your cooking was "delicious"." And with the mention of work, he can't
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help but be amazed by how much everyone's just... grown. "Oh... okay. Well, you should take a break today, then, since I'm here!~"
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frowns, leaning forward and reaching up to press the back of his hand to your forehead. "...odd, your temperature seems moderate..." He
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mumbles to himself, the enthusiastic way in which you finish off the treat making him smile. "You missed a spot, you sod.." He hands you a
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napkin, putting the bag back into his briefcase. "You, ah...say it very often, actually. Hm...I don't know if my boss would appreciate that
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too much, but...if it's not too much trouble for you, I'd like that."
13 years ago
"Why would you think I had a fever?" He blinks at the gesture, noting how your hand seems larger and almost unknown, but that familiar
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warmth is something that never goes away, I suppose. "Pft, England worries too much, as usual." He stares out the window as he takes the
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napkin, wiping away the crumbs childishly, before turning his attention back to you. "I do...? I must have forgotten!~ Well, no, I like your
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cooking.~" Then he pouts again. "Come on, stop being such a spoiled sport. Besides, why would it be trouble for me? I haven't been
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here in a while, so I might as well!"
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still looks somewhat suspicious, unable to shake the feeling that either a.) he is still dreaming or b.)this is all some sort of...odd joke,
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but the confusion on your face seems genuine, and he tries to shake it off with a small smile. "Ah, well, you know I can't help it, Alfred..
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it's just natural that I worry about you, isn't it?" He stands up when a voice comes over the intercom, announcing an upcoming station. "I
England was
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just making sure...I know you've got alot of work as well, after all. Then again, I suppose it's not as bad if we're both slacking off,
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hm~? That sounds like something more fitting to your logic." He chuckles quietly, ignoring the flush that fights to cover his cheeks at the
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compliment to his cooking from America. What sort of paralell universe is this? "Well,I'm honestly not complaining. Where all would you
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like to go?"
13 years ago
smiles at that statement, knowing full well that all England does is worry about him... and Canada, on those rare times that you can
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see him. A small red flush strains his cheeks as he nods happily. "Yeah, I know.~" He jumps a little at the sudden voice, really having not
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expected that... it wasn't a ghost, was it? No, of course not... then there would be more people worried, at the very least. Redirecting his
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attention back to you, he nods profusely. "Yeah, I'm good.~ I don't think I can do any work right now anyway." Unless his boss just wants
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him to scribble all over important documents. At the approval of his field trip, he only has to ponder on that for a second. "Can I go see
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your house?~"
13 years ago
walks through the doors of the train compartment and onto the platform, giving a brief, polite nod to the spector who always watches over
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the gap that passengers are constantly, in the most polite, robotic voice possible, told to mind. He gives you another curious look,
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wondering why it is that you're so...jumpy today. Perhaps it's just enthusiasm, and he's taking it the wrong way..."Hah, I can't really
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blame you there...when there's so much, it's difficult to focus." Humming absently to himself, he makes his way up the stairs, occasionally
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slowing up a bit to keep in stride with you. "You want...to see my house? Well...I haven't changed very much since the last time you visited
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,but...yes, I suppose we could go there."
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looks around the platform wonderingly, seeing as how he can't really remember the platform when he came into the train. Making up for that
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now, he feels slightly intimidated by the sheer mass of people present, and he subconsciously presses himself just a little closer to you to
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form some semblance of protection or peace of mind. He's distracted only by your final words, finally looking up as he blinks away the
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slight discomfort he's feeling as having so many strangers around him, and he nods happily. "Yeah! And I don't know about that." He grins
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as though enjoying an inside joke - which he was. "I'm sure there'll be a couple of things here and there different..."
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blinks when he feels a sudden change of weight at his side, glancing over at you curiously. If he didn't know better, he'd say that you
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actually looked frightened,and with a small smile he reaches down, gently brushing his hand against yours in some attempt at reassruance.
13 years ago
England gives
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you a quizzical look, feeling as though he's missed something, but he quickly shrugs it off, walking out into the sunlight and to the edge
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of the cobblestone street,hailing the taxi. "Well...yes, I suppose there are a few things that are different. I fixed the guest room up,
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for one...my attic's still a bloody mess, though. Oh, ah...speaking of which, have you got a place to stay now, or..?"
Alfred feels
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that familiar touch against his hands, and without much warning or too much thought from his own processes, he reaches out and grabs yours,
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instantly feeling relieved, as a simple soothing from England always did. He narrows his eyes when assaulted by the outside, before they
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widen in sheer surprise... Just... how much has changed...? Was it like this everywhere? Mouth slightly agape, he just barely registers
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his body getting into the backseat, and he immediately settles next to the window to continue his little sight-seeing adventure. He just
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nods absent-mindedly at your words, just catching the fair few as he replies, "Ah... nope. I just came here without thinking about it... I
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didn't know I'd stay too long... Oops?"
13 years ago
can't help but be taken aback at yet another one of your...oddly enthusiastic reactions, but the other part of him can't help but enjoy
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this side of you, getting into the cab and intertwining his fingers with yours. There it is again, that look of absolute, childish
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bewilderment on your face, and with a look of vague amusement on his face, he reaches over to roll the window down. "Honestly, Alfred..
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you've been to London plenty of times. It hasn't changed that much since the last time you visited.." He takes another glance at you,now
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suddenly curious as to how you even wound up here, without any obvious purpose, no plans, and...no luggage, for that matter. "Well,then
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I...if you'd like, you could, ah...stay with me for a while? You seem eager to look around the city, and that way I would be able to cook
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for you.."
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leans back a little as you roll his window down, again already just throwing out your words down the tunnel, not paying much attention to
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them as he sees all the architecture and the like, the sudden hustle and bustle... and he suddenly has the urge to just run outside the cab
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and dive off the bridge to go for a quick swim, then run for some ice cream, go shopping here and there... but he's also grounded by the
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fact that he's going to your house. Speaking of which... He turns around from his reverie to look at you, not thinking too much of the hand
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holding. "Uh... yeah, sure!~ I don't know how long I'll be staying though. Will I be in my room then?"
England is
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still sincerely confused by how spaced out you are, all wide-eyed innocence and enthusiasm. He takes a moment to just look at you, those
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sky-blue eyes as bright as ever, cheeks slightly pink from the humid weather...there's nothing out of the ordinary, per se, save for the way
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he's responding to it all. There just seems to be a different air about you, but he's tugged from his thoughts at the...slightly oddly
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worded question. "Your room...? Erm, well...if you mean the guest room, then...yes, if you want to. I would certainly think it'd be more
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comfortable than the couch, at any rate."
13 years ago
kind of wishes he had his camera now, to take a picture of everything he's seeing... but he could always ask you to bring him back here, so
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that was one problem solved!~ You were always indulgent with trips and such, after all. Though the sudden want for a camera increases when
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he sees an odd looking man painted in white and black stripes and... miming something... He jumps again when you speak, frowning, a little
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confused. "Well, I mean my room. You know, where I sleep in. But if it's the guest room, I guess that's fine, too..."
13 years ago
notices your attention wandering,gaze following yours until it lands on what appears to be a street performer, making use of what was
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originally one of the frog's forms of entertainment, and he watches idly for a moment until the taxi turns a corner. Well, it's a good
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thing, at least, that people are finding ways to support themselves in such tough times..."Yes, I know what you mean, but...you haven't got
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a room at my house. At least, you haven't since you were a teenager, at least..." Around the time of the French and Indian War, if he
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remembers correctly, because it was around that time that he-ahem. Back on track, Arthur. "Nonetheless, just...whatever is most comfortable
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for you."
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panics a little at the fact that he no longer has a room... but then the explanation serves to appease him, and with the back-up information
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from them, well, he supposes now it makes sense, and he immediately realizes his mistake. Right then, just to reiterate: he has no room.
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"Oh yeah, sorry, guest room. I guess I just kind of zoned out there.~" He turns back outside, this time to gaze the sky that's a dull
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grey colour. "How much farther till we get to your house?"
13 years ago
finds himself staring at you again, a part of him now worried that perhaps you might have fallen and hit your head on something, or finally
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over-dosed on those bloody heart-attacks you call BigMacs. "Oh, that's, um...that's fine. Alfred, are you sure you're feeling alright?
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You seem very...out there today." He gestures towards a generally empty area of space, then points down the street, at a moderate-sized
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house with a Victorian appearance. "A minute, at the most. That's it right there."
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"Hm?" Attention having already once again wandered off, he doesn't quite catch your sentence, but turns to try and do so when he catches
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your tone, genuinely surprised. "Yeah, of course I am! Why wouldn't I be?~" As though for emphasis, he gives you a wide smile. Immediately
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looking over at where you're pointing, his eyes grow wide before shrinking again, and he can't help but chuckle to himself. "Somehow it's
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the same, but it's also different... this should be fun!~" Hearing the cab lurch to a stop, he immediately opens his door and tugs you out.
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"Well, c'mon then, let's go!~" Definitely a little eager to explore.
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relaxes a bit at the smile, wondering if he really is just being too paranoid. For all he knows, you've decided to...turn over a new leaf,
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so to speak, or have had too much espresso...come to think of it, the latter sounds oddly logical. "Oh, I was just making sure...you seemed
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a bit overwhelmed, is all. And I-" He's cut off by his own quiet yelp as you all but jerk him out of the cab, quickly regaining his
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balance and following you towards the house. "I'm coming, I'm coming...honestly, I don't see why you'd be so excited to see my house..it's
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really not any different."
Alfred is
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now staring around at the fallen leaves and at the different nostalgic themes set around the house. And to your question, of course he's
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overwhelmed, but for reasons he's not quite ready to share yet. Basically bouncing up and down on his feet as he leads you to the front (
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well, that part hasn't changed!), he pouts a little. "Yeah, it is! It already looks a little different on the outside... wonder how it looks
13 years ago
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gently tugs on your arm as though to bring you back to reality-honestly, he understands that it's beautiful, but since when have you cared
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so much about soaking everything in..? Pulling his key out, he unlocks the front door and walks inside, hanging his coat up on the rack. "I
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would think you would know that by now, Alfred...the outside hasn't changed since the day this place was built. I rennovate the inside
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every few years or so, but...it's not too different from your last visit."
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immediately follows suit and hangs up his own coat, gleeful at the fact that he can actually do that part himself now. "Yes, it has!~"
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Maybe you just don't notice, but he certainly did, even if the changes were... minimal, to say the least. "And the inside is..." He looks
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around to survey the damage, smiling at the fact that so much is the same, but at the same time is different. "... definitely not quite how
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I pictured it!~" Running inside, he sits on the sofa and tacks his shoes off, whistling as he continues to stare at everything in amazement.
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sets his briefcase down on the counter, immediantly heading into the kitchen. "Ah, well...if you say so. Would you like me to give you a
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tour, then,or do you want some sort of snack?" As he speaks he's already heating up a kettle of water, searching through his cupboards for
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a coffee-like substance. "...is that so? How did you picture it, then?"
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