Miko Omegamu
13 years ago
latest #53
[Codie ~]#
13 years ago
wow that tard
Miko Omegamu
13 years ago
RL clothing generally only comes in 6 sizes (0-12). I love how self entitled they are by saying they do this all day and it's so easy at
Miko Omegamu
13 years ago
their real job, which I'm sure pays a good deal more than a few bucks an hour. (eyerolll)
Gogo ♔ says
13 years ago
oh.. such language
just ely says
13 years ago
MikoOmegamu: exactly, if we could actually charge a price high enough to equal a fair salary per hour, maybe we'd create 20 sizes.
Gogo ♔ says
13 years ago
honestly, i dont even want more than 3 sizes. i want mesh to fit around my av (obvsly) or i want 3 pretty standard size... if it doesnt fit,
Gogo ♔ says
13 years ago
i wont wear it. If i buy something that has 20 diff objects and creates invy clutter, i will get stabbity
13 years ago
who the fuck is this numpty? and really? they are a fucking expert in all things 3d? i call bullshit
just ely says
13 years ago
though you have to admit, that specific outfit does NOT lend itself well to being acceptable on many different sizes/proportions.
13 years ago
he oozes arrogance... he needs a good ol' humility check... and lessons in polite English. 24 Carat Muppet.
just ely says
13 years ago
gogolita: you make a good point, if there are 20 sizes in the box, and no "standard" sizing in SL, that would be overwhelming.
Miko Omegamu
13 years ago
I'm not sure why this person isn't putting their money where their mouth is and releasing something in 20 sizes and charging L$300 for it.
13 years ago
exactly, i have seen no creators releasing mesh stuff in multiple x10 sizings
13 years ago
"Ask me anything but I probably won't respond..." you're no expert any way, sunshine
13 years ago
plus, hes too cowardly to put his sl name to it
Gogo ♔ says
13 years ago
wow yes they are angry.. a whole blog dedicated to being mad
(((Cajsa))) says
13 years ago
he rigs 100s of meshes on 100s of frames everyday? Hyperbolic, much?
Gogo ♔ says
13 years ago
they should join Plurk, it's so much more satisfying
13 years ago
mesh is great, but its not going to work for all things, creators need to utilise it where its better than prims/sculpties
Miko Omegamu
13 years ago
Basically that entire blog is just him shitting on mesh products. Same ax to grind, different items.
Gogo ♔ says
13 years ago
is there a way to report Tumblr blogs? cos they are using vendor images that do not belong to them
13 years ago
This whole blog made me lol. Seriously? Go rig some more shit and stop wasting your time bleating about crap no one is going to care about
13 years ago
five minutes later.
13 years ago
I don't want 20 items in a folder when I buy it, either. People need to get over the fact that this is NEW and has potential.
13 years ago
If you don't like a product, or don't think the creator has worked hard enough on it, don't buy it. Simple as that.
13 years ago
Chav Paderborn
13 years ago
i don't like too many stuffs in a box
Chav Paderborn
13 years ago
and anyway it still probably wouldnt fit
13 years ago
El shrug. This person doesn't know what they're talking about. Hundreds of size options? Their vitriol directed at the creators of SL
13 years ago
should be directed at LL for giving us a half baked product.
(((Cajsa))) says
13 years ago
Well, it's one blowhard who may or may not have any readers other than those who are sent there to see what a creep he is.
13 years ago
I notice they don't offer any actual options other than make sizes for everyone, which is a completely laughable idea, since there are
13 years ago
literally thousands of possible shape combinations
13 years ago
are we supposed to calculate every possibility and account for that? HOW do we find out what these shapes are? I know I'd rather be in
13 years ago
Zbrush, than messing about in the SL shape creation sliders trying to think up 20 or 30 shape combinations.
13 years ago
miko your work is always good. and not all sl consumers are jerks :-))
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