13 years ago
[Event] Has set fire to a little park in the center of Liberty City and is standing a block or so away, watching it burn with glee.
latest #115
13 years ago
just so happened to be doing a midnight check of the rooftops before turning in, and spots the fire from the top of his favourite tea shop."
13 years ago
Oh, hell...and here I thought I was going to get some sleep tonight." Reajusting his mask, he flies down from the building and towards the
13 years ago
park, where one of those blasted villains from the IVS more than likely awaits him.
13 years ago
notices the fire as well. He heads off to find a fire hose, not even bothering to go invisible for this. Wouldn't really help much.
13 years ago
lands a yard or so away from the blaze, looking for some means of putting it out. Where are those thousands of fire hydrants when you
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actually need one...? "Oi, wherever you are...you better come out now! You won't like what happens if I actualyly have to come out and
13 years ago
find you!"
13 years ago
picks up a few leaves and tosses them idly into the ever growing flames. Hmm... they look so pretty crackling. Hears the voice and looks up.
13 years ago
Then snickers. It's pretty obvious he's the culprit here. He's just standing there, in costume.
13 years ago
doesn't find a fire hose, but he does find a wrench, and gets to work on loosening the valve on the fire hydrant. Oh good, that guys is
13 years ago
being distracted.
13 years ago
does a quick visual sweep of the area, his attention settling on the only other person in sight-oh, not this joker again..."Hey, twat! Did
13 years ago
I not chase you out of some department store a few nights ago?" Eyebrows furrowing together in an attempt to remember, he flies over to the
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ridiculously-dressed (as if he's one to talk,) villain, reaching down to grab him by the scruff of his neck.
13 years ago
"Whoa, hold on there!" Moves his arms in an arc above his head, and fire sprouts where his hands were, forming a barrier
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around him. "I'm watching the show, back off for a few."
13 years ago
grunts as he wrestles with the wrench. Ugh, why didn't he get super strength instead? Starts kicking the stupid thing.
13 years ago
almost immediantly flies away from the flames, grimacing when a stray ember comes close enough to singe one of his eyebrows. "Ugh, typical..
13 years ago
Well, I hate to inform you, but this show is over. I suggest you turn yourself into the police, but I'd be more than happy to do it for
13 years ago
you." He pulls out a miniature freeze gun, turning it to 'defrost' and pointing it at the other man. He pulls the trigger, waiting for a
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quiet click...and lets out a distressed groan when he realizes that the damn thing is jammed. "...bloody hell..."
13 years ago
snickers and cast a glance up at him. "Aw, did you're gun break? Hmm..." Looks back to the park. "I think the damage is good
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enough." Smirks and turns to just start walking away from the show.
13 years ago
finally manages to get the stupid thing moving and turns the valve until it opens, spraying water everywhere, including himself.
13 years ago
"Wha-d-don't just walk away, you bastard!!" He cries, deciding that brute force will just have to work in this situation. Because damn it
13 years ago
all, he's not going to just allow himself to be embarassed and mocked like that...nonetheless, he's got to take care of the burning park
13 years ago
first. The sound of rushing water grabs his attention, and he flies towards the source, suprised to see a...gushing fire hydrant? Did that
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happen of its own accord...? "...what on earth?"
13 years ago
looks back as he hears the sound of the fire starting to fizzle... "What...? Oh god DAMMIT! All that hard
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work?" Sighs and slumps. "Meh... it'll cost 'em a fortune to redo it at least..."
13 years ago
sits on the curb and tries to wring the water from his shirt. He also wants to stick around and make sure the fire is really, truly out.
13 years ago
turns around when he hears the sound of raging flames start to die, suprised to see that, as though by magic, the water from the hydrant has
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begun to douse the park. "Curiouser and curiouser..." He murmurs, too shocked to bother to use proper grammar. "...I suppose I'll be the
13 years ago
one to clean all of this up, then..."
13 years ago
whistles a little as he wanders down the road now, very pleased with his work, even if it did get cut short.
13 years ago
rolls his eyes when he hears the other man. Yeah, sure, he was the one cleaning things up. And he wasn't even invisible right
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now! And, hm...that guy is getting away. Should he follow...?
13 years ago
walks back over to the park, stopping at the pay phone to call the police. Looks like that sad excuse for a villain is walking down Flora
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Street at the moment, so they ought to be able to catch up to him while he fixes this...mess the best he can.
13 years ago
slides his hands into his pockets and wonders if he should take off the costume. Hmmm... better get inside somewhere... glances around and
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slips into a convenience store.
13 years ago
leaves the park to the Brit and follows the other man down the street. He's not looking for a fight, just information.
13 years ago
ducks inside a bathroom in the convenience store and pulls off his costume. Hmm... looks like there's a window here.
13 years ago
noticed him going into convenience store, but loses him after that. It's not a big place, so he loiters by the door, hoping he'll catch him
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on his way out.
13 years ago
slips out the window in street clothes and goes back to whistling as he wanders around back to the front of the building, hands
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casually in his pockets.
13 years ago
gets frustrated and impatient after about twenty minutes and leaves, grumpy. As he walks out he notices the bathroom sign and grimaces.
13 years ago
Great...he should have thought to look for that.
Danmark is
13 years ago
a badass. The badassiest of badasses... the mos---SHIT, he left his sunglasses in the bathroom. Doubles back to get them! ... going by
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way of the window, yes.
13 years ago
figures he might as well head on home (...or maybe check on that park, oops). As he does, he spots someone climbing in the bathroom window.
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He stares in confusion for a second, then makes a surprised sound once he figures it out.
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finds his sunglasses and tucks them in his pocket before climbing out the window again and brushing himself off.
13 years ago
picks up where he left off following him. He's usually quite good at being quiet, but he accidentally hits a trashcan and knocks it over. He
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instantly goes invisible out of reflex.
13 years ago
turns around at the sound. Blinks. "Um... hallo?" ... weird, why'd that trash can knock over?
13 years ago
mentally curses and freezes in place. Okay, don't move, and don't make a sound! ...and hope he doesn't light something on fire.
13 years ago
watches for a few long moments. Then shrugs and goes back to walking. He's not a particularly suspicious person by nature.
13 years ago
lets out a sigh of relief. And okay, definitely staying invisible now. Follow, follow~
13 years ago
whistle, whistle... slows down. No, no, there's definitely a fairly consistent sound behind him, but turning around he doesn't see anything.
13 years ago
stops when the man he's following does. Great, he seems suspicious. He holds his breath, and concentrates on being silent. Guh, he's a
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little too close for comfort...
13 years ago
just watches the darkness behind him hard for a few moments before turning away again. Except this time, he starts running.
13 years ago
curses under his breath and chases after. Well, he's most definitely found out now, but at least the guy won't be able to find him easily.
13 years ago
keeps running, but allows himself to go a little bit slower, so it seems like he's tiring and slowing down.
13 years ago
catches up and draws closer, feeling a bit smug. He was in way better shape than this guy, heh.
13 years ago
adjusts his position juuust a little and comes to a very sudden halt.
13 years ago
very nearly careens into him, and only just manages to stumble off to the side at the last moment. Perhaps he won't notice...? Yeah, no,
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he's been found out.
13 years ago
glances to the side a little. "... I know you're there, even if I can't see you..."
13 years ago
can't decide what to do. Escape? Or should he try and capture the guy? He crouches down to pick up a pebble and tosses a
13 years ago
short distance away. (geez, good job, plurk)
13 years ago
casts a quick look towards the pebble. And then starts just... shooting fire everywhere.
13 years ago
curses and ducks behind a dumpster. His sweatshirt sleeve catches fire and he yanks it off, stomping on it to put it out.
13 years ago
"There you are." Walks towards the bit of fire that's moving irregularly.
13 years ago
panics and grabs for the man's ankle, trying to knock him on his back.
13 years ago
"Fuc--" Hits the ground. "Oh, for FUCK'S SAKE, I just wanna know why you're following me!"
13 years ago
flinches back. "S-sorry!" That's total reflex.
13 years ago
just... lies there. "... so why the fuck are you following me?"
13 years ago
coughs. "Um..." He's not entirely sure himself. Pretty sure he was going to end up tipping off the authorities, or a hero, or something like
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that. "I just...wanted to know more about you." Technically true.
13 years ago
"So you followed me? Invisible?" Looks around, trying to spot the guy again.
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fades into view, even though he's pretty sure it's not a great idea. He's still crouched behind the dumpster. "Uh huh..."
13 years ago
Aha. There he is. "... that doesn't make any sense."
13 years ago
ducks his head. "Sorry..." He bites his lip, trying to think of a cover. "I just...admired you."
13 years ago
blinks. Then grins. "Really?"
13 years ago
nods slowly. "Uh huh." Terrible idea.
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His one weakness. His ego. ;A; "... what in ... particular?"
13 years ago
swallows. "Uh...your...style. You, uh, really showed that other guy, eh?"
13 years ago
blinks. Then grins. "I really did, didn't I?"
13 years ago
nods enthusiastically. Whew, that worked. "Y-yeah! All that fire? I mean, that was cool." Might as well really go for it.
13 years ago
looks pleased as he goes to get himself up off of the ground. "I thought so too."
13 years ago
gets up as well, picking up his damaged sweatshirt. Bummer... "So, um...sorry about all that." Time to work on escaping.
13 years ago
"No problem, no problem." Reaches over to grab the boy around the shoulders though. "Hey, why don't we go get some beer?"
13 years ago
jumps a little. Noooo, he wants to go home (and maybe report him to the police)! But he can't think of a plausible way to beg off, so he
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nods nervously. "S-sure! That sounds like fun, eh...?"
13 years ago
"Of course it does!" Starts walking, arm around the kid's shoulders. "What's your name, kid?"
13 years ago
blushes. He's not used to this 'being noticed' thing. "Um...Matthew." He thinks it's better to avoid last names.
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"Matthew, huh? You can call me... uh..." Bad at this. "Just call me Hamlet, alright?" That works. Yeeeah. B]
13 years ago
shoots him a dry look. "...Hamlet, eh?" Okay, maybe he shouldn't be one to judge. Perhaps his parents were theatre people or
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something. "Um, where are we going...Hamlet?"
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lol. It's always fun to be called 'Hamlet'. 8D "A bar. Where else?" Squeezes Matthew's shoulder then leads him into a rowdy bar.
12 years ago
smiles nervously. "O-oh..." Hm.actually this could work in his favor...if the place was busy enough, he might be able to blend into the
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crowd and make his getaway!
12 years ago
See, but he's not letting go of Matthew. Not yet. "Hey everyone!" There's a cheer from everyone. They seem to all know him. "This is my
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new buddy Matthew." Another loud greeting. "Take care of him, alright?" And suddenly everyone wants to buy Matthew a drink.
12 years ago
's eyes go wide at the chorus of greetings. He smiles and waves and, at least for a few minutes, tries to fend off the drinks. But
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after a moment, he finds one in his hands, not entirely sure how it got there. He sighs and takes a drink.
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pats him on the back. "There you go. Just drink up, pal. You'll have lots of fun." Is almost through a beer himself.
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isn't so sure about 'fun'. Sigh. Hm, okay. He'll just pretend that he's undercover or something, yeah! He awkwardly raises his
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beer. "Alright. Um, cheers?"
12 years ago
clinks his glass against Matthew's. "Just make sure you drink it all." Grin.
12 years ago
can't help but feel he's being challenged. "O-okay." Well, bottoms up? He takes another drink. He's supposed to be an admirer, so he may as
12 years ago
well play the role. "So...why the park?"
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