13 years ago
[Event]is having trouble with his Biology homework...what the bloody hell is glycogen...?
latest #238
13 years ago
would be glad to help! Glycogen is the storage form of glucose in animals, like that of starch in plants.
England feels
13 years ago
rather guilty about taking someone else's answer, but...at this rate, he's going to be up all night working on this blasted chart. He
13 years ago
hurriedly scribbles down the definition, giving you a grateful smile. Thank you...I couldn't seem to find that in the book.
Ivan thinks
13 years ago
you shouldn't be feeling guilty at all, since he was the one who willingly divulged information. He returns your smile with one of his
13 years ago
own. Books do not have all the answers, so you're very welcome~!
13 years ago
personally blames the professor for putting him in the very back of the room...it's extremely difficult to take notes. Ahh, that's very
13 years ago
true...I'm glad I have someone to rely on, at any rate. Erm...is there anything I might be able to help you with..?
13 years ago
knows how that feels like, since in his Math class he literally sits in a corner at the back...and it doesn't quite help that he's starting
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to become short-sighted. Not very much, I'm afraid. I've already done all my homework so now, I'm just revising~
13 years ago
closes his biology book, glad to have a valid reason to procrastinate. ...n-not that the student council president procrastinates, he's
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just...making polite conversation! Right...ahh, I see...in that case, um...would you like to grab something to eat?
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raises a delicate eyebrow at the action, mirroring it with his own book of notes. But he's amused by your sudden divergence from your work,
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especially since you're the President...and for food, no less. That would be nice, thank you.
13 years ago
just thinks that...everyone needs a break every now and then, right? The classes at this school are rather...rigourous, and he can only
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go with three hours of sleep for so long..that being said, he can't afford to neglect his homework too much. Ah, wonderful...anywhere in
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particular you'd like to eat?
13 years ago
Not that he thinks you're one of them, but he feels that there are too many people that abuse those very words...and once you're in a cycle,
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you're hard-pressed to break it. But if you feel like you're being overwhelmed, he's always willing to help a fellow student! I must say
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that I'm not that hungry...so if you still wish to eat, then I shall play accompanyment.
13 years ago
can actually name a few people like that...but for their sake, (coughAlfredcough) he won't. It's very true, unfortunately...procrastination
England is
13 years ago
an addicting habit, and requires alot of determination to resist. He really appreciates the offer, though, and if he ever feels too bogged
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down, he'll be sure to ask you. Oh? W-Well...honestly, I just, erm...sort of wanted to take a break from all this work...he reaches a hand
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up to awkwardly rub the back of his head, looking somewhat embarassed.
13 years ago
Even if you do not state their names, he's sure he's more or less thinking on the same lines as you (coughalsoAlfredcough). He has long
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learnt that procrastination is a practised act, and that if truly want to complete your work, then nothing should be able to stop you. But
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yes, he's always willing to help...especially since you are his friend, yes? He blinks at your words, the expression slowly turning more
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amused than anything. No need to be embarrassment, and my offer still stands. I shall keep you company.
13 years ago
doesn't find that too suprising...after all, his study partner (who happens to be Alfred, suprise suprise) ran off hours ago to...'nap on
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the football field', to be exact...that's easily the most prominent example of procrastination he's ever seen. And of course, he considers
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you a friend-you're far past the stage of being impersonal acquaintances,and he's glad to have you around. He absently clears his throat,
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starting to put all of his books and such into his rucksack. W-Well, then...erm...how about a walk or...something to that degree..?
Ivan is
13 years ago
actually surprised that you're friends with American, considering all he does it insult you...but then again, he's not one to talk about
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friendships since he barely has any. And that may be why he's so delighted to have found such a link with you. Following by example, he
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moves to neatly slot everything into his bag, smiling at you. Today's weather is quite pleasant, so why not?
13 years ago
sometimes can't help but wonder why, and yet...while the friendship has its downsides, (he supposes that every friendship does, as
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people aren't perfect,) there are alot of...perks, so to speak, to being around Alfred. He's very glad to have met you, though, considering
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you're one of the people who isn't constantly pointing out his flaws, and you share quite a few of his hobbies. Indeed it is...it was
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raining earlier today, so it's nice and cool out. He returns the smile, going out into the hallway to try and fit his backpack into his
13 years ago
13 years ago
would like to know what some of these perks are, since he's been trying to find them and have yet to succeeded. He isn't going to point out
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any of your flaws since he thinks you have enough people around you that do that job for him...but even if they weren't, he won't result
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to such ways unless you annoy him (like a certain American). He stands next to you as you have you little battle with your locker, putting
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his own in his locker just diagonally above yours and waiting.
13 years ago
Well...for one, he's very friendly...and he has a...way of making the world seem....brighter, even if it's indirectly...I don't know why,
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but for one reason or another, I suppose I just feel..happier around him. He finally manages to push his bag inside, slamming the door
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closed with a soft sigh. Perhaps he shouldn't be rambling about this, considering it just confuses him and makes his head hurt...alright,
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shall we be off, then?
Ivan thinks
13 years ago
that what you just said sounds like it came out of a romance book or something of the sort. Now he's curious: do you have a crush on Alfred?
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won't judge you or anything, since he thinks love knows no boundaries. He doesn't mind if you want to share your problems with him, since he
Ivan likes
13 years ago
to listen to people talk (unless it's something about heroism and burgers, then he automatically tunes out). Whenever you're ready.
13 years ago
(Ohh, that's a period, not a comma...thought you still had more to write. XD /needs new glasses)
13 years ago
finds that odd, considering he hasn't had any time to read lately...nonetheless, it did come out a bit...sappier than he intended, but
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hopefully it won't come back to haunt him. He's not going to...deny that statement, but for the sake of avoiding rumours...he won't
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confirm it, either. I'm relieved to hear that, though...you seem like a very open-minded person. He nods, walking down the hallway and
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outside. It's a good thing they finally built lamposts out here...otherwise, you wouldn't be able to see a thing out on the path.
Ivan is
13 years ago
now more than curious, and will start constantly bugging you until he gets an answer he'll like. He promises not to start any rumours (does
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he even look the type to gossip?), and that he will tell no one...not that there's many people that would even talk to him, but that's
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another story. And he is quite proud of the fact that he's so open-minded, so if you ever need a confidant, you know where to find him.
13 years ago
It is, isn't it? Because that way, he can admire the flowers that surround the path.
England is
13 years ago
currently tight-lipped on the subject, but as it gets later and later, he might cave a bit...after all, he's under the impression that
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Alfred is strictly heterosexual, (after all, as he's so popular in the school, why wouldn't he be?) and wouldn't mind someone to talk
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to about his...erm...predicament. He's glad to have such an...intellegent companion, and can't help but think that you would be rather
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fun to debate with...he nods, wondering if rose bushes would grow well in this area. It is...I'm suprised that the students have been able
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to maintain it so well.
13 years ago
If you're not willing to divulge yet, then he won't force you to. But until you do tell him, he'll be led to believe that you truly do
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have a crush on Golden Boy... And he thinks that you're under the wrong impressions, because he-ah, he won't tell you his little
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observations just yet. He's happy for the appraisal, and cannot agree with you more: he would very much like to hold a civil discussion
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with someone once in a while. I'm surprised that anyone even bothered to maintain it at all...
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appreciates your patience-most people don't bother to even put up with him, and it's nice to have someone who will not only do that, but
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listen attentively. He's curious as to what you mean by the 'wrong impressions', though...he can't help but wonder if you would be
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interested in joining the after-school mock trial group. That would be quite the...ah, event. As am I...as it turns out, though, there are
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quite a few people in the school who have a bit of a...passion for gardening, so to speak, and they maintain it of their own accord.
Ivan thinks
13 years ago
that his patience is one of his few redeeming features; his best one, really. All will be explained in due time, da? And yes, that is very
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kind of you to offer, and he would like to participate very much! He nods his agreement as he leans out to touch a flower. Then that is just
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as well, since I doubt anyone would do it...
England hopes
13 years ago
, then, that it's a virtue you'll keep with you over the years. Standards are constantly changing, human nature is unstable and frightening,
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but if you have love and patience, there's nothing you can't get through. ...bugger, that sounds like it's out of some sort of novel as well
13 years ago
,doesn't it..? He sits down on a bench near the path, taking a good look around. I can't believe I'll actually be leaving this place next
13 years ago
Ivan thinks
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you could become quite the philosopher with such wise words like that...and though he only has the virtues of the second, he has more than
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enough of patience to substitute for the lack of the other. He places himself into the seat next to you, heaving up a soft sigh. I'm leaving
13 years ago
this year, so...
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isn't too sure he'd be a very good philosopher...he might say the occasional bright thing and give decent enough advice, but the main
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issue with that is that he usually fails to follow it himself...and of course, that's the best way to do things-as humans, we're going to
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have our flaws, so to make up for them, we make the best of what we have. Ah, that's right...you're a senior, aren't you..? Are you..mm..are
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you nervous about...going out into the world..?
Ivan thinks
13 years ago
that it's very bold of you to admit one of your flaws, and commends you for it. But for him, he feels like his flaws greatly overwhelm that
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of his positive features most of the time...ah, let's not talk about that. Though I plan to follow in my father's footsteps...it's quite,
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tiresome when people think that you got an apprenticeship because of family relations...
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finds it rather difficult to ignore his flaws, considering people are constantly pointing them out. Though, that isn't necessarily true..
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..while the general population may tend to focus on your flaws, that doesn't mean your good points are swamped by them. If you show people
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your good qualities, they'll come to accept them and...further learn who you are, I suppose. Your father's footsteps, hm..? And what would
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that lead you to, exactly..?
13 years ago
What he meant was that, just because people point them out doesn't mean you have to accept them...there are many people out there who are
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quite apt at denying every single fault that others find, and he's just glad you're not one of them. Trust me, I've tried to make people see
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those so-called 'good qualities'...but it seems like stereotypes are hard to rebel against. He gives you a small smile that's ringed with
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tension. Commerce, of course.
13 years ago
can see where you're coming from, in that case...if you allow the opinion of the public to rule your life, then you'll be...very, very
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unhappy, so to speak. And...while he doesn't deny every one of his faults, he does...tend to catch blind-spot bias every now and again.
13 years ago
Well, then. I suppose that's their loss...if my opinion means anything, I think you've got quite a few good qualities. He blinks, deciding
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that it would be better not to press further on this one,considering how..uneasy it makes you look. Ah, I see...I hope it works out for
13 years ago
you, then.
Ivan has
13 years ago
never been one to take into account other people's views of him, though that may be because his own lack of self-confidence tends to
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constantly overshadow everything. He also thinks that you think too well of him...but he's glad for it, thank you. And really, he's also
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thankful for your insightful for not pursuing the topic. How about you? What do you wish to do when you graduate?
13 years ago
knows the feeling, unfortunately, of low self-esteem brought upon by doubt of lack of confidence in one's abilities. He usually, being one
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of pessimistic nature, tends to see the worst in people...however, there are a few exceptions, and those tend to be the people that he's
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opened up to. What does that say about you, then, hm? Well...I'm not entirely sure yet, honestly. I don't really want to go into..politics,
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which is my father's profession, but...there's alot of pressure pushing me in that direction.
Ivan thinks
13 years ago
that may also be another reason why he gets along with you - that you understand him (more of less). The similarities are quite copious, to
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be honest, and he's quite surprised that it's you of all people. Not that he minds, but it's...well, surprising. And he's quite sure
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that a certain blond is in those selective few...but he won't press it~ He nods solemnly at your words, striking a familiar feeling from
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him. The expectations of others often do not correlate with that of one's self, right?
England thinks
13 years ago
he could, at this point, start a list of all of the reasons why he's friends with you...and probably not finish until sometime the next year
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. He will, of course, deny or ignore any mentions of that...'certain' person, if only for the sake of his personal dignity. At this rate,
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his face is going to become a permanent shade of red...he nods, taking a moment to glance over at you. It's good to have someone who
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understands the situation he's in...yes, unfortunately. Exactly...I'd like to be an...authour, actually, but..my father's rather against
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what he refers to as 'frivolous, creative expression'.
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...is actually surprised that you can come up with so many (even if he knows that it's an exaggeration), since there aren't many people that
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would admit to being similar to him. But at the rate at which you're staining red to the face and how you seem not to talk about it, he
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can already tell your feelings, even without you speaking them a loud. Your words prompt out a raised eyebrow from him, along with an amused
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smile. Author? Now I can see why you do so well in England class.
13 years ago
honestly thinks that your virtues are more apparent than your vices. Then again, he tends to see things that others can't...even if those
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things are usually faeries and not-so-mythical creatures. In a sense, he may actually be giving himself too much credit by saying he's
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similiar to you...then again, he's become adept at doubting himself. He...does appreciate your lack of prying on that subject, though..ah,
13 years ago
yes, an authour...he flushes a bit darker, glancing up at you. W-Well, yes..I'm rather fond of the subject...
Ivan thinks
13 years ago
that the only reason you haven't reacted like other people is because he hasn't shown you his vices yet. Perhaps your opinion of him will
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change after you witness the 'real' him, so to speak. And he would like to point out that there's no point in him prying into the subject
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when he already knows the answer. Besides, if he needs clarification, he can always go directly to the source to ask. I can tell, he says,
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the mirth now swimming in his eyes. What genre?
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isn't too sure what you mean by 'real'...people are people, and if one can't accept who a person is, good or bad aside, then that's a
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personal problem. He has a feeling that, once he sees these 'vices', it'll just help him to...understand you better, so to speak. While it
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doesn't suprise him, per se, as to how...obvious it is, he can't help but wonder when, exactly, you figured it out...ahem. W-Well, ah..
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a large mix, I suppose...fantasy, science fiction, horror...r-romance...
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would prefer it if you kept the image you have of him now, than to see everything that he is...if his own family couldn't handle it when
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he showed them, he really doesn't want to think how you'd react. With that said, he'll be keeping those said vices to himself. As to when
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he realized...let's say he had an inkling the very moment he saw you talk to that 'certain person'; he's very apt at observating people, if
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he says so himself. Romance, huh... He smirks. Any...inspirations?
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assures you that any 'mistakes' you make or 'vices' you show him will have no effect on what he thinks of you-you're his friend, after all,
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and at the very least, you ought to just be able to...be yourself around him. An inkling...? Hah...how ironic that you would realize it
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before Alf-...I-I mean, that certain person...he feels his face heat up again, hurriedly shaking his head. I-Inspirations? O-Of course not
13 years ago
...what are you going on about?
Ivan thinks
13 years ago
that it's very admirable of you to feel that way, but please be content in knowing that this is the real him as well... And your little
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slip-up is all he needed to cement his conclusion, though you shouldn't be all that surprised that Jones doesn't realize - half the time, if
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it doesn't hit him square in the face, he won't ever notice. By inspirations, I mean...are there any particular experiences that you would
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draw on?
England will
13 years ago
, in that case, be happy to accept it-he just wants you to feel...comfortable, so to speak, as he knows that the rest of the world can be
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rather...cruel and judgemental. And he knows, unfortunately, that you're right...he probably wouldn't understand even I told him directly
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...he lets out a quiet sigh, slumping back against the bench. U-Um, well...as for experiences...no, I haven't ever had any, s-so there's
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nothing to base on for my writing...
Ivan is
13 years ago
immensely grateful that you accepted it like that, because it makes him quite a lot more comfortable. He also thinks that you think too
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little of the other blond at times. Sure, he's not so intelligent and has the worst track record for class attendance, but I'm pretty sure
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that he's so stupid to not know a confession when he hears one. Perhaps you should give it a go. His gaze follows you as you slouch back.
13 years ago
Then maybe you could write about...feelings?
England is
13 years ago
both glad and relieved to hear that-in that sense, he knows that he's at least doing something right. And...it's not that he doubts
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Alfred, per se...he just finds it difficult to trust or put faith in anyone at times, even the few exceptions. Nonetheless...if you
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believe that it's a good idea, he..may have to give it a try before the end of the year. F-Feelings...? Er...yes, I suppose I could always
13 years ago
do that...
13 years ago
would be glad to point out more of the things that you've done right, at the forefront of which is running the Student Council. Though
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you're quite the hardworker, and often force others to be one too, you've maintained the rules of the school without having the students
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rise up in rebellion (it happened in his old school, so he knows). And he believes it's a wonderful idea, since it won't be guaranteed
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that you see Jones ever again in college...unless you two plan to go to the same one...?
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appreciates the confidence-booster, as the Student Council was something he chose to do on his own...however, all of the other members
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proved to be rather...apathetic about helping the school, so he ended up, for the most part, doing everything. He stares at you,
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wondering what school you used to attend...did they honestly rebel? He can feel his heart sink at the statement, knowing very well that
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it's true. You've...got a point there..and knowing Alfred, he'll meet a nice girl, fall in love, and...mm...
Ivan thinks
13 years ago
you're doing a fantastic job of it, still able to uphold the dignity of the Council even when you're the one that does everything. If you'd
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like any help, you know where to find him. He doesn't quite like talking about his past, but yes, the students over-ran the school for an
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entire week... He honestly hadn't meant to cause you any harm, and apologizes for his insensitivity. Though your words cause him to rise his
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eyebrow again. Girl? What makes you think that he likes females only?
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appreciates the support, and will certainly let you know if he ever needs any assistance in setting up school events, or just...with wor
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in general, considering he's constantly swamped by it. That sounds like...quite the ordeal...I'm sorry you had to go through such a thing,
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then...this school is rather calm in comparison. He gapes at you for a moment, then forces his mouth shut, looking rather confused. W-What
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do you mean...? He's...an athletic star, extremely bright, and very popular...doesn't all of that...u-usually imply...not to be biased,
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but...I had assumed he was heterosexual..
Ivan will
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promise to try his hardest to help you if you ever need it, because you're his friend and that's what friends do. No need to apologize,
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since none of it is your fault. And this school is definitely more organized...it's one of the reasons I came here in the first place. At
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your expression, he returns it with his own brand of confusion, tilting his head to the side. You...can't be telling me you didn't notice...
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The way that Jones...ah, perhaps it is not my place to speak of such things.
England is
13 years ago
glad, in that case, to have a friend to rely on-on the other hand, he hopes that you'll come to him for help if you ever find yourself in a
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tight spot. Though, I suppose one of the reasons this school is better is because it's a private, advanced academy...all of the students
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here are intellegent to some degree, so it's nice to be attending a school that you can't pay your way into...he blinks, now genuinely
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confused. The way that Alfred...n-no, what? You started the sentence...finish it? Please?
Ivan will
13 years ago
be more than willing to share the burdens of his troubles with you, though he does not suggest you try and solve his problems for him...
13 years ago
Someone tried that before, and...let's just say it didn't end so well. Nice choice of words there, 'intelligent to some degree'...but the
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problem is that the fees are much more expensive than that of a public school, and because my fa-parents are adamant in refusing to pay
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for me, it becomes quite a hassle. He blinks in surprise and utter disbelief that you really don't know. But how can you not when it's so
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obvious to him? Arthur, I would love to tell you, but I fear that Jones himself does not realize he is doing it. So if you just pay him
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more attention, as well as to where he's staring...it might become clear to you.
13 years ago
knows better than to try and completely eliminate another person's problems, considering he can't even take care of his own-however, he
England hopes
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that he'll, at the very least, be able to offer some sort of advice or comfort, and he knows that sometimes, just talking about a
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problem can make it all the easier to bear. O-Oh, I see...well, I can understand why that is...haha, well, there are different forms of
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intellegence, after all...my parents are the same way, though fortunately or unfortunately depends on opinion...personally, I'm glad that I
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had to work my way into a good school,rather than being spoilt. S...Staring...? He's still not sure as to what you're going on about,
13 years ago
but...pay attention to what he's staring at...? H-How do you mean..?
Ivan will
13 years ago
tell you now that a willing ear is all he ever needs and wants in a friend...someone who won't flinch when he's nearby; who won't be afraid
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to tell him things as they are; who won't judge. And he's sure that he can provide the same service for you, if you're willing to share
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your thoughts with him! Alas, I am also very glad that I had to work hard to get a spot in this prestigious school...it proves that I'm
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meant to be here. And how can you still not understand what he's talking about? I mean, just pay attention to where he looks.
England is
13 years ago
more than willing to provide that for you, as he wants to do all he can to be of some sort of use for you. Aside from that, a part of him
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can't help but think that,if you've been misjudged and,in a sense, scorned your entire life, you aren't used to having people stop to
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listen to your problems...and unfortunately, he knows the feeling. Ah, precisely so...and I've noticed that you do rather well in all of
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your classes,too. Where he looks..? ...can't you just tell me,though...?
13 years ago
really isn't used to having people who are so ready to accept him for who he is, and neither is he on the receiving side of such, caring
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acts. But he supposes that's what a lifetime to isolation does to people. I try not to value one subject over another, since I think they
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all serve some purpose in life...but my favorite subject would most likely by Math or Physics. And I don't really think it's my place to
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tell you...especially when I could be wrong.
13 years ago
knows the feeling,unfortunately..thankfully, he's discovered that the entire world isn't that way, and that there are,in fact, kind and
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considerate people out there. Math and Physics, hm? I'm rather weak is those areas,but...I can see why you would enjoy it. Have you ever
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thought about going into engineering...? Not your...place to tell me...? ..ah,no, you're right...I suppose I honestly ought to ask Alfred
13 years ago
Ivan has
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yet to find any such people, though he thinks that you could very well be the first. If you're weak in those subjects, perhaps I could
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tutor you? ...Engineering? I've never, really thought about becoming anything other than an entrepreneur... And yes, it'd be best to ask
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him yourself, though whether or not he'll tell you the truth is another story...
England is
13 years ago
rather suprised to hear that, but...better to know one than none, at the very least. Tutouring, hm...? Well...yes,I would appreciate that.
13 years ago
The last thing I need is to fail those classes...the very word makes him cringe. Oh, I see...well,it doesn't matter as long as you're
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doing something you love. I'll...have to do that, then. And as for whether or not he'll tell the truth..well,that's where trust comes into
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play,isn't it?
13 years ago
doesn't know why that would surprise you, but is still grateful for it. He guarantees that he won't let you fail if he helps you, so have
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no fears. But you know... he starts to fiddle with his scarf idly. I can personally vouch that Jones is just as apt at denying things as you
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are...and pairing that up with his sheer stubbornness...well, good luck.
13 years ago
finds that reassuring...he'll have to repay you for your help sometime, then. Er..are you fond of English cooking...? He blinks, suprised to
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hear another person make that observation. O-Oh...? I see...well, I suppose I'll certainly need it. I'm not...very good at being forceful or
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straightforward..hah, obviously..
Ivan is
13 years ago
actually quite fond of the British culture, cooking and all, so he'd be glad to have some of whatever it is that you cook. And it's near
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impossible for him to not have made that observation, since he butts heads with Jones on too often an occasion. He offers what he hopes is
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a comforting smile. Nonetheless, I hope the answer is to your liking.
England will
13 years ago
work on improving his cooking skills, then, and try to find a few new recipes that might be more suited to your tastes. For one reason or
13 years ago
another, most people doesn't seem to appreciate the flavour...ah, right, the two of you....fight very often, don't you? There's still a
13 years ago
large gaping hole in the library wall, I believe...he returns the smile with one of his own, feeling slightly more confident. Ah, thank you
13 years ago
...so do I.
Ivan will
13 years ago
be happy to try whatever you want to offer to him; he's not picky when it comes to food, after all. Perhaps if he is to try it, then he
13 years ago
could pick out why people think it tastes weird, since your scones are almost infamous for its taste. He rolls his eyes at your words.
13 years ago
Fight? More like war - I can't stand him, and he neither me...but I still support you and pray for your success~!
England is
13 years ago
extremely relieved to hear that, glad to have found someone who knows a good meal when they see it. Some people, on the other hand, can't
13 years ago
seem to appreciate the beauty of my scones...I was going to choose home economics as an elective this year, but when word got around, noone
13 years ago
else would sign up...ungrateful twats. Ahem. I-Is that so...? Well, thank you, nonetheless...but what, exactly, is it that you have against
13 years ago
one another...?
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