13 years ago
sometimes thinks that the world is made of paper...and, as a result, wonders what genre his own life is.
latest #589
13 years ago
Most obvious answer? History.
England was
13 years ago
hoping for a...less conventional answer, but that's a good point...
Alfred thinks
13 years ago
you should really stop all this "deep thinking".
13 years ago
points out that 'deep thinking' is the basis of intellegent society. Why should he stop it?
13 years ago
...then how about... Psychology?
13 years ago
doesn't really consider history and psychology to be 'genres'...he's thinking more in the sense of fiction.
13 years ago
Then wouldn't everyone's lifes be fiction? He personally wants his own life to be like a mystery novel~
13 years ago
would suggest fantasy in that case...
13 years ago
agrees with bro!
England thinks
13 years ago
that would be the most interesting genre, certainly, but...as an unimportant character, wouldn't he be the first to be killed off? It'd be
13 years ago
nice to live in a fantasy book, though...as long as he could bring his friends with him.
13 years ago
Unimportant characters are often those that have the most input with the plot...and they tend to be the ones that are the bad-gyuys!
13 years ago
13 years ago
would rather be an unmentioned character than a villian. Nonetheless..if you were in a mystery novel, Russia, what type of character would
13 years ago
you what to be?
13 years ago
Russia would be a villain. Duh.
13 years ago
...and you would be the hero? e__e
13 years ago
... Duh, Artie, duh.
13 years ago
would be the authour, then.
13 years ago
13 years ago
looks confused and pats you on the shoulder.
13 years ago
Why do I always have to be the villian?! Sulk.
13 years ago
Because you fit the part perfectly.
13 years ago
13 years ago
That's not comforting at all, America.
13 years ago
Because it's not meant to be!
13 years ago
doesn't see how Russia is the villain...he's not evil, right? Blink.
13 years ago
Alfred is
13 years ago
appalled by your ignorance.
England thinks
13 years ago
you might be rubbing off on him...but honestly, Russia isn't evil.
13 years ago
13 years ago
...why are you looking at me like that?
13 years ago
doesn't think he's evil either... :/
Alfred thinks
13 years ago
you're really quite evil, considering all the things you've done!~
13 years ago
points out that you don't have a completely clean slate, either.
Alfred is
13 years ago
proud of that!~ But his is cleaner than Russia's, at least.
England has
13 years ago
no response to that...
Ivan thinks
13 years ago
you must be delusional to think that...oh wait, you already are.
13 years ago
doesn't think he is at all. Just open some history books!~
13 years ago
agrees with Russia, actually...you're rather capable of being delusional in the most...interesting situations.
13 years ago
smiles innocently.
13 years ago
...not so innocent in his opinion...
England thinks
13 years ago
that looks more like his mischevious smile...
Alfred will
13 years ago
let you geezers think whatever!~
13 years ago
knows that he's fairly...old, but doesn't see why you refer to Russia as a 'geezer'.
13 years ago
Russia's five times older than me!~
13 years ago
...that doesn't make him old...
13 years ago
13 years ago
Anyone who's older than me is old!~
13 years ago
...but...almost everyone is older than you..
13 years ago
You're just exceedingly young.
Alfred is
13 years ago
proud of that!~ See how much fun he has with Mattie?~
13 years ago
finds it odd that, as often as you call him so, you don't make him feel any older...
13 years ago
...finds himself doubting his old-ness even time America brings up, that asshole.
13 years ago
smiles at you guys. Old.~
England is
13 years ago
not old, thank you very much.
13 years ago
Yes, you are!~
13 years ago
Since at some point you were a form of a father, weren't you?~
13 years ago
isn't sure whether or not he appreciates being reminded of that...and doesn't see how being a father, of sorts, makes him old.
Ivan thinks
13 years ago
he'd like to be Sherlock Holmes~!
13 years ago
would find that extremely amusing.
Alfred thinks
13 years ago
you'd suit The Goblin more!~
13 years ago
immediantly thinks of Labyrinth...and is suprised to find that Russia would make an interesting Goblin King.
13 years ago
Why the heck would you make him king of anything?!
England wonders
13 years ago
why the idea seems to bother you so much~?
13 years ago
Because I should be a king, not him! v.v
13 years ago
...but kings are usually cruel and heartless, are they not?
13 years ago
pauses... Are they? Then that's okay! He can have it!~
England thinks
13 years ago
you honestly need to brush up on your history...and possibly morals.
Alfred is
13 years ago
sorry he's never had a king! Gosh! And nothing's wrong with my morals~
13 years ago
...you had a king when you were a British colony, didn't you? Hmph...so you say...
13 years ago
... will not really acknowledge that since it wasn't my king, per say.~ And my morals are heroic, so that's good enough!
13 years ago
points out that your country was divided half and half at the time...or are you the one only remembering the bad points now? ..but
13 years ago
sometimes being a hero implies being reckless...doesn't that ever conflict with your common sense?
13 years ago
Nope, not at all! Being heroic is my common sense!~
13 years ago
...I find that difficult to believe.
13 years ago
Why?~ I always do something because it's heroic, right?
13 years ago
Exactly...but that's following instinct and morals...you have a natural affinity for saving people and good things, but you don't...you
13 years ago
hardly think of yourself at all in the matter-you're without common sense. I-It's a very...selfless way of being.
13 years ago
Of course I have a natural ability to do that!~ Because I like doing it and I've had lots of practice! Nod, nod. And... so what if it's
13 years ago
13 years ago
smiles slightly, shaking his head. I just find it hard to believe that you turned out so well, considering I raised you...
13 years ago
scoffs and thinks you should stop flattering yourself because he has his own personality because he developed it himself!
England thinks
13 years ago
he should at least take credit where credit is due~...your personality is your own, certainly, but he at least taught you right and wrong,
13 years ago
didn't he?
Alfred thinks
13 years ago
you just taught him what bad and good food is. c:
13 years ago
isn't sure whether that's an insult or a complement...do I really want to find out? =__=
13 years ago
doesn't really know!~ He'd prefer it as an insult though. Nod.
13 years ago
doesn't see why everyone insists on insulting his cooking!! ...and age...and eyebrows...and magic...and...and...is he just that amusing to
13 years ago
make fun of?
13 years ago
Yes. Though he's not quite sure why you'd want to reconfirm something that's already really confirmed!~
13 years ago
finds this...rather depressing. Can't they get their laughs from somewhere else??
13 years ago
Nope, because you're too easy to pick on!
13 years ago
...so I need to be...less easy to pick on, somehow?
13 years ago
I don't think that's possible, though.~
13 years ago
And why not?
13 years ago
Do you really think it's possible for you not to be picked on?~
13 years ago
Well...yes!! Technically anything is possible, right...?
13 years ago
Very true, but as a hero who's defied the odds, that much is impossible!~
13 years ago
...isn't picking on someone something that a bully would do, rather than a hero?
13 years ago
It's not picking on you if what I say it true!~
13 years ago
Wha-a-almost none of those insults are true!!
13 years ago
I'm pretty sure your cooking is bad and that your eyebrows are huge!
13 years ago
...n-not true...that's...a matter of opinion!!
13 years ago
... it's fact, Artie.
13 years ago
...can you prove it?
13 years ago
takes out a camera and takes a picture and gives it to you.
13 years ago
Then feeds your scones to a rat and watches it suffocate.
13 years ago
stares at the picture, his eyebrows furrowing together. ...looks like a perfectly sensible face. Not necessarily attractive, but...there's
13 years ago
nothing wring with my eyebrows!! ...t-that poor rat...i-it's just because they aren't supposed to eat human food!!
Alfred thinks
13 years ago
you should compare them to his eyebrows then, or anyone's, for that matter.~ And wow, England, lamest excuse ever.
13 years ago
...so they're just a little..different. W-What does it matter?? A-and it's not an excuse, it's just truth...
13 years ago
.... England's in denial again!~
13 years ago
I-I am not...
13 years ago
pats your head. It's okay!~
13 years ago
frowns, looking somewhat flustered. ...is it?
13 years ago
Yep! Because you can't suddenly change what you are, right?~ Snicker.
13 years ago
...that's true, but...I'm not sure whether or not I should take that as encouragement...
13 years ago
It's because you always take things so negatively. You depress me! Dx
13 years ago
I don't always take things negatively...besides, can you blame me considering the current state of the world?
13 years ago
What's wrong with the world?~
13 years ago
Well...alot of things. But that's because there are bad people...you know all of this, don't you?
13 years ago
Maybe I do, and maybe I don't!~ I think the world's pretty good, though.~
13 years ago
It's...certainly better off than it could be. ...though you know, that's because of people like you-those with determination and...er...
13 years ago
right...someone has to preserve it and keep it together. We can't just all sit back and watch humanity destroy itself.
Alfred thinks
13 years ago
it's inevitable so you should have fun while you can. c:
13 years ago
supposes that you do have a point there...perhaps he'll have to give it a try.
Alfred thinks
13 years ago
you shouldn't try; you should actually do it!
England thinks
13 years ago
that sounds like something straight out of one of your movies. ...but he appreciates it anyway.
Ivan thinks
13 years ago
America's too carefree and that England's too uptight. :|
Alfred thinks
13 years ago
there is nothing wrong with carefree! Freeedom~
13 years ago
There's always something wrong with everything...freedom included.
Alfred wonders
13 years ago
if you're like England, too...
England wonders
13 years ago
what Russia considers to be the perfect mental balance.
Ivan thinks
13 years ago
it's a bit of both...you have to know when to let the reigns free, and when to pull them back.
13 years ago
That makes sense...sounds like a good sort of philosophy.
Alfred wonders
13 years ago
if there's anyone in real life like that.
England thinks
13 years ago
it doesn't matter-it's something we should all probably strive for.,
Alfred is
13 years ago
extremely satisfied with himself!
13 years ago
....and why is that?
13 years ago
... why shouldn't he be?~
England is
13 years ago
...not going to disagree with that, but it still sounds rather...narcisstic.
13 years ago
13 years ago
would like to point out that America is as narcisstic as people (or nations) can get...
Alfred is
13 years ago
now content with himself. Well, not that he ever wasn't.~
13 years ago
...thinks that if the world was like one of those children's books, that America would be the kid that never shuts up.
13 years ago
finds that extremely amusing. Who would be the artist for that book?
13 years ago
Since we're all being so philosophical today, I'm just going to say God.
England is
13 years ago
going to, for the hell of it, inquire which God.
13 years ago
pulls out his PsP, bored with all this deep thinking.
England was
13 years ago
under the impression that you saw all thinking as boring.
13 years ago
would like to say: touché.
Alfred will
13 years ago
concede to that.~
England will
13 years ago
count that as a point for himself, then~
13 years ago
And to England...the most popular form of religious worship in my country is Russian Orthodox...think about that.
13 years ago
...Russian Orthodox? ...how interesting.
13 years ago
turns the volume down a little to eavesdrop.
Ivan thinks
13 years ago
you're doing a horrible job it, America. Why don't you check that up on your iPhone~?
Alfred is
13 years ago
suddenly really distracted with Plants vs. Zombies.
England gives
13 years ago
you both a confused look. Er...pardon...?
13 years ago
Ya' know, the game.
13 years ago
...what game?
13 years ago
... The game is called Plants vs Zombies, geezer.
13 years ago
...and what the bloody hell does that have to do with anything? =__=
Ivan is
13 years ago
now going to pull out a book and read.
England is
13 years ago
much more interested in that than starting another argument. What are you reading..?
13 years ago
...don't be shocked, but Crime and Punishment.
13 years ago
only looks slightly more interested, sitting down and glancing at the page over you shoulder. Is that so...? Funny, that's actually one of
13 years ago
my favourites..
13 years ago
raises an eyebrow. Is that so? I would have never pegged you as the type...
England gives
13 years ago
you a small, amused smile, crossing one leg over the other. Well...in truth, I think there are quite a few things you don't know about me
13 years ago
13 years ago
doesn't think that's a book anyone should read. Snicker.
13 years ago
doesn't get the joke. Why's that?
13 years ago
blinks. Who'd want to read you?~ They'd all get depressed after the first page. v.v
13 years ago
knows it's the truth, but it hurts nonetheless. ...right, then. And your point?
13 years ago
There is no point!~ I was just stating the truth. c:
13 years ago
...yes, of course. If that's how it is, then.
13 years ago
hums then pauses. If there was any book you could read, what would it be?~ It could be a person, event, animal!
13 years ago
pauses, thinking about it for a moment. With so many choices, it's difficult to pick just one, but...well...if it could exist, I would
13 years ago
certainly want to read about a...person...he replies thoughtfully, wondering if he can keep up a sort of '20 Questions' game with a person
13 years ago
with such a low attention span. A person who...yes, that's it...hm...
Alfred has
13 years ago
totally owned that third zombie wave. ^o^ Oooh, boy or girl?
13 years ago
isn't put off...too much by the fact that you're mostly ignoring him. He ought to be used to it by now, but...hm, a boy, of course~..
Alfred has
13 years ago
just frozen all the zombies on the screen! Suck it!~ Ahh, teenager, kid, or adult?~
13 years ago
leans back in his chair, humming absently. Well, he's not a kid, but...technically an adult, I suppose.
13 years ago
blinks; dammit, the zombies used up a lawnmower. Really? Then doesn't that mean like, a teenager or something?
13 years ago
He's over legal age, but only barely-therefore, he's technically an adult. ...sometimes he can act younger than that, though.
Alfred wishes
13 years ago
these dang Jack-in-the-Box zombies would stop exploding on him. >/ Yuh-huh... does he act younger than fifteen?
13 years ago
I...think it depends on his mood. He admits,going over to look at the game over your shoulder-what is so bloody interesting about that...?
13 years ago
Dude, you kill zombies with plants. What's not interesting about it? Well, let's see, mood... Is he depressing all the time?~
13 years ago
...seems more like a time-waster than anything else. The graphics aren't...half-bad, though, I suppose. Er, moods? He barely suppresses a
13 years ago
fond smile, shaking his head. No, actually...he's more like a portable sunbeam than anything else.
Alfred will
13 years ago
not agree with that. But then again, isn't all entertainment just a way to waste time?~ Portable sunbeam...? Okay then...
13 years ago
So he's happy all the time?
13 years ago
really thinks he needs to force you into a James Bond marathon sometime-then you'll know quality. Oh, yes...he's almost always happy, even
13 years ago
in...depressing situations. It's...rather comforting, actually.
13 years ago
actually did that last week with Liz!~ Okay... how about other moods, uh... does he get angry a lot?
13 years ago
does not wanted to be reminded of that...that...girl. Ahem. Well...no. I very rarely see him get angry, though...he pauses, eyebrows
13 years ago
furrowing together. He doesn't like it when I'm dishonest, I think...that seems to upset him, even if he does a rather decent job of hiding
13 years ago
Alfred thinks
13 years ago
you brought it up! And we had tons of fun, too.~ Oh, I see... so you know him, then?
England is
13 years ago
feeling rather ill all of a sudden...wonder why that is. Hm...well, obviously. Of course I know him.
Alfred thinks
13 years ago
you should get ginger ale for that. He'd give you some, but he's drinking it. Oh, okay!~ Let me think... is he nation or a citizen?
England wonders
13 years ago
why you would offer something that you don't have...he's a nation. Rather well-known, actually...
Alfred has
13 years ago
some, like he said. He's just drinking it.~ Mmm... European?
England thinks
13 years ago
it was rather rude of you to mention it if you weren't intent on sharing, then. Ah, no...he's not in Europe.
Alfred wonders
13 years ago
why you think he cares. ^o^ Asia?
13 years ago
knows, by this point, that you don't. In that sense, you're like everyone else...no, not Asia, either.
Alfred wonders
13 years ago
why you'd ask then.~ Hm... What are the other continents... Africa?~
13 years ago
supposes that it's just wishful thinking. Definetly not Africa...come now, Alfred, where's that heroic intuition~? I assure you that you
13 years ago
can figure it out if you think hard enough~...
13 years ago
goes back to killing zombies with plants. Pouts a little; what's wrong with Africa?
13 years ago
still doesn't see how that game is so amusing...and there's nothing wrong with Africa. I just...oh, nevermind. Sigh.
Alfred thinks
13 years ago
anything killing zombies is amusing! Rolls his eyes. Okay... Americas?
England wonders
13 years ago
what you would do if you found yourself in the middle of a true zombie apocalypse. ...and yes, took you long enough to guess this far...
13 years ago
..certainly one of the Americas.
13 years ago
would... be... so... PUMPED. I can go crazy with my guns and no one could complain!~ And yay! South America?
13 years ago
...are you sure about that? Even if everyone else was either dead or a zombie? ...and no, not South America...North America.
Alfred is
13 years ago
pretty sure. Though that would kind of suck if everyone was dead... Ah, well, he'll be a hero and find a way to save everyone! Oh, okay!~
13 years ago
So........ Canada or USA, right?~
13 years ago
...would kind of suck?! I see...so, as a hero, you would find some sort of vaccination or cure? He's vaguely reminded of the Resident Evil
13 years ago
games, and shivers at the thought. Right, exactly...one of those.
13 years ago
loved those games. You know what, he's going to come over now and play, yep! And don't worry, he'll bring his own consoles.
13 years ago
So, wild guess, Canada?~
England wonders
13 years ago
why you insist on playing horror games if they terrify you so much...nonetheless, he doesn't mind, and will make sure to stock up on
13 years ago
hamburgers and cola. ...he's very tempted to beat his head against the wall and say yes, it's Canada that I want to read a book about,
13 years ago
who cheers me up and blastitAlfredwhyareyousodense?? N-No...it's not your brother...
13 years ago
Horror games do not scare me! Only ones with ghosts do, okay?! That's a different story! Blinks for a second. ... Then... me?
13 years ago
Have you forgotten the time we watched the Saw series, then? You were trembling like a leaf, if I remember correctly~...pauses for a moment,
13 years ago
then nods. Well..yes. Who else would it be?
13 years ago
o-only because I thought there was a ghost in the background, ok?! As if you weren't scared! ... is somewhat confused. Why the heck would
13 years ago
you want to read about me? I mean, I know I have awesome heroic adventures and all, but ya' could just ask..?
13 years ago
Oh, yes, of course~...a-and I was only afraid because you kept hearing 'noises' and it was getting me all worked up! He can feel his
13 years ago
face begin to heat up, and tries to cover it up with a quiet, faux cough. W-Well, I know that, but, um...I-I know that you're usually very
13 years ago
busy, and..i-it would be nice to, you know...h-have...some sort of thing to remember you by when you're off with someone else, c-considering
13 years ago
...well, there's an ocean between us, isn't there? I-I know it's a hassle to visit, and you don't ever really call to just...talk anymore
13 years ago
and...he has to stop himself, realizing that he's gone off on a tangent and is being...perhaps a bit too honest.
Alfred is
13 years ago
seriously not scared of horror movies unless there's ghosts in them, okay?! It's because you can't shoot them coz bullets just go through!
13 years ago
blinks... and still slightly confused. What'cha mean off with someone else? And obviously it's a hassle to visit when I'm doing something
13 years ago
else!~ But isn't that weird to have a whole book about me? What the heck Artie, is that a way of you saying you want to know my secrets?
13 years ago
He narrows his eyes a little here...
England wonders
13 years ago
why you would want to shoot a ghost, anyway...they're actually quite friendly, and if you like, he'd be willing to introduce you to a few..
13 years ago
..o-oh, did I say that? Erm...what I meant was...j-just ignore that, would you? ...right, as I thought...w-which is why you shouldn't bother
13 years ago
,right? Not when you've more interesting or more important things to do...a-and I'm not saying that, per se...I-I want to be...erm...
13 years ago
someone that you can...trust..b-but, I know that you don't feel comfortable confiding in me, so...w-well, it's not my fault for missing
13 years ago
you when you're go-ah! N-Not that I do!! Just..! ...bugger it...
13 years ago
.... turns down the volume to the PvZ game and just stares at for a few seconds. So... you think because I don't tell you stuff, that I
13 years ago
don't trust you... so you think resorting to a book is the solution? That's stupid, dude, that's like peeking into someone else's diary and
13 years ago
that's... kinda personal, ya' know? Huffs. And I still want to know what you mean by "off with someone else". And he'll keep that missing
13 years ago
you part to himself.
13 years ago
stares down at the ground, afraid, for a moment, that he might have hit some sort of nerve. W-Well...that's usually what it means, isn't it
13 years ago
...? P-Personal...right, I know that...and with you and I, I need to...keep out of that range of thinking? He asks hesitantly, looking up at
13 years ago
you with a vaguely confused expression on his face. A-And it's not important, honestly! I-It was just a...thought...right. Oh, this is why
13 years ago
he shouldn't be honest- it only serves to make the atmosphere akward...
13 years ago
*..ahem. awkward
Alfred thinks
13 years ago
then, that you're just being a selfish douche. Ya' know there are some thing ya' gotta keep to yourself... I bet there's things that even
13 years ago
you won't tell me that you keep to yourself, right? And you don't see me going around looking for a book. I dunno, dude, you're prying too
13 years ago
much. There's a reason it's called a secret. Shrug. And I still want to know what this "thought" is.
England thinks
13 years ago
that, chances are, you're right...yes, of course...I'm asking too much, aren't I? He gives another awkward cough, shaking his head. Really,
13 years ago
can't he open his mouth without ruining something...? Y-Yes, of course...you don't have to tell me, I know what a secret is...he doesn't
13 years ago
really want to be honest, considering the almost...hateful response it usually gets him, but hell, he's feeling masochistic today. Hah,
13 years ago
well, I was just implying...er, no, that isn't the right word...you just...have alot of friends, don't you? And...I know that you've got a
13 years ago
lot of work to do and that you spend alot of time with Russia, so I ought to stop being selfish and just..erm...it's not good for me to be a
13 years ago
bother to you like this.
13 years ago
sighs a little. Well then, if you know what a secret is, you should also know that they can be both good and bad, yeah? Can't really blame
13 years ago
ya' for being curious since I'm always curious myself! But really, there's no need to get a freaking book for that; just ask the person -
13 years ago
me, in this case - and if I tell ya', then good. If not, oh, well. Live with it. Hm? He pauses, staring at the sky. Course I have a lot
13 years ago
of friends!~ I'm America, so I'm supposed to be social, haha.~ He freezes a little. So, this has something to do with Russia then? Why
13 years ago
would you think I spend a lot of time with him? (Just for clarity's sake, does this happen after the confession triangle or wut)
13 years ago
(...that's a good question. Owo ...for continuity's sake, yes?)
13 years ago
nods hesitantly, suddenly feeling very uncomfortable. Blast it all, if he'd just kept his mouth shut...I know that, but...they say that
13 years ago
(Alright then, we'll assume it ended hanging... since I think that's where it's going. I don't think I'll have America make his
13 years ago
choice to quickly. xD)
13 years ago
curiousity killed the cat, a-and...well, I don't really have the right to know, do I? He gives you a weak smile, wondering if this would
13 years ago
be the appropriate moment to pull an excuse and leave. I see...w-well, I would like a straight answer, as opposed to something from a book
13 years ago
, but...that doesn't mean I'm going to pester you for it...he pauses, wondering if he should go ahead and use a bit of that sudden,
13 years ago
reckless bravery...hell, he's going to break his own heart at this point, but...well, it's because...you love him, isn't it...?
13 years ago
(/le nod et salute I shall assume, then. ...eh? America make his...?)
13 years ago
(/hands you glasses)
13 years ago
(/is still blind ;A; Ohhh, alright...oh, the indecisiveness! ...makes lots of drama, though~ :3)
13 years ago
(.../prepares brain bleach We could still always do a threesome, tho~)
13 years ago
Exactly! He'd know all about rights, seeing as how he and his country and boss make a big deal out of all of that that, what with the
13 years ago
Charter and all. And anyways, there ya' go! Just ask and maybe you'll get the answer, and maybe you won't. He grins. That's the beauty of
13 years ago
real life as opposed to a book yeah? It's always a surprise in each step! But that smile fades into something more... unsure. Huh? What...
13 years ago
why do you say that?
13 years ago
can personally think of something(one) else that's beautiful about the situation, but...while he's never liked suprises all that much, the
13 years ago
idea that new things are constantly occuring is, in its own way, rather exciting. And yet, even though Alfred is saying that, he's not
13 years ago
sure if he'd be able to get an honest answer...resisting the urge to bury his face in his hands, he hesitantly looks up, wondering how long
13 years ago
he'll be able to keep this up. ...the reason doesn't matter...it's...true, isn't it?
13 years ago
really wanted to go back to playing his PvZ game, but why is it that he can't seem to talk to Artie any more without it going to that sort
13 years ago
of topic? Geez, he's not really a fan of drama and he really doesn't want to start now, but just as England had said, curiosity and all
13 years ago
that... He's surprised by how the answer just glides across his tongue. I don't. Or at least, he hasn't said so to the other, and even if
13 years ago
he was on that path of realization, this whole triangle thing just threw him off-course. I'm not quite there yet, Artie. I still want to
13 years ago
know what made you come to that conclusion, though.
13 years ago
finds that he was even more unprepared for that answer than the one he had been expecting, and it throws him off for a moment. ...o-oh?
13 years ago
He's not entirely sure what brought him to the conclusion, though it's most likely a combination of paranoia, self-doubt, and...well, he
England has
13 years ago
been trying to look at all possible outcomes of the situation, because it's not as though he's able to sleep at night, anyway...I-I see..I
13 years ago
apoligize for, erm...bringing it up, then...w-well, the two of you just...I-I'm not entirely sure, I suppose...
13 years ago
(/falling asleep on my keyboard ;A; .../throws English paper away and slinks off Night...see you tommorow~..)
13 years ago
(G'night, haha!~)
Alfred thinks
13 years ago
the reason for his quick answer is because it's the truth; he doesn't love Russia, or at least, he's never actually been able to say it,
13 years ago
so wouldn't that say something? He's just one big ball of uncertainty, and so his words shouldn't be taken to heart, but now that England's
13 years ago
brought it up, he can't help but wonder... but doesn't that mean... he loves England, too...? Because he gets an almost exact same feeling
13 years ago
between the two of them when contact is made, when eyes are met... No, it's fine. But you can't just keep trailing off like that, Artie...
13 years ago
The two of us just what, exactly?
13 years ago
can't help but wonder what it is you see in him that makes you, at the very least, keep him around. You had your reasons for...leaving
13 years ago
him in the first place, after all...did something in your mind change? If so, then...what? You've said that you don't keep him around
13 years ago
purely out of sympathy, but...while that creates more possibilities, it doesn't exactly clear things up...he nods apoligietcally, clearing
13 years ago
his throat for the umpteenth time. Y-Yes, I know...it's a bad habit...the two of you...I'm not sure, but it's this...sort of...aura that
13 years ago
surrounds the two of you...he pauses, not quite sure how to explain it.
Alfred is
13 years ago
glad he's already somewhat gone through this "topic" and awkwardness once, and so he's able to tackle it all the more efficiently now. Learn
13 years ago
from one's mistakes, and all that. He frowns at you. Aura? What the heck is that supposed to mean?
13 years ago
simply shrugs again. Perhaps he shouldn't have brought the topic up...well, that's honestly the best way I can think of to describe it...in
13 years ago
all honestly, I've just been...pondering anything and everything, trying to figure all of this out...his shoulders slump a bit and he
13 years ago
stares down at the ground, trying not to show just how exhausted he is.
Alfred is
13 years ago
now really curious, and he's going to completely pursue this now until he gets a real answer. You're always thinking; take a break every
13 years ago
now and again, geez. He rolls his eyes. But honestly though, what kind of aura? Is it like a magic blue aura only you can "see"? He can't
13 years ago
help but snicker at that
13 years ago
Well, there's not really anything to distract me from thinking...activities and hobbies and such can distract the body, but it takes alot
13 years ago
to do the same to the mind. A small smile tugs at the corner of his mouth, and he resists the urge to roll his eyes. I suppose some people
13 years ago
might call it 'magical'...but no, not the kind of 'magic' that I do.
Alfred thinks
13 years ago
you should get out more then. Or even just play some video games, something, anything will do at this point, because you're heading down
13 years ago
a spiral of depression... wow, he was just deep there for a second. And he's still confused. Then what sort of "magical"? Explain it to
13 years ago
me!! Pout.
13 years ago
blinks, staring at you for a moment.Did you just give him...honest, genuine advice...? He knows that he's been heading down a...less-than-
13 years ago
healthy, let alone pleasant path, but...hearing it from another person, especially one whose opinion matters so much to him...it makes
13 years ago
the entire thing seem much more..real. He pauses, thinking about it for a moment. Well...it's all of the things that they blather on about
13 years ago
endlessly in those Hollywood movies of yours-the sparkle in a person's eye, the way the walk, etcetera...
Alfred is
13 years ago
not sure where that came from, honestly. Spur of the moment, maybe? Or inspiration from the PvZ game... yes, it must be that. What other
13 years ago
explanation could there be? But no, seriously dude, get out more; I'm not kidding here.~ Ya' can come over, I guess, but sometimes Tony
13 years ago
doesn't want you around - dunno why - so that's not gonna be my fault! Pause, and confused blink. Huh, what? Sparkle in... walk..
13 years ago
what? Artie, we're not doing this twenty questions any more, ya' know...
13 years ago
would blame it on the insane amount of coffee you ingest, honestly, but that doesn't mean he didn't appreciate it. It's sort of knocked him
13 years ago
back to his senses...he pauses at the mention of America's alie-...friend, curious as to why he wouldn't want him around, but..not
13 years ago
really wanting to question why. He'll just try to avoid the...non-conventional being as much as possible. A-alright...if it's not too much
13 years ago
trouble, I'll try and visit more often...well, yes. I can't exactly give you a more solid answer than that, because...I don't really have
13 years ago
any sold proof.
13 years ago
does not drink that much coffee... he prefers McD's shakes to all that, of course! Although the bitterness is welcome every now and again,
13 years ago
but he really prefers chocolate shakes! And awesome dude, just make sure ya' call me before ya' come so I can set some games and stuff up.
13 years ago
Dude, no seriously! His expression is a little mix of sad and extremely curious. Why can't ya' tell me? Since you mentioned it, there
13 years ago
should be a reason why, right?~
13 years ago
supposes it doesn't really make much of a difference, considering they both probably have the same amount of caffine in them, anyway...tea
13 years ago
,though, is obviously superior. And...that would be fun. Do you, er...still have the game with the Nazi Zombies in it? That was certainly..
13 years ago
unique. He shakes his head, looking rather apoligetic. I honestly can't...as I said, it was more of an assumption than anything else..
13 years ago
I must admit, I was....suprised by your answer.
Alfred thinks
13 years ago
tea is just completely tasteless and deserves to be burned. Or tossed in a harbour!~ Snicker. Yeah, yeah I do! Did you have fun with that
13 years ago
one? But you totally can't beat my high score though! And he sighs at that, laying back down, but on his front instead of his back. You suck
13 years ago
Artie, always bringing stuff up like that then moving on. It's like you don't trust... And he'll cut that off with another question. So,
13 years ago
like, do we have the magic "aura"?~
13 years ago
does not appreciate being reminded of the Boston Tea Party...that was a horrible waste of tea, and he still cringes at the memory of it.
13 years ago
And now he's craving Earl Grey...bugger. Ah, yes...I'm impressed at the level of graphics people have reached. Wasn't it...less than fifty
13 years ago
years ago, all of your games were still 8-bit and two-dimensional? He hurriedly shakes his head-no, he doesn't want you to think that way
13 years ago
at all...that isn't true, Alfred...I trust you more than a-...that is...just...believe me, I do, alright? He tries to ignore the slight
13 years ago
flush that rises onto his cheeks at the question, that warm, hopeful flutter in his stomach popping up again. W-Well...um...t-that's a good
13 years ago
question...I'm not...sure...
Alfred loves
13 years ago
reminding you of that, because he finds it absolutely hilarious. Hey, for that moment, there was a whole sea of tea, right? He'd have
13 years ago
thought you'd be pleased, snicker. And yeah, I remember! But that's sort of why I like going over to Japan's too and stuff, since his
13 years ago
are always so much cooler, I think. Then he sighs at that, shrugging and not seeing your blush. Yeah see, if I knew what this "aura" was
13 years ago
supposed to be all about, I could have told ya'... Oh, well.~
13 years ago
fails to see how it was hillarious...and by throwing it in the harbour, you made it unfit for drinking...at least, that was the
13 years ago
intention, wasn't it? Just because you didn't want to pay a bloody tax...grumble......aren't Japan's games usually alot more...um...
13 years ago
bizarre, the horror games in particular? I would think that you would try to avoid those...he pouts, wondering if you're just trying to
13 years ago
get an answer out of him or if you actually mean that...well, it's difficult to describe to a person who usually doesn't bother with
13 years ago
reading the atmosphere..
Alfred thinks
13 years ago
you could have still drank it after you boiled it, since that's what your supposed to do with tea, right? That was such a victory for him,
13 years ago
haha!~ And your taxes were ridiculous, so shut up. And yeah, that's why I like 'em! And I told you, already! Only those with ghosts are
13 years ago
scary, okay?! Pause and closes his eyes, resting his head on his arms. And since I know you're probably really curious too, aren't ya,
13 years ago
Artie?~ So if ya' tell me, maybe I can enlighten you.~
13 years ago
actually didn't drink tea for a month after that event...have a bit of tact, why don't you? He can't help but wonder what yuo see the
13 years ago
Boston Massacre as, then...and they weren't ridiculous!! I supported you in the bloody French and Indian War, so I think you could have at
13 years ago
least been a tad bit grateful...it was only for the rich, anyway...and don't most horror games have ghosts in them, of one form or
13 years ago
another? Personally, I would be more afraid of zombies...as I said, ghosts are actually quite friendly if you show them that you aren't
13 years ago
afraid. He rests his chin in his hand, trying to think of a way to put it into layman's terms...otherwise, he'll most likely end up just
13 years ago
skipping around the question again. Well...in a sense, the aura just makes it obvious to everyone else. Sometimes two people can be
13 years ago
oblivious to their own feelings and such, but...if those feelings are strong enough, than they produce a certain...warm, fuzzy feeling in
13 years ago
the air...if that makes sense.
Alfred is
13 years ago
amazed you didn't drink tea for a month. That is a new record for ya' dude, and I'm proud, haha! You should try going a year now; maybe
13 years ago
I should dump even more tea in the harbour! And he does not believe that, you liar. And now he's interested in this so-called "aura" and
Alfred is
13 years ago
staring at you with wide, interested eyes. How can you have a warm and fuzzy feeling in the air...? And oblivious to their feelings? Like,
13 years ago
what sorts of feelings?~ Does it have to be love?
13 years ago
does not want to go through withdrawal like that again, thank you very much...without tea, what is he supposed to drink? ...oh, wait,
13 years ago
whiskey. That sounds like a decent alternative. A-And don't you dare do something so wasteful! ...again. I thought you were trying to be
13 years ago
more conservative...? And it's true, you know-I can introduce you to a friendlier one right now, if you like~...he pauses, unable to
13 years ago
keep from thinking that the expression is just...absolutely adorable, and he has to look off to the side again to keep from blushing too
13 years ago
darkly. E-Er, well...it's usually something that you have to feel with your heart. It can't really be explained, it's just the type of
13 years ago
thing that you just...know. And...yes, with the type of aura that I'm referring to, it's very strong, and...almost always love.
13 years ago
see, there ya' go! Always a bright side, right? Okay so, I've gotta few a good few gallons of tea then... yo', I'm coming over to your place
13 years ago
next week to get some, okay?~ I dunno about conservative, but I'll do whatever I need to, to get a job done, no matter the cost!~ Blinks
13 years ago
curiously when you stop, and is about to poke you when you speak. D'aw, there goes a good poking. Oh, I see. He nods. So it can't be just
13 years ago
liking someone?~ Too bad, because I do like two people... hm...
13 years ago
..I wouldn't mind you coming over, but not if it's just to pick up tea to dump into the ocean!! Why don't you just go on and reenact the
13 years ago
entire bloody Revolution while you're at it...hah, of course...he smiles faintly, shaking his head. Because that's what the hero has to do,
13 years ago
right? He notices your hand reaching up to poke him, and is, if only for a moment, tempted to just reach over and grab hold of it-what on
13 years ago
earth, he shouldn't be thinking that way...well, it doesn't mean that's impossible...every person is a different case, as I'm sure you
13 years ago
know. I can't really just generalize...he pauses again, giving you a curious look. Is...that so? What do you mean, exactly..?
Alfred will
13 years ago
come over anyway to do just that. You can't bar me from coming over now, can ya'?~ And if you close down your airports and stuff, I can
13 years ago
still fly over via fighter jet and all, hee.~ And yes, exactly! Though boss just doesn't want a repeat of the Depression and all... ah,
13 years ago
that kinda sucked. He looks a bit sad at this point, but then smiles at the next topic. Well, I dunno! 'Coz if you're talking about the
13 years ago
aura appearing if I like someone, then it'll happen for me and you! Nods enthusiastically. But if it's just to love someone, then no
13 years ago
one is gonna have it with me.~
13 years ago
wouldn't want to bar you from coming over, anyway...he just doesn't want to see all of that tea go to waste. I'll just...hide all of the
13 years ago
tea if and when you do come over...well, I suppose I can see why that is...the economy is bad enough as it is, and...mm...he lets out a
13 years ago
quiet sigh, shaking his head. Really, he needs to stay away from depressing subjects like those...he finds it reassuring that you like him
13 years ago
so much, but...then again, there are...very few people you don't like, right...? Though the last part...confuses him a bit, and he
13 years ago
absently sits up a bit straighter. Noone, hm...? Why do you say that?
Alfred will
13 years ago
use his awesome intelligence information to find all that stashed tea; there's nothing that can be hidden from the American government,
13 years ago
after all!~ And don't remind me of my economy! He feels his arm shake, but quickly covers it up. And anyway!~ That's probably true! Or, at
13 years ago
least, I don't have a real reason to dislike a lot of people, as long as they don't piss me off!~ And hm? Why do I say what? The aura thing?
13 years ago
Well, it's like I said, yeah?~ I like you, but there's no one I think I love, so that solves that, haha!~ Then he adds after a five
13 years ago
second pause... Dude, what's love like?
England will
13 years ago
just...drink all of it, then!! Though...the thought makes his stomach cringe, and he's not sure even tea in such a large amount would be
13 years ago
healthy...he certainly doesn't doubt your government, which is exactly why he doesn't want them to be involved. He barely notices the
13 years ago
brief twitch, but decides it's better if he doesn't bring up the economy again. At least neither of them currently have it as bad as Greece
13 years ago
....yes, I suppose you have a point there. He's not entirely sure that...solves the problem, but it puts them all back into that state of
13 years ago
indecisiveness...and that's a decision in itself, isn't it? The question throws him off for a moment, though, but his answer comes almost
13 years ago
immediantly. Well...love is an undeniable feeling one person can have for another-no matter how hard you try to quash or ignore it, it's
13 years ago
always going to come back to you. It's the most powerful feeling you can have, even more so than hate-it's...love is when you can't
13 years ago
stand to be away from the other person, and even when you are...y-you're always thinking about them, because they matter that much to you
13 years ago
...it's when you would be willing to do anything for them, even at your own expense...he trails off, realizing that what he's trying to
13 years ago
describe is...well...the indescribeable. But Alfred certainly wouldn't have taken that for an answer...
Alfred wants
13 years ago
to see that happening. Should be quite entertaining to see, actually. He'll be more amused if you suddenly bloated up and then exploded
13 years ago
from drinking so much... oh, he'll take pictures, then!~ And he's secretly happy for the move from the economy, because the twitch is
13 years ago
getting just a bit worse. The problem with these feelings thing with him is that he's never really had to think about it, always content
13 years ago
being alone and independent, and so having suddenly brought this up is like... a splash of cold water, and that's why he listens so
13 years ago
attentively to the explanation, eyes wide in delight and curiosity. Huh... I see... Then he laughs a little. Sounds like a little like a
13 years ago
pain in the butt actually. It almost sounds like one would be obsessed about someone else, ya' know? Or, that's how it sounds like!~
13 years ago
doesn't want to have to go through something like that, though...perhaps he should just give you the damn tea. Better for all of it to be in
13 years ago
the ocean that his stomach...urg, that's a thought. He's also curious as to why you always insist on taking pictures of him when he's
13 years ago
doing things that could be used as blackmail...oh, right, because you enjoy tormenting him. Then again, everyone does..he really needs to
13 years ago
get used to that. He wonders how you were able to stand that for so long...the cost of independance is rather pricey,and yet...you always
13 years ago
claim that it was worth it...do you honestly mean that, or...do you ever regret it? He blinks- the last thing he had expected was for you
13 years ago
to...laugh...though, in a sense, it does seem...amusing, in an ironic sort of way. He smiles slightly, shaking his head-well, yes, it can
13 years ago
be-some people often refer to it as a disease, but...I assure you, it's very much worth it. While there's that side of it...the feeling
13 years ago
that comes when you're actually with the person is easily the best in the world.
13 years ago
wins, again! And he likes taking pictures because yes, he can blackmail you, and sell them off to other peeps who want them. Ya' know,
13 years ago
the England-embarrassing-pictures market is actually quite a good source of income; maybe he should let his boss know about it one day,
13 years ago
haha!~ And yes, independence is totally worth it, because with that, he can do whatever the hell he wants, and no one will have to hold
13 years ago
him back ever again! It's the freedom that's the best feeling, after all.~ Then he pouts a little at that explanation. Is it really that
13 years ago
good of a feeling? It sounds like it's really troublesome, actually... Can you describe what it's like some more?~
England is
13 years ago
amazed by how you manage to turn everything into a competition...w-wait a moment...not only do you take pictures of me, but you sell
13 years ago
them to other people? ...t-to who?? Why don't I know about this?? ...g-...good source of income?? I-I'm not the only one who thinks
13 years ago
that's insane, right?! Though...yes, I suppose you're right. After all, almost nothing good comes without a price...and you fought long
13 years ago
and hard for your independance...you deserve it. Still, he can't help but wonder if you ever feel..alone, and what you do to get rid of
13 years ago
the feeling. It...can be troublesome, yes, but...well, like freedom, it's certainly worth it. Hm...yes, I suppose I could give it a go,
13 years ago
so...what else, exactly, do you want to know...?
13 years ago
makes everything a competition, especially with you, because when he wins, it's totally the most amusing ever!~ And he's not going to say
13 years ago
who these pictures go to; ya' ever heard of confidential information? Yeah, that. But you should at least know that there's quite a lot of
13 years ago
customers - nations and citizens, actually - and that he's earned quite a bit of money from just that!~ And alone... nope, not really,
13 years ago
because I'm always busy enough and Tony's there to keep me company!~ He pauses, pursing his lips in thought. Well, how about you explain to
13 years ago
me how love really feels when you're with someone else? Because I'm trying to draw a picture here and it's coming up blank.
13 years ago
doesn't think it seems like a very fair competition, considering he never knows it's a competition until you announce your victory at the
13 years ago
very end...a-and it's confidential information involving me!! I have a right to know who those pictures go to!! ...a-and why would people
13 years ago
even want to buy pictures of me? Sounds like a waste of money...he pauses, once again at a loss for words. Well...there's really nothing
13 years ago
like it, so it's rather difficult to find something to compare it to...but...how it feels when you're with the person? It's a bit like..
13 years ago
it almost feels as though you're walking on air. All of the bad things just sort of fade away, you know?
13 years ago
doesn't think competition has to be fair to be competition. A contest is a contest, right? And yes... he sees your point, but because it's
13 years ago
funny, he's not going to tell you anything!~ Though France seems to order quite a bit - oops, that kind of slipped out! don't mind him!~
13 years ago
... Oh... air? Doesn't that mean you'd feel like you're about to fall every time you take a step? ... Okay, now he's just beginning to be
13 years ago
scared of this "love" concept.
England is
13 years ago
reminded of the cliche saying "All's fair in love and war"...but still thinks that it isn't really a competition if the other person isn't
13 years ago
aware that it is, right? ...oh god, the frog?! A-And you actually sold them to him?? ....I'm going to have to pay a visit to get those
13 years ago
back, then...he lets out a soft sigh, shaking his head. Perhaps...I didn't phrase that the right way...think of it more like...flying, I
13 years ago
Alfred wonders
13 years ago
where the love part is, but there's definitely war! The market's really popular and all, too... maybe you should check it out. There's also
13 years ago
pictures of other nations too, you know! So if you want Japan's, there's some of them!~ Or even France's, if you want. Snicker. Pauses.
13 years ago
Oh... then it'd be like the same as me on an airplane...? That same feeling?
England thinks
13 years ago
that there will always be war...and that's why love has to exist, to make it easier to bear. E-Er...no thank you...I don't want to see
13 years ago
embarassing pictures of other nations, nor do I want them to have pictures of me....especially not the frog's. ...no, it certainly
13 years ago
wasn't a good idea to use metaphors, not with Alfred...not..exactly the same feeling...just something very positive, very...free.
13 years ago
doesn't think that has to be the case. War is fine too, because without chaos, there can be no hero, and he wouldn't exist! Sad face. Oh,
13 years ago
okay then!~ That's good too, you probably couldn't afford them anyway. Snicker. ... But... now I'm confused. You're free... but at the same
13 years ago
time, you're attached to someone...? How does that work?
13 years ago
supposes that...one can't exist without the other. In a sense, because war exists, it keeps a...balance of sorts. If there was no evil,
13 years ago
then...the world would be a very different place. ...w-well, fine, because I don't want to buy them anyway...he smiles, suprised that this
13 years ago
question didn't come up earlier-well...it's rather simple. You're attatched to them by your own decision-because you love them, you
13 years ago
choose to devote yourself.
13 years ago
if there was no evil, I wouldn't be here, sob. v.v Haha, Artie's such a cheapskate, but I already knew that, what with you damn taxes
13 years ago
and everything! >/ Blinks. O-oh... I... see... A thoughtful expression crosses his features as he frowns a little. That's... different. So,
13 years ago
like a hero devoting themselves to someone in need...?
13 years ago
True...the evil can't exist without someone to stop it, and vice-versa. There's always got to be someone to rise up against it...or, erm..
13 years ago
something to that degree. H-Honestly, the taxes weren't that bad!! Besides...I know taxes are...rather high in your country right now,are
13 years ago
they not...? Hm...yes, I suppose that's a bit closer. Though, love is much more..mutual than that-you get out what you put in, but...
13 years ago
you're so...devoted to that other person that it's the in that matters to you most, not the out.
13 years ago
would beg to differ, especially if the people's complaints were anything to go by! And don't talk to me about mine! =3= At least I'm my own
13 years ago
country now and I can deal with it myself! Hm... So it's like, uh... You just want to do anything for 'em, but you don't expect or want
13 years ago
anything in return... but make them happy...?
13 years ago
points out, for the umpteenth time, that not all of your country was for the revolution...though they certainly didn't protest after
13 years ago
inpendance was obtained...hmph. He nods, glad thaat he's managed to at least get something across properly. Yes, exactly-but in that case,
13 years ago
too, it's something you don't have to worry about...because you trust them to do the same.
Alfred thinks
13 years ago
that doesn't matter, because what really does is the end result, right?~ Everyone was all free and happy in the end! And then, hello
13 years ago
fireworks every year, hee.~ Shifting his position to a more relaxed one again, he frowns at that explanation, still somewhat confused at
13 years ago
what this whole thing was about. Huh... You trust them not to want anything in return as well? That's kinda... weird. It sounds like just
13 years ago
giving and giving... doesn't one person run out of what to give eventually? >o<
13 years ago
...perhaps so...well, your people were happy about it, at any rate...hmph...c-can you really blame me for not wanting to go to your
13 years ago
birthday party when it's basically a large celebration rejoicing your independance...it almost feels as though you're just trying to rub
13 years ago
it in my face...he lets out a soft sigh, staring down at the ground. Well...that's the part that's difficult to explain. There's a sort of..
13 years ago
spark or connection there, and everytime you see that person or think of them...it's renewed, so that you never really run out...and when
13 years ago
people stay in a relationship long enough, they get to the point where they don't even have to be together for that to happen.
13 years ago
shrugs and decides it doesn't really matter if you go or not, as long as you buy him presents! Because every present is worth a lot to him,
13 years ago
haha!~ Oh... His own eyes go back to staring at the sky. So it's like an infinite amount of energy, then...? Sounds kind of ridiculous and
13 years ago
impossible. He chuckles. I see... and what, they just have to think about the other person, and they "fall in love" all over again, is what
13 years ago
you mean?
13 years ago
always buys you a present anyway, git, so you don't even have to bring it up...a-and it's not that he minds going, after all, as the
13 years ago
fireworks are always impressive and the food isn't that bad(not as good as his, of course,), but...in truth, the entire first week of July
England is
13 years ago
just hell for him. He smiles at the cliche phrase, leaning back in his chair a bit and nodding. Well, yes...there's alot about it that's
13 years ago
supposedly impossible, but...that's just the beauty of it~...hah, I suppose you could put it that way~..
Alfred thinks
13 years ago
that's fine, then!~ So you should go and completely suck it up, because you're ruining both his fun and everyone else's, especially when
13 years ago
you get drunk like that. =3= Not quite yet firmly grasping the concept, he's glad that he at least has a little idea... and so he tries to
13 years ago
tackle it another way. Carefully, he asks, You.. feel that way, then? About me? All of that sky feeling and infinite battery and just
13 years ago
13 years ago
supposes he'll...have to do that this year, then. So, he needs to get you a present, go to your party, not drink himself silly...and
13 years ago
actually remember poor Matthew's birthday this year...he feels his face heat up again, and he hesitates only briefly before nodding,
13 years ago
wondering if he's just on a lucky roll of honesty at the moment. And without the assistance of alchohol? Phenomenal. W-Well...yes...that's
13 years ago
what I was sort of basing my explanation off of, after all...
Alfred is
13 years ago
demanding a huge present, or he's going to just sulk all day and not letting you in. Yes. And he's going to hide all the alcohol anyway,
13 years ago
just in case. Ah... Blink, blink, gears rotating in his head. ... Is that how Rus- Ivan feels, then?
13 years ago
isn't too sure about the whole 'bigger is better' thing...after all, aren't you into technology right now? That's usually...smaller,isn't
13 years ago
it...? What do you want for your birthday, anyway..? He stops, not sure how to answer that question-he can assume that the love Russia
England feels
13 years ago
is the same as his, because, after all, love is a natural thing, something humans are born knowing how to do and will never forget, and
13 years ago
yet...it doesn't feel as though it's his place to answer it. Well...I would...assume so, but...it's not really my place to answer it-
13 years ago
if you want a genuine answer, you ought to ask him.
Alfred wants
13 years ago
a huge present, dammit! And maybe some chocolate to boot... So you pick the present, and remember not to disappoint him, or he will rage
13 years ago
on you! D< Really, huh... This was really more confusing than he gave it credit for... But what do you think? Since you were talking
13 years ago
about the aura and all...
England thinks
13 years ago
that, in that case, his only options are...a bloody boat or something, and he can't really afford something like that. H-Honestly, you
13 years ago
don't actually think he's made of money, do you?! ..chocolate is doable, though. Well...what does he honestly think about it..? I think
13 years ago
that...he means what he says-he's in love with you.
Alfred thinks
13 years ago
you are made of money! And if you're just going to go with chocolates, then you better buy him a hell of a lot because he goes through that
13 years ago
rather quickly.~ He looks at you, his eyes softening to an extent that it looks like the sky, which his eyes reflect, is just melting. I...
13 years ago
I see... He... Sigh. And then you... What the heck am I supposed to do.
13 years ago
disagrees with that statement. ...even if his economy is technically better than yours right now, but he won't brag about that, as he
13 years ago
knows it's a sore spot. Alright...and how much is alot...? He shifts uncomfortably under the...almost heartbroken gaze, suddenly feeling
13 years ago
the urge to just...wrap his arms around you, to try and be some sort of comfort. You..mm...you wait until you've figured things out, of
13 years ago
course. I...you know that I'll wait, and I'm almost positive Russia will,too.
Alfred thinks
13 years ago
... then... -gritting his teeth - that you should be able to buy him a boat if your economy is so much better, huh? Just... buy a lot.
13 years ago
He nods at your response, somewhat appeased. Yeah, I guess. I dunno, it's just the same... Being blunt here, but I don't want either of you
13 years ago
to be taken away. Frown.
13 years ago
awkwardly clears his throat, feeling bad for bringing the subject up. E-Er, right...w-well, as long as I know you'll like it and use it, I
13 years ago
suppose it doesn't really matter what I get you for your birthday. He blinks, having not expected such a straightforward answer so soon,
13 years ago
and he files it away in the back of his mind. I-Is that so...? And that's why you're so confused..?
Alfred will
13 years ago
definitely use it. And he can use it when he comes over too, yeah? Mr. Island, haha.~ Should be fun, and he's definitely itching for a
13 years ago
cruise! and nothing wrong with straightforward, especially when they're facts. Yeah, part of it Like I said, it's both kind of the same...
13 years ago
with both of you, yeah?
England thinks
13 years ago
it would certainly be more convienient to cross the Atlantic with a boat rather than swimming...though he hasn't been on a boat since his
13 years ago
pirate days, perhaps he could teach you how to man it? He nods thoughtfully, wondering if, between them, they can figure things out...it's
13 years ago
going to take time, of course, but he promised to wait. I...think I understand what you mean. And because of that, it's difficult to choose,
13 years ago
and you don't feel as though you...want to have to choose?
13 years ago
can actually drive a boat himself, to be honest, though he doesn't have a license or anything!~ But you can teach him, okay, so he has an
13 years ago
excuse to fool around, haha!~ Yeah... but what if... He frowns. What if you wait, and it's not the outcome you want? ... Huh...? I don't get
13 years ago
it... I don't want to have to choose... I guess, because then that's just harder to do. >o<
13 years ago
Figures you'd just want an excuse to slack off...he doesn't mind teaching you, though. That way, he can spend more time with you and ignore
13 years ago
the ever-accumulating pile of paperwork...he pauses, thinking about it. Most of these are questions he's asked himself countless of times,
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and yet...it's never really stopped him. Well...if that...happens to be the case, then at least I'll be...even if I'm hurt, I'll still
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treasure the time we were able to spend together, and...as long as you're happy, then I'll...I'll be able to bear it somehow. I see what
13 years ago
you mean...is it because you think that, once you decide, there's no going back, or...?
Alfred wonders
13 years ago
when you ever became such a procrastinator, haha!~ He pauses and waits for you to answer, wondering if he asked the wrong thing - but
13 years ago
nothing's wrong with curiosity, right? The expression gives way to something closer to surprise and disbelief. Ah, geez, Artie, the way you
13 years ago
said that makes it sound like I'm never gonna talk to ya', or somethin'! And what's with the self-sacrificing attitude? =3= Pout. Uh...
13 years ago
never thought of it that way... I dunno, it's more selfish like... I don't want to give one away? Ahaha, sounds silly, huh?~
13 years ago
certainly wouldn't call it procrastinating...then again, there's really no other word for it. Procrastination at least sounds better than
13 years ago
"neglecting duty", though..e-er, well...I know that's not the case, but...I would assume that, if things are to turn out that way, you
13 years ago
wouldn't...want to talk to me as much. Wouldn't it...ah, somewhat awkward...? He blinks, shaking his head. I-I'm not trying to be self-
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sacrificing, per se...a-as I said, I just want you to be happy...he smiles slightly, giving you a small nod. It makes sense, actually..and I
13 years ago
don't think it sounds selfish.
13 years ago
shrugs his shoulders that. I don't know what you're talking about!~ Awkward pales next the presence of the hero. ^o^ And so, I'd just talk
13 years ago
to ya' the same! Dunno about you, though, which is the problem. Jutting his lower lip out, he looks up at you. How is it not selfish when
13 years ago
I'm just keeping you both there, hanging, and in the end, one of you is going to end up hurt anyway?
13 years ago
smiles slightly in response, shaking his head. Right, of course...because nothing can stand up against the hero, hm? W-Well, if that were
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the case...o-of course I'd still want to talk to you...he flinches at that, glancing off to the side for a moment. It's..because it's
13 years ago
something that's beyond your control, right? You can't force yourself to make a decision, and so...it's not selfish because you aren't
13 years ago
just doing whatever you like for your own personal benefeit...
13 years ago
nods at that; exactly! He'll win against it all no matter what, and his awesome ability to not read the atmosphere will definitely come in
13 years ago
handy. He notices that little flinch of yours, causing him to sigh and dig just a little deeper within himself. Artie, I'm not a child. You
13 years ago
know as well as I do that by not choosing, I am doing it for personal benefit, and it's because of my indecision. So I'll ask again: I'm
13 years ago
being selfish, aren't I?
13 years ago
fails to see how not being able to read the atmosphere would be helpful...sometimes it's good to disregard it, but to be unaware of it
13 years ago
completely sounds more like an obstacle than anything else. A-Ah, well...choosing not to do anything is...a decision in itself, is it not..?
13 years ago
It's usually the...safe thing to do when you're not sure of everything...besides, if it's hurting you to hurt us, then you're not
13 years ago
gaining anything from it, are you?
13 years ago
Exactly! That's how it helps, because he can completely overlook any sort of awkwardness and be able to deal with stuff easier! Scoffing at
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your insufficient answer, he retorts, Yeah, but that's the stupidest decision ever. And I am gaining something... both of your feelings,
13 years ago
whilst I'm here stuck in the middle ground and sucking it all in, just eating and eating it, like how you always describe my food habits.
13 years ago
But I know it has to end, but I can't...
13 years ago
points out that, sometimes, it's necessary to notice awkwardness in order to properly utilize a little thing called tact...because
13 years ago
otherwise you'll just end up offending people. Shoulders slumping a bit, he nods slowly, even if he hates how...similiar the self
13 years ago
destructive words sound to the things he constantly points out about himself. Well..it's better to wait and make the right, or best
13 years ago
decision than to just do something rash for the sake of just...making a decision, isn't it? Because...you know that I want what will
13 years ago
make you happy, and I'm sure that Russia wants the same thing...
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