China is
13 years ago
hosting an old WWII Allies meet-up at his house. There will be food and drink and polite conversation. Just... Don't mess with anything.
latest #910
13 years ago
((DOGIYGHKGYBHHUYKFUGV ENTER KEY. D8 One sec... Let me finish that...))
China is
13 years ago
hosting an old WWII Allies meet-up at his house. There will be food and drink and polite conversation. Just... Don't mess with anything.
England will
13 years ago
gladly attend-it'll be...interesting, to say the least, to have all of the Allies together again. ...and he's going to intentionally break
13 years ago
those valuable vases of yours. Just so you have a warning.
13 years ago
((I'mma edit the first post now because I'm OCD like that and it's bothering me... >A>;-))
China is
13 years ago
only slightly happy that you decided to come, but makes sure to take down and hide the more valuable things before you get to his house.
13 years ago
(Oh, alright~ Have fun with that~ :3)
13 years ago
plants to cast a spell and hunt down those breakable objects...unless you find something to distract him with. Tea, possibly?
13 years ago
would totally come~! x)
China will
13 years ago
make sure there is tea to distract England. He is also very happy that Russia will be attending and makes sure to get Vodka...
England thinks
13 years ago
it's a bad idea to have alchohol at a party if you really want to keep the items in your house intact...
Alfred is
13 years ago
so there that you cannot contemplate how there he is. Look, it's already in his phone. v.v
13 years ago
After all, can't be complete without the hero, now, can it?
Ivan is
13 years ago
very glad for the vodka - and that's probably just to distract himself from something unpleasant~
England is
13 years ago
looking forward to the event now...but we don't have to invite the frog, do we?
13 years ago
Obviously we must!
13 years ago
....must we?
13 years ago
agrees with Russia, "It's for ALL the Allies, aru- France included. Sorry England."
Alfred thinks
13 years ago
there's nothing wrong with Frenchie! Long as he doesn't grope us!
13 years ago
sighs more audibly than necessary-he's going to need alchohol, after all... "Yes, alright...I suppose I can tolerate his prescence for
13 years ago
that long,then."
Ivan thinks
13 years ago
it's quite impossible for France not to touch people inappropriately...
Alfred thinks
13 years ago
you people cannot contemplate how excited he is. v.v
China needs
13 years ago
to invite one more person but can't remember who...
13 years ago
And that is exactly my point-if it's just the six of us alone in China's house...lord knows what France will try to pull. Hmph/
13 years ago
I sort of agree with England, aru. France does have... Wandering hands...
13 years ago
........ Let's just each buy a taser, yeah?~
England thinks
13 years ago
it's more than just 'wandering hands'...and Canada. You need to invite Canada, yes?
China thinks
13 years ago
that America's idea is a good one. "Canada, aru? Oh yes! America's brother up north!"
13 years ago
Oh, right, we need bro, too! Haha, I forgot.~
13 years ago
resists the urge to beat his head against the wall. And yes, a taser sounds like a brilliant idea...he'll go ahead and pre-order six of
13 years ago
them. "Yes, that one. Matthew. ...haven't you seen him in the World Meetings...?"
13 years ago
Nope!~ I didn't even know Mattie came to those. And yay, a weapon! Happy.~
13 years ago
shrugs, "Not really, aru. I think I might have seen him around once or twice but..." He trails off, feeling bad for not noticing him.
13 years ago can you not notice your own brother? Honestly, Alfred...
13 years ago
"...I see. Well, you'll have a chance to with him during the party. Should I bring a tray of scones with me?"
13 years ago
13 years ago
"Ah, I mean, I'll be doing all the cooking, aru~ So, there's no need to."
Alfred will
13 years ago
bring his pistols along if England beings scones.~
England is
13 years ago
miffed by the negative response. ...he's going to bring scones anyway, and shove them down your throat.
China will
13 years ago
not allow America to bring pistols and at this rate will have to box up ALL of his valuables... So much work...
Alfred will
13 years ago
shoot before that happens!~
England will
13 years ago
leave his scones at home if America doesn't bring any weapons...there's probably going to be enough drama and arguing at the party as it is.
Alfred thinks
13 years ago
you can't stop him! Give him his props, dude.
England wants
13 years ago
to know what you mean by...'props'...?
13 years ago
that they're part of him!~
China is
13 years ago
miffed that you people are ruining his party by bringing charcoal scones and pistols. He sulks off to box up his valuables.
England is
13 years ago
severly confused...a part of you? How so?
13 years ago
*make that PLANNING to ruin his party
13 years ago
I just can't go anywhere without 'em, yeah? Besides, they've saved your butt a few times.~
13 years ago
....alright, I suppose you've got a point there...just don't bring anything overly huge or ridiculous. The taser should be sufficient.
13 years ago still searching for the vodka...~
13 years ago
My pistols are fine, dude. v.v
13 years ago
hands Russia a bottle of vodka, having already started in on it thanks to dealing with the other two.
13 years ago
...just who do you plan on shooting??
13 years ago
When, exactly, are we going to hold this party, China...?
13 years ago
sighs, "Very soon.. Possibly tomorrow if I can get everything ready by then, aru."
13 years ago
doesn't care, as long as he can drink himself content~! And why is America bringing guns?
England will
13 years ago
happily use it as an excuse to take the day off, then...would you like assistance in setting things up?
China will
13 years ago
allow England to help with set-up AS LONG AS he promises to carry the treat the vases with upmost care and not to get drunk.
13 years ago
promises that he won't break vases or get drunk...before the party. He'll be careful during set-up.
China is
13 years ago
happy for the help then.
England gives
13 years ago
you a smile, inwardly planning to curse you as soon as he gets home.
Ivan thinks
13 years ago
England suddenly turned very evil. :|
England has
13 years ago
just finally tipped over the edge of insanity...there's a very large difference.
China is
13 years ago
freaked out that England is smiling at him. "U-um... Does anyone else want to help with set-up, aru?"
Ivan is
13 years ago
more than willing~ x)
China is
13 years ago
glad to have someone else there and not be alone with the psycho-maniac England.
England is
13 years ago
not a psycho, thank you for much. Blasted Oriental wanker...huff huff.
Ivan is
13 years ago
glad not to be the only psycho~ /cheers with England
13 years ago
realizes he will have TWO psychos in his house now. He isn't sure this is a good idea. "Well... Come on then, let's go get some things
13 years ago
13 years ago
insists that he is not a psycho-he was joking when he claimed to have lost his sanity...he's perfectly sane, isn't he? "Yes, alright
13 years ago
then...what all do we need?"
China thinks
13 years ago
for a second. "Well, first we need snacks and drinks that everyone will like, aru."
13 years ago
"I'll cover the snacks." An immediate reply-he's already mentioned that he's bringing scones. You can't stop him, you know~...
13 years ago
Not if you're planning on cooking them, you aren't!
England is
13 years ago
, indeed, planning on cooking them-and they will be delicious, and you will all eat them.
China will
13 years ago
not allow this. "If you want to be in charge of the snacks, aru- you must buy them! I'll even give you the money to do so!"
13 years ago
doesn't actually mind eating England's scones...though they do taste a bit dry at times.
England thinks
13 years ago
that home-made snacks are so much better than store-bought ones...but if everyone hates the wonder of British cuisine that much, he'll
13 years ago
buy some sort of...cake. And lots of alchohol.
China thinks
13 years ago
that England should do that. He hands him some money. "Do you want us to tag along or do you have it covered, aru?"
13 years ago
"I think I can handle it on my own." He replies, slipping the money into his pocket. ...just in case, he's going to buy ingredients for
13 years ago
13 years ago
can't wait for the scones~ x) Though they taste somewhat bland...
England is
13 years ago
glad that at least someone appreciates him cooking...why doesn't you wash it down with vodka?
13 years ago
13 years ago
tells England he better not spend his money on ingredients for scones. If he wants to buy them, he should use his own money.
England will
13 years ago
use your money anyway. What did you expect, trusting him with such a large amount of cash~?
13 years ago
can wash anything down with vodka~ That's just the magical properties of it!
13 years ago
...magical properties? Is that so?
13 years ago
13 years ago
snatches the money back, "Fine. Use your own money to buy the snacks, aru!" He stuffs the bills back in his pocket, pouting at England's
13 years ago
13 years ago
simply crosses his arms over his chest, glaring at you. "That's bloody ridiculous! Buy them yourself, then!!"
13 years ago
...also goes off to reasearch the magical properties of vodka...
13 years ago
sighs, "You're not being any help, aru!!" He storms off to buy the things he needs to make snacks, pouting.
Ivan wishes
13 years ago
England the best of luck, because even he hasn't found anything other than the obvious...and he's been drinking the thing his whole life.
13 years ago
sticks his tongue out at you as you leave, even if it's a bit...uncouth. He blinks, glancing back at Russia-he doesn't drink vodka very
13 years ago
often, so...what is the 'obvious'...?
13 years ago
decides that leaving the other two here could lead to one of them hurting himself or the other or both. He grabs their hands, and pulls
13 years ago
them off with him like little kids. "Come on, aru. You both promised to help!"
13 years ago
does not appreciate being treated like a child, but is too...tired to fight back right now. He reluctantly allows himself to be dragged
13 years ago
along, trying to think of creative, personal insults for China. "Yes, and then you snapped at me!"
13 years ago
lets himself get dragged away as well, contemplating to himself what else he could eat with vodka...~
13 years ago
drags the both of them to the market, grabbing a basket. "Because you were being difficult to deal with, aru! Now hold this." He thrusts
13 years ago
the basket in Russia's direction.
England thinks
13 years ago
that you could eat...anything with vodka,couldn't you...? "I was being difficult??" He cries in disbelief, sounding rather offended. "
13 years ago
What a cheeky thing to say...hmph..."
13 years ago
blinks at the basket in surprise, not sure what he's supposed to do with it... And yes, he probably could find a way to enjoy everything
13 years ago
with vodka~!
13 years ago
immediantly heads towards the pastries section-if they can't have scones, then he wants something extremely sweet...
13 years ago
doesn't mind England going off to get sweets, "Alright, Russia, all you have to do is hold the basket and walk along and let me put the
13 years ago
things into the basket."
Ivan thinks
13 years ago
that's a simple task, so he'll just follow behind China...~
13 years ago
chooses the biggest, most mouthwatering and, of course, most expensive cake-probably better than anything he could ever make, but...well
13 years ago
,an Englishman can dream. He asks the elderly woman behind the counter to box it up for him and send it to China's house.
13 years ago
looks around for snacks and ingredients to make them, getting to best and cheapest he can find and placing them into the basket.
England wonders
13 years ago
how you can find things that are both delicious and makes you sound like America, almost.
China thinks
13 years ago
that you can find plenty of cheap and delicious things at markets if you look hard enough.
13 years ago
isn't too sure about that, given the cost of importation...but he'll take your word for it.
Ivan is
13 years ago
just going to pick off something random off the shelf that looks nice...~
13 years ago
reminds you to buy plenty of alchohol. ...strong alchohol.
Alfred is
13 years ago
picking the cake, sorry!~
13 years ago
reminds England that the whole point of markets is that most of the products are local. He keeps an eye on Russia.
13 years ago
(Fux I leave for like an hour lol...)
13 years ago
(And you miss so much... Owo This group has really picked up.)
13 years ago
((XD I just have no life for the next 5 hours.))
13 years ago
refuses to allow America to pick the cake-he doesn't want it to have any...bizzare colours.
13 years ago
does not need an eye to be kept on him because he's a good person~ x)
13 years ago
What! There is nothing wrong with blue cake, so shut up!
13 years ago
(Pfft, who needs a life~? :3 This is much more fun~ /shot)
13 years ago
((/agrees with England))
13 years ago
isn't too sure about that...with such a childish demeanor, you shouldn't be left alone for too long...
13 years ago
( Oh fun~ will get on laptop now so I can spam replies!)
13 years ago
((.../likes that))
13 years ago
keeps an eye on Russia anyway, finishing up his shopping and is happy with his choices.
13 years ago
(Woo-hoo~ /takes advantage of the new 'dislike' button...because I can~)
Ivan is
13 years ago
going to continue shoving random things into his basket, because it's fun!
13 years ago
13 years ago
(Indeed~...not on Plurk, though...I think. Owo)
England thinks
13 years ago
that's a waste of money...China's money, and he will gladly help~
Ivan is
13 years ago
now over the moon because he just found a large bottle of vodka~! In the basket it goes~
13 years ago
wasn't aware they made bottles that large...tommorow's party is going to be interesting~...
13 years ago
facepalms, taking a couple of the items out, but lets him keep a couple large bottles of Vodka, "No Russia. We don't need all this!"
13 years ago
defiantly puts the items back in the basket. "No, I think we do..."
Alfred thinks
13 years ago
you old people should stop arguing over alcohol, geez! Can't you get through this without being drunk?!
13 years ago
And no, blue cake is the best, England. Shut up.
Ivan is
13 years ago
quite sad when China starts grabbing things out of the basket...all his effort to go shopping... ;-;
13 years ago
And what is so wrong about drinking?!
13 years ago
explains that they're using HIS money and he doesn't want to blow it all on things they don't need for the party. He puts them back on the
13 years ago
13 years ago
Blue cake is not the best-it doesn't taste any better, and the odd colouring sets him off!!
13 years ago
...and alchohol is a very touchy subject for him. You're supposed to get drunk at a party...and damn you, China-he puts the items back
13 years ago
in the basket, furrowing his eyebrows.
13 years ago
You know what!? Blue cake is awesome and you're just bitter you can't make anything even remotely as good!
13 years ago
And drinking... it makes you all weird old men. Weirder, actually. Geez... why are you all so damn old.
13 years ago
glares at England, taking the items back and putting them back on the shelves AGAIN. "No, aru!! If you want it- pay for it yourself!"
England is
13 years ago
not bitter!! H-He could absolutely, if he wanted to, make a cake three times as better as any coloured cake!! Hmph...he fails to see
13 years ago
how you associate drinking with the elderly..."Don't treat me like a child! Stop being stingy!"
13 years ago
doesn't even drink that much and also wonders why America keeps bringing up being old and getting drunk...
13 years ago
You mean in your dreams! And of course he keeps bringing it up... he's just realized the fact for the first time. Oh, well!~ That just
13 years ago
means more fun for him to pull you old guys into the 20th century! Be hip, yo.
13 years ago
thought that was reserved only for hi-nevermind.
Ivan is
13 years ago
just going to trod off somewhere to find more things to add to the overflowing basket~!
13 years ago
refuses to be 'hip' and takes the basket from Russia, going to check out with the items that he wanted to buy. Hands Russia another basket
13 years ago
to fill.
England is
13 years ago
beginning to regret agreeing to help set up for the party...this is just revenge for the Opium War, isn't it, China? He goes off to help
13 years ago
Russia fill the basket with expensive, pointless things.
Alfred thinks
13 years ago
you're lame that way... why would you not want to be hip? It's more fun and you can fit in more!~ Also,
13 years ago
why are you guys holding baskets and putting things in them...?
13 years ago
checks out his items, paying for them. "We're buying things for the party, aru. Or at least I am."
13 years ago
"I'm wasting China's money." He replies honestly, inviting America to find the most expensive thing in the store and put it in the basket.
13 years ago
"And I'm not going to pay for anything you try to buy."
Ivan thinks
13 years ago
that China's just being stingy again...shoves more things into the basket.
13 years ago
Oh, sweet!~ Now he's excited. What sort of things are buying, dudes?~ We better have fireworks!
China is
13 years ago
being stingy and doesn't really care if they all think so. "I might buy one or two things you guys want, but only if they have something
13 years ago
to do with the party."
England thinks
13 years ago
you should pay for whatever they buy...that's what 'friends' are for, right?
Alfred thinks
13 years ago
fireworks are part of the party, right? You can't have a party without fireworks, dude.
China is
13 years ago
not completely sure he's friends with England. "But friends aren't supposed to take advantage of friends! By buying all this expensive stuff
13 years ago
with MY money, you'd be taking advantage, aru!!"
England will
13 years ago
....will just buy the most expensive fireworks, then. "...well, that's fine with me. Just because I'm not supposed to do it doesn't mean
13 years ago
I won't~"
13 years ago
sulks, "America- I already have fireworks at home, aru... And England- you're mean and I'm not going to pay for your items...."
England thinks
13 years ago
you should pay for his items anyway. In return for all of that unpaid opium..=___=
13 years ago
cheers and now proceeds to look around finding something to buy. Oh, can he buy presents for you guys with China's money?
13 years ago
...presents? ...well, it's certainly not a bad idea. Yes, feel free to. Spend as much as you like.
China is
13 years ago
not beyond beating England's ass in public. "Buy it with your own money aruuuu.... Because I'm not going to!!"
England was
13 years ago
not aware that you were so...sexually depraved. Keep your hands away from my arse.
13 years ago
snorts and starts recording. This is just rich.
Ivan is
13 years ago
now feeling quite sorry for China, since we're all but stealing his money...
England is
13 years ago
going to break that camera...and pay for it with China's money.
13 years ago
distractedly keeps recording while also picking out presents...
China is
13 years ago
close to murdering England at this point... And is close to murdering America as well.
Alfred wonders
13 years ago
why you'd want to murder him, but oh well!~ Presents, presents... maybe he should get England a cookbook, but it'd probably just go to
13 years ago
13 years ago
would like to see China murder himself and offers him an expensive-looking butcher knife. A-And a cookbook wouldn't go to waste! H-He
13 years ago
might able to use it to...hone his skills...
China is
13 years ago
having a hard time not using the butcher knife to stab England, but doesn't want to get it dirty- since then he'd probably have to pay for
13 years ago
it. Not to mention, if both England and America succeed in blowing his money, he can't afford to add this too...
Alfred is
13 years ago
not going to blow money! He's just buying presents; he's getting one for you, too, actually!~ And neh, dude, I think I'll
13 years ago
actually get you a fire extinguisher.
China wonders
13 years ago
why he would want a fire extinguisher. Also thinks that if he wants to buy presents he should USE. HIS. OWN. MONEY.... aru.
13 years ago
would offer to buy some of the things in the baskets if China really doesn't want to pay for it...
13 years ago
doesn't want to make Russia do it... But he's happy that someone is interested in something other than spending his money.
Alfred is
13 years ago
actually going to give England the fire extinguisher... because he's pretty sure the fire department will be happy with that. Snicker.
13 years ago
doesn't need a fire extinguisher-his food is perfectly delicious, a-and...he only set your kitchen on fire once!! Once!!
13 years ago
And no, he shouldn't, because you're already here to pay!~
13 years ago
...also points out that America is in a recession...are you honestly going to make him use his own money?
13 years ago
"Ohhh. Yes, England needs a fire extinguisher if he's going to be cooking, aru..."
13 years ago
"...shut up. Your food's not all that great either, you know."
Alfred wonders
13 years ago
who he's going to blame for lack of cooking skills. =_= Oh, actually, we might need to buy two, considering how often he cooks...
13 years ago
((D8 Noooooo... I have to go. Night.))
13 years ago
(No you don't! ;A; Lies! D8)
England will
13 years ago
...blame god for cursing him will ill-luck. Yes. And for the last time, he doesn't need a fire extinguisher!!
13 years ago
13 years ago
Yes, you do. I think the fire department wouldn't appreciate being called anymore, yeah?
13 years ago
((/glares after))
Ivan has
13 years ago
just decided that he's going to pay for everything, just to get things finished up (because he really wants to drink his vodka now)~
Alfred thinks
13 years ago
you should stop drinking...
England thinks
13 years ago
that drinking actually sounds like a good idea right now...adds more booze to the cart.
13 years ago
... sighs... England being drunk is never a good sign...
England has
13 years ago
no idea what you're going on about-what's wrong with him being drunk?
Ivan has
13 years ago
actually never seen a drunk England before, and is now more excited than ever to witness it~!
13 years ago
... will, for once, go with Russia and advices him to bring a camera because he will not be disappointed. Also, important to note that,
13 years ago
at these times, he's England's caretaker.
13 years ago
wouldn't use the word just...take him home and...give him Aspirin in the morning and listen to his drunken rambles and-...
13 years ago
blast it, there really is no other word..and he'll happily let Russia see him drunk if he pays for the booze~
13 years ago
would do just that~ He's sure it'll be a fun experience!
13 years ago
doesn't doubt that~...he takes out the wad of cash that China gave him, now wondering if it will really be enough.
13 years ago
(Hurp-a-durp...I need to go to sleep now, too. ;A; I'll see you all tommorow~.../leaves nukes behind Night~)
13 years ago
13 years ago
((...shouldn't you be sleeping as well? o3o))
13 years ago
(It's still 10 xD And I have no school tomorrow)
13 years ago
((...youngsters, these days.../sigh))
13 years ago
(Wtf man lol, I'm older than you.)
13 years ago
((...b-but like...I sleep retardly...))
13 years ago
(and that makes you older? Wtf XD)
13 years ago
((They say the older people get, the less sleep they get... = me))
13 years ago
(... Lies man, lies.)
13 years ago
((Well. :| Screw you. </3))
13 years ago
(What, you want to be old?)
13 years ago
((There are both pros and cons to it.))
13 years ago
(Pros, please.)
13 years ago
((W-well...shuddup. ;3; ))
13 years ago
(Wow........... just.. wow.)
13 years ago
((Yeah, I know. It's just that astounding.))
13 years ago
((/pokes Weeeell, I'm back.
13 years ago
((...this has turned into an OOC-chat of sorts... But welcome back~))
13 years ago
((I'll change that then./posts IC D8 And thank you~))
13 years ago
goes over to snatch the wad of cash from England, "No, aru!!" Obviously getting help for this was a terrible idea. None of them were really
13 years ago
Ivan thinks
13 years ago
it was a wonderful idea... ;3;
China thinks
13 years ago
that the idea to get help in general was okay, just not... England...
Ivan thinks
13 years ago
there is too much dislike in this world... :|
China wonders
13 years ago
what Russia means by that.
13 years ago
Well, think about it...a lot of countries don't like each other, da?
13 years ago
That's true, aru. A lot of countries really hate each other and fight- which is why World Meetings are so chaotic.
13 years ago
Exactly...sometimes I wonder why I hate the countries that I do...
13 years ago
Well, you must have had a reason at some point. Us countries just have a unique way of holding a grudge for longer than necessary, aru.
13 years ago
...oh, America would know all about holding grudges...grumblegrumble...
13 years ago
Why do you dislike America so much, aru?
13 years ago
Because he is beyond annoying...
13 years ago
Well, yes, but is that it, aru? I don't hate him as much as you do and I think he's very annoying.
13 years ago
We...just have issues with each other...~
13 years ago
Issues...? Like what, aru?
13 years ago
Our opinions vary too much.
13 years ago
Oh... I see, aru. I suppose that makes sense...
13 years ago
Though I wonder...why have you and England not made up yet? The Opium Wars were quite a while ago...
13 years ago
Well.. I guess we just can't get along long enough to make up. There's just something about him I can't stand.
13 years ago
Then that would be America and I, da~ x)
England hates
13 years ago
you more than you do him, China. Hmph. He reaches for the wad of cash, looking annoyed. "Come on, you stingy twat...why not??"
13 years ago
keeps the money out of England's reach as well as he can, "No! I don't want you spending all my money, aru!"
England is
13 years ago
very tempted to hit you, but back in Britain it's uncouth to hit little girls. Then why did you give it to me??
Ivan is
13 years ago
going to start laughing at you two now, since you're both acting so childish~!
China is
13 years ago
NOT A LITTLE GIRL. "So that you could buy things for the party! But obviously I was too trusting, aru!" He sticks the wad of cash into his
13 years ago
13 years ago
places a hand on the top of your head, pushing down. Looks like a little girl to me~..."You? Trusting? Hah, that's a farce if I've
13 years ago
ever heard one!"
Ivan has
13 years ago
to admit that China is actually quite feminine-looking...
13 years ago
knows that with the long-hair and short-stature that he does look feminine, but... But... England didn't have to point it out!
Ivan thinks
13 years ago
that it's quite obvious, whether or not England says it aloud.
England is
13 years ago
glad that Russia agrees with him. ..and still wants to hit China, feminine or not..
China is
13 years ago
not enjoying being called feminine, no matter how obviously true it is. "At least let me see the items you wanted to buy, aru... Maybe I'll
13 years ago
pay for some of them."
13 years ago
doesn't care whether or not you enjoy it-he's not going to lie and tell you you're a man~ "...fine." He pouts, showing you the six carts
13 years ago
filled with fire extinguishers, fireworks, cakes, and...various other, useless things.
13 years ago
dies a little inside. "U-umm... Pick ONE cake out that you like the most and I'll buy that, aru." ;A;
13 years ago
doesn't know if he can pick just one...but it doesn't really matter as long as it doesn't have any odd-coloured icing or aphrodisiac in
13 years ago
it somewhere.
13 years ago
tells him that he should just pick a random one then and take it up and he'll pay for it. He can also get one fire extinguisher- just in
13 years ago
case. As for the fire-works: He already has some.
13 years ago
knows he doesn't need the fire extinguisher,'s more money out of China's pocket, so that's fine with him. He picks a random cake,
13 years ago
but..what is he supposed to do with the rest of them?
13 years ago
leave it there~!
13 years ago
agrees with Russia, "The store employees will take care of it, aru." He takes all the items and pays for them. "Alright, let's go back to my
13 years ago
house to do the real set-up!"
England wonders
13 years ago
if he should go back to help you set up the party...are you just going to nag him even more? "...yes, alright. Fine."
China will
13 years ago
probably nag at England more just because England is England. He walks back to his house, carrying the shopping bags with a bit of effort.
13 years ago
takes one of the bags, because he sees the trouble it's giving China~ x)
China is
13 years ago
grateful for the help, opening the door to his house and stepping inside. "Here we are, aru!"
13 years ago
goes inside, immediantly looking for the room where you keep your most expensive, most fragile items.
13 years ago
drops the bags on the table, rushing to scoop up some of his most prized valuables. "N-no, aru! Don't mess with my things, aru!!"
13 years ago
glares at you, wishing he had brought a hammer. "How rude...I wasn't even planning to!"
13 years ago
glides into China's house, placing the things on the same table and sitting patiently on the sofa...~
13 years ago
glares back at England, "Yes you were, aru." He takes the valuables and puts them safely into a cardboard box.
13 years ago
"Was not...why don't you trust me?" He huffs, crossing his arms over his chest and going to sit beside Russia...though, with much less
13 years ago
13 years ago
does how see how China can trust you, when you were all but scouring for those valuables.
13 years ago
takes the box up the stairs to the attic before returning downstairs with a scowl on his face. "England, you don't deserve my trust, aru."
13 years ago
points out that China's valuables deserved to be destroyed...he wouldn't do it otherwise.
Ivan is
13 years ago
now pretending that he's not giggling.
13 years ago
takes that as an agreement. At least someone is on his side...
13 years ago
storms into the kitchen, pissed off at England AND Russia now.
13 years ago
decides to annoy him further, getting up and following him into the kitchen.
13 years ago
Hey~! He's neutral in this!
China is
13 years ago
feeling picked on, starting to prepare the snacks that need preparation. "Unless you want to help, get out of my kitchen, aru!" He picks up
13 years ago
a butcher knife.
13 years ago
suddenly looks very nervous, taking a step back. "O-Oi, put the knife down...I-I was just going, yes..."
13 years ago
slides into the kitchen, already pushing his sleeves up and readjusting his scarf. "What can I do~?"
13 years ago
wasn't actually going to use it on England, but enjoys making him scared, grinning. "Alright then- if you want to help then arrange these."
13 years ago
he thrusts a bag of snacks and a large serving plate in England's direction.
England is
13 years ago
tempted to throw something back at you in retaliation, but...with the knife currently in your hand, he'll have to resist....just for now,
13 years ago
though. "Er...alright."
13 years ago
starts to chop some vegetables, humming a bit. "Good, aru."
13 years ago
arranges the snacks as neatly as possible, wondering if he should add some of his own scones into the mix.
13 years ago
doesn't really want him to. He finished chopping the vegetables, putting them into a pot. He picks out a bottle of vodka, going back to the
13 years ago
living room. "Here, aru." He hands it to Russia.
England will
13 years ago
, for that exact reason, find ingredienits in your house to make scones. ...and why does Russia get to drink if he can't??
13 years ago
"Because Russia didn't try to destroy my valuables!"
13 years ago
thanks China for the bottle, giving it a small hug before popping the lid off it.
13 years ago
(Again, I have been left behind. Mutter.) XD
13 years ago
((Sorry~ We left you at the store. XD))
13 years ago
(XD;;; )
13 years ago
(Sorry... :3 Just...teleport to China's house, yea? ...and don't go to Liz's. D8)
13 years ago
((owo Liz?))
13 years ago
(Oh, not you. :3 A different one. ...she'sawhoreD8)
13 years ago
13 years ago
(...GTFO, RUSSIA. ;A; Y-You liek, tttly know it's true! /le sob)
13 years ago
((D8 Why is there a whore that shares my name that America visits?))
13 years ago
(...I honestly don't know. Owo Why don't you ask America?)
13 years ago
realizes that America isn't there. He takes out his cellphone and after fiddling with it for almost 20 minutes, he calls the American.
13 years ago
((Naw, your name is Liz? SHITLOL.))
13 years ago
13 years ago
((Yes. My name is Liz. ;A; ))
13 years ago
Alfred has
13 years ago
actually become really distracted with all the cake, and he jumps a little at his phone ringing. "Yola! You've reached the hero!"
13 years ago
"Where are you, aru? We already left the store and at my house! Don't tell me you're still at the store..."
13 years ago
(STFU, you delusional bastard. ;A;-)
13 years ago
"... Huh? What? Yeah, I'm at the store! Dude, I was looking at all the cakes... Did you know they have a neon rainbow one? Dude.. dude...
13 years ago
we so have to get this!"
13 years ago
"Well, if you want it, buy it. I don't care- just get here so you can help us."
13 years ago
"Oh, right, cool! I will then!~ Are ya' back at the house?~"
13 years ago
"Yes, aru. We're at my house. I think I already said that, aru."
Ivan is
13 years ago
happily drinking his vodka and really hoping that America isn't actually going to bring that cake back...
13 years ago
"Alright, cool!~ Sorry, I'm distracted by cake! Yo', it's kay if I buy two right?~"
13 years ago
"Only one, aru. Bye." He hangs up.
13 years ago
clicks his tongue at the phone, pouting a little. Eh, he'll buy two, since he's buying it himself!~ Easy carry, easy carry as he takes a cab
13 years ago
back to China's house!
13 years ago
goes back into the kitchen, finishing up the snacks.
13 years ago
looks up, currently in the process of scarring your kitchen by making scones. "Oh...hullo there. I didn't think you would be, um...coming
13 years ago
back so soon..."
13 years ago
honks and has now arrived with one cake in each hand precariously balanced. And since there's the obvious dilemma of not being able to
13 years ago
open the door, there's the obvious solution of kicking it, yes? Which he proceeds to do so... and unhinging it. Oh, well.~
13 years ago
grabs a fire-extinguisher. "You can make the scones, just don't put them with any of the other food." He doesn't want him to contaminate the
13 years ago
other snacks.
13 years ago
looks up, "Aiyaaaa!! Why did you do that to my door, aru?!"
13 years ago
shrugs, planning on mixing them with the other snacks anyway. He also makes a mental note to later congratulate America for unhinging
13 years ago
China's door...something he's wanted to do for a very long time.
Ivan is
13 years ago
quite interesting in seeing how England makes a scones, moving to the kitchen to blatantly stare.
13 years ago
"Oh." He looks down at the door he's barely noticed and makes his way in, plopping the cake on the table. "I kicked it down! It was in my
13 years ago
13 years ago
invites Russia to help him make the scones-he's going to need a very large batch to annoy China.
China is
13 years ago
very unhappy that his door is unhinged and that it seems England and America are teaming up against him... He manages to pick the door up
13 years ago
pushing it up beside the doorway. "This whole party thing was a bad idea, aru!"
Ivan thinks
13 years ago
America is being unnecessarily violent, but says nothing as he peeps over England's shoulders. "How can I help~?"
13 years ago
blinks and heads into the kitchen, wondering if China has any burgers... Oh, and he thinks we better get the fire extinguishers ready.
13 years ago
motions towards the bowl of batter, handing you a whisk. "Just stir this, for now...the most important part is how long you leave it in the
13 years ago
oven, so don't worry about messing up."
Alfred thinks
13 years ago
this should be good, but is now slightly bored so he goes on to blast the TV to full volume!
13 years ago
already has fire extinguishers on hand just in case. "Ack! Turn that down, aru!" He yells at America, putting his hands over his ears.
13 years ago
can't quite hear you over the cheering of the crowd in the game, actually.~
13 years ago
goes over to the TV and turns it down to a level that doesn't make his ears feel like someone's beating them with a bat.
13 years ago
would love to beat China's ears with a bat.
Alfred is
13 years ago
very disappointed! And starts pondering on other things he can do now.~
13 years ago
goes into the kitchen and fetches a bottle of gin, deciding to take up drinking. He doesn't think he can stand being around these people
13 years ago
Ivan thinks
13 years ago
that's a very good idea, idly handing China a bottle of vodka as he starts to whisk the mixture in the bowl.
13 years ago
won't be able to stand it if he's the only sober one. That means he actually has to be responsible, and that's not something he wants to
13 years ago
do in China's house...he'd rather be causing havoc.
13 years ago
takes the vodka, drinking a bit straight from the bottle. He winces a bit at the slight burn as it goes down, sighing.
13 years ago
What are you geezers talking about? England, go get drunk as hell. I'll be the sober one, geez.
13 years ago
gladly accepts the invitation to get drunk, taking one of the many bottles of vodka that they purchased. Russia, you don't mind finishing
13 years ago
the scones, do you~?
China feels
13 years ago
a bit buzzed and bit more capable of dealing with everything. He takes a couple more gulps of the vodka, finishing the bottle off.
13 years ago
texts Japan to let him borrow his camera..
13 years ago
doesn't think it's a good idea to let you make even more blackmail, and comes at you with a bottle of vodka. " ought to get
13 years ago
drunk, too~"
13 years ago
rolls his eyes. No thanks, old geezer. I'm fine with watching all of you get drunk.
13 years ago
smiles, getting another bottle of vodka and going into the living room. "Hehehe~"
Alfred wonders
13 years ago
vaguely where all this vodka came from, and realizes he doesn't care.~
Ivan is
13 years ago
just going to finish mixing everything together, and baking it until it looks black...that's how you do it, right?
13 years ago
"Yes, that's exactly how he does it~ Except, aru, you should cook it until it sets on fire! That's REAL British cooking, aru~"
13 years ago
Alfred thinks
13 years ago
he should ask Japan or Italy to cook the food for this party now...
13 years ago
shakes his head, pushing the bottle towards you a bit more insistently. "That's not fair~...this isn't some sort of free, international
13 years ago
comedy've got to drink, too~" ...going to ignore that blow to his cooking pride, for now...
13 years ago
piles the mixtures into blobs onto the baking tray, then stuffs it into the oven on full-whack... Time to wait now~!
Alfred is
13 years ago
... really just fine with watching. He doesn't really drink, anyway... and he's wondering why Russia isn't, actually.
13 years ago
drinks some more of the vodka, lying down on the couch. "Don't set the kitchen on fire though, aru~ That would bad!"
Alfred thinks
13 years ago
China shouldn't worry. The hero will use the fire extinguisher when that happens! He's used to it with England, after all...
China is
13 years ago
glad that America is here then, getting up to give the American a hug. "You're so niiiiice~"
13 years ago
Well, Russia's busy making my delicious scones...he'll join us in the drinkfest afterwards, won't he~? Come on~...just one bottle~?
Alfred is
13 years ago
... very surprised by the hug. Like, really surprised, considering... considering no one has hugged him... He blinks, before hugging
13 years ago
back. "Yeah, dude, I know I am, huh? Why do ya' think I'm the world's hero?~ And no thanks, Artie, really. I remember the last time we
13 years ago
drank together and you repeatedly called me stupid. =3="
13 years ago
(...hug? Owo /reads past few posts Wha...wai don't I see?)
13 years ago
isn't going to drink just yet, because he wants to see everyone get intoxicated first! He kneels down to stare at the scones through the
13 years ago
see-through part of the oven~
13 years ago
lets go of America after a while, giggling again like a school girl, "Hero? Whatever you say, aru~"
13 years ago
((I hugged America for promising to put out the fire in the kitchen. o3o))
13 years ago
pats China on the head and gives him a big, megawatt smile. "Yeah, hero! I go kicking bad guys' butts and saving the good guys!~"
13 years ago
smiles, taking another sip of vodka, "Oh, I see, aru~ Sounds like fun! Who's the bad guy though, aru? Do you have super powers?"
Alfred is
13 years ago
revelling in this, even if the other party is drunk! "It is fun! You know, especially that really nice feeling you get afterward knowing
13 years ago
you saved someone!" He pauses at the question. "Hm... I guess, anyone who gets in the way of justice?~ I've had a lot of bad guys before!
13 years ago
You can take guesses if you want, hee. And yes, of course I have superpowers!"
13 years ago
nods, grinning, "Ooh~ What kind of super powers, aru~?" He looks interestedly at the American.
13 years ago
"Lots of them, actually! But it only depends on the situation. Sometimes I have a particular superpower at one point in time, and the
13 years ago
next, it's gone, and I have something else!~"
13 years ago
smiles even wider, "Wow! How cool, aru~ Well... Which superpower of yours is your favorite~?" He gulps down more vodka, sluring his words a
13 years ago
Alfred has
13 years ago
to pause and think about that, actually... "Well... I dunno, I can't really pick! There's just too many... though my favourite is super
13 years ago
strength, because then I can move anything! It's really cool.~ Ya' know, sort of like your door..."
13 years ago
can hear your bullcrap all the way from the kitchen, and it's ruining his admiration of the ever-slowly rising scones.
13 years ago
looks over at his door, frowning, "When you broke down my door you made me sad, aru! Poor door..."
13 years ago
pouts a little at the expression China's making. "Oh, I'm sorry! I'll get you a new one, okay? A bigger, better, and more superheroic one,
13 years ago
13 years ago
can smell something...burning...that's odd, did China put something else in the oven? "Russia, why didn't you put the scones in the oven
13 years ago
yet? The batter's going bad!"
13 years ago
turns at England's yell, screaming back, "I did! That's why it's smelling weird right now...should I tell them out?"
13 years ago
smiles slightly again, "Ohhh? Really? Do you promise, aru?" He looked hopefully up at America.
13 years ago
hurries into the kitchen, peering through the oven window. Well...the scones look fine..."What's that smell, then?"
13 years ago
nods definitely. "I promise! I'm a hero, and I always keep my promises. I've always done that after all, yeah?~ And I'll make it even more
13 years ago
heroic by using my colours, okay?"
13 years ago
shakes his head, "Nooooo, use my colors, aru! It's my house." He looks into the kitchen, "The smell is the scones, idiot, aru~ That's how
13 years ago
they ALWAYS smell~"
13 years ago
returns his attention back to the scones as well, scrunching his nose just a bit. "Not sure...did you put something weird in there?"
13 years ago
frowns, opening the stove and pulling a scone out. "No, your kitchen is just poor ruined the baking process." He tosses the
13 years ago
scone like a baseball towards China's face.
13 years ago
pouts. "Fine, fine! But red is just so... drab by itself!" He'll just secretly add in some blue and white stripes in the end, haha!
13 years ago
He's such a genius. He sniffs that... familiar smell, and he stands up and grabs the extinguisher. "Yo, do I need to put something
13 years ago
out now...?" Ugh...
China is
13 years ago
hit in the face with a couple of the scones, "Ahhh!!" The scones were still hot and hurt like hell when they made contact with skin.
Ivan thinks
13 years ago
that looks like fun~! Picking up a scone of his own up, he throws it at America's head.
13 years ago
drops the extinguisher and catches it, before crushing it in his hand. "Seriously, all of you! Go get drunk now or something. v.v"
13 years ago
takes the scones and hurls them back at England, pouting, "I hate you! You're so mean, aru!!" He goes into the livingroom, pouting.
13 years ago
"China!" Fun, fun, this is really just like old times!~ He can't help but laugh a little, before following China into the living room. "Dude
13 years ago
relax! I know England sucks and all, but ya' just gotta deal with it, yeah?~"
13 years ago
twists his face up in a scowl, shaking his head, "No I don't! I don't need to deal with the British bastard, aru! You can't make me!"
13 years ago
just barely ducks in time, thinking that he's already drunk enough, thank you, but he'll be happy to drink more. "Oi, no fair~! You can't
13 years ago
give up so soon~"
13 years ago
drinks a bit more vodka, calming down a bit, but still pouting and acting very childish. "I'm not giving up! I'm just not dealing with you
13 years ago
rolls his eyes and sits on the couch next to China, before an idea suddenly strikes. He leans close and whispers. "Dude, let's play a
13 years ago
prank on him.~"
13 years ago
whispers back, "A prank, aru? Sounds fun~ What did you have in mind~?"
13 years ago
nods. "Yeah, something that'll really hit home. I was thinking that before we do all that, we should get him drunk. Like cold out
13 years ago
drunk, because it's easier to make him a victim if we do." Snicker.
13 years ago
"Oh~ I know how to get him drunk, aru~ It shouldn't be too difficult~" He stands, going back into the kitchen.
Ivan is
13 years ago
just going to ignore all the havoc happening around him, gently moving the rest of the scones onto the cooling rack.
13 years ago
takes a couple of the bottles of Vodka, going into the dining room and setting them up with a couple shot glasses. "England, how much vodka
13 years ago
have you had already, aru?"
England is
13 years ago
somewhat wary about accepting alchohol directly from China and doesn't appreciate you two whispering behind his back..."Oh, just a bottle
13 years ago
or two~...why~?"
13 years ago
motions England over to the table, "Good~ I've had about the same, aru. How about a game to see who can drink the most~?"
Alfred is
13 years ago
content to just slurp on his shake while he waits.~
13 years ago
smirks, going over to the table and sitting down. Oh, this should be an interesting~..."Is that a challenge~? Hah, I accept~...though I'm
13 years ago
warning you, I'll win~"
13 years ago
secretly doesn't care if he loses, sitting down, "Haha~ I doubt it, but we'll see~" He pours them both a glass. "Russia, do you want to be
13 years ago
the score-keeper or something, aru?"
Alfred will
13 years ago
be the scorekeeper!~
13 years ago
And speaking of which, he's bored here, so he's going to go into the kitchen and wonder what the other guy's up to...
13 years ago
gets comfortable, wondering if what they bought will be enough to for them to finish the game. "Indeed we, on what stakes are we
13 years ago
China thinks
13 years ago
about it for a second, "I'm not sure, aru. What do you want the stakes to be?"
Ivan has
13 years ago
just finished moving all the scones, looking just that little bit proud of himself~ And start the painful task of cleaning up...
13 years ago
moves over to Russia while glancing at the other two, little happy that they're distracted. "Hey, dude, need some help?~"
Ivan is
13 years ago
now trying to scrub the life out of a small speck that is refusing to be washed off. "Only if you like washing up..."
13 years ago
"Hm, let's see~...if I win, you have to admit that I am the superior nation~"
China thinks
13 years ago
that if America wants to be scorekeeper he better get back in here to keep score! "Hmm... Sure, if I still can- I'll tell you you're
13 years ago
superior. But if I win... Umm... You have to do the same, aru!"
Alfred thinks
13 years ago
he's keeping attention; he's peeking out every now and again, you know! "Uh... no, I don't! But I'll do a better job and just keep you
13 years ago
company, kay?~"
13 years ago
nods, positive that he's going to win anyway. "Sounds like a deal~...pour the booze, then~"
13 years ago
peeks over and starts to take count.
13 years ago
pours them each a shot of vodka, picking up his glass."Alright, aru~"
13 years ago
picks up his glass, wondering if he can go ahead and start. " the same time, right? Or do we just go at our own pace?"
13 years ago
just watches and wonders how this will play out.
13 years ago
shakes his head, "We can do it at our own pace, aru~" He brings it to his lips, downing it.
13 years ago
"Mm, fantastic~" He keeps a bottle of vodka at the ready, eagerly knocking back the glass.
Ivan is
13 years ago
quite content to just smash all of these things (that refuse to be cleaned) to the floor...though that wouldn't quite calm him, since
13 years ago
they're all made of plastic... "If you say so," he grits, turning back to furiously scrubbing.
13 years ago
counts and hums. He looks over to the Russian and is slightly amused at his scrubbing - which is failing. "Dude... calm down a little, yeah?
13 years ago
It's no big deal, they're just... utensils..."
13 years ago
drinks a shot or two more of vodka, smiling slightly. "You're gonna lose, aru~"
13 years ago
does not think he's failing. Not at all. It's just the grease that's being too bloody difficult. "I am calm. What are you talking about?"
13 years ago
decides to forgeo the glasses and drink straight from the bottle, feeling rather confident. "Oh? And why do you say that~?"
13 years ago
follows suit, grabbing one and gulping it down. "Because I know you're going to lose whether you win or not, aru~"
England gives
13 years ago
him a quizzical look, grabbing a second bottle. "What the hell are you going on about...?"
13 years ago
giggles drunkenly, "Nothing, aruuu~" He finishes off his present bottle, grabbing another as well and popping it open.
13 years ago
easily finishes off the...was it third? bottle, grabbing another one. This can't be good, but...his mind isn't working well enough for him
13 years ago
to figure it out at the moment. "That's not true...if I win, then, you've got to tell me what you've got planned~..."
13 years ago
nods, spilling some of the vodka as he tries to catch up with England and talk with him at the same time. "I know, aru~ But it's not like
13 years ago
I'll mean it when I say it, so what's the point~?"
13 years ago
starts to work on the next bottle, not really wanting to admit that China has a point, truth, it sort of bothers him to think
13 years ago
that there is, indeed, some sort of plotting being done behind his back. ...a-and no, it does not scare him. "Doesn't matter...I'll just
13 years ago
force it out of you~"
13 years ago
laughs, grabbing a third bottle and quickly finishing it. He notices that there's only one left on the table and reaches for it. "How do you
Alfred is
13 years ago
still counting, fyi.
13 years ago
plan on doing that, aru~? If I don't believe it, you can't make me mean it~"
13 years ago
((America does have superpowers if he can still keep count. XD))
Ivan is
13 years ago
getting sick of these super-stains that just won't budge, content to just throwing everything into the bin. He's sure China can just go
13 years ago
grabs the bottle before China can get to it, giving him a cocky smirk. "You forget that I am a sorceror~...wouldn't you think that there
13 years ago
and buy new ones...
13 years ago
are spells out there that can make people tell the truth~?"
13 years ago
looks over at England, trying to grab the bottle from him, though his hand-eye-coordination is way off now. "What, aru? Well, you can't use
13 years ago
that crap on me! Because... I said so. Plus, it's not fair." He manages to grab ahold of the bottle.
13 years ago
(maybe I'll stop now LOL)
13 years ago
sits next to the kitchen sink and pokes Russia's forehead. "Hey, dude, just give up on that already, haha!~" Then he lowers his voice to a
13 years ago
whisper. "Sunny says hi, by the way!~"
13 years ago
"I can and I will~" He assures China, tugging on the bottle. "Oi...let go so I can win the damn contest."
13 years ago
pouts a bit before letting go of the bottle, "Fine, you can win, I don't care, aru~"
13 years ago
shies back from the sudden poke, giving the blonde an instinctive glare. "If you know anything about me at all, it's that I don't give
13 years ago
up." Oh, sweet irony, since he's throwing everything out as you speak...and Sunny... He blinks. "Really?"
13 years ago
ponders on that, swinging his legs as he grins. "Yeah, that's true, though in terms of stubbornness, I so win, haha!~" Then he pauses,
13 years ago
before nodding excitedly. "Yep!~ He misses you and wishes you'd come over soon.~ c: "
Ivan gives
13 years ago
the American a deadpanned glare at that, contemplating throwing a sponge at the other. "Whatever helps you sleep at night, America..." He
13 years ago
also pauses, giving him a side-ways look with a slight smirk. "Are you sure that's not just his owner talking for him?"
13 years ago
blinks, finishing off the rest of the bottle. "...what do you mean? Why would you just give up like that?"
Alfred will
13 years ago
definitely catch that sponge and throw it back at you, since he's in a good mood and all!~ He blinks, before sticking his tongue out at
13 years ago
the other playfully. "Heeeeh, not at all!~" Then he adds with a little pout. "But I mean, if you don't want to come, it's okay..."
Ivan is
13 years ago
now tempted to just dump the rubbish bin over your head...but your good mood is contagious, darn it. The smirk growing wider, he finishes
13 years ago
trying to push everything into the garbage bag. "Of course I'll come...I wouldn't want to make Sunny unhappy..."
Alfred is
13 years ago
just real happy at the prospect of a party and... some.. other things!~ He just watches you curiously as you try that... task, before he
13 years ago
bursts out laughing at how stupid it looks. "Really?" He perks up a bit. "Oh, and Sunny says you should bring him some burgers, too, since
13 years ago
he's usually hungry when you come by!~"
13 years ago
shrugs, "I didn't really want to win anyway, aru~ The stakes were rather silly~" He stands wobbly.
13 years ago
tries to stand as well, but there's too much alchohol in his system, and he immediantly slumps to the floor. "W-Wha...that
13 years ago
13 years ago
(...also, out of curiousity, wth is Sunny? Owo)
13 years ago
(XD... You do not need to know!)
13 years ago
(B-But I want to... TT___TT)
13 years ago
(/evil smile)
13 years ago
((/evil smiles with her >D))
13 years ago
crouches down, smiling slightly, "Oh, and by the way- you're a superior nation, congratulations~" He stands back up, thinking that England
13 years ago
looks as inferior as possible slumped on the floor like that.
13 years ago
((D8/also REALLY wants to know- also feels unloved.))
Ivan thinks
13 years ago
this party is horrible, since he can't even wash some stupid specks off the stupid plates...sulks. He also doesn't appreciate you laughing
13 years ago
at him like that, glaring at you to show his discontentment. "I think that'll make Sunny just that little bit round around the edges...~"
13 years ago
(('d be a bother to explain...AMERICA. DO EET.))
13 years ago
thought this wasn't the party yet... just the preparations? Because he doesn't have the damn fireworks yet, and he will not enjoy himself at
13 years ago
all without them!~ And your glare just serves to further his good mood, to be honest, and he just smiles at you. "Heh, Sunny just wants
13 years ago
food! And Sunny also likes it better when you cook, by the way!~ Since I told him all about that time.~"
13 years ago
(, srsly. ;A; W-Whut...?)
13 years ago
13 years ago
glares up at China from his position on the floor. "W-What...what was the point of this, even...?"
13 years ago
((/demands explanation DX))
13 years ago
(/agrees with China N-Not faiiiiiir, Mari...)
13 years ago
(/thinks secrets are fun~)
13 years ago
shrugs, "No point, aru~" He walks over the Brit and into the kitchen.
13 years ago
(...n-not true... D8)
13 years ago
((D8 Not for people who aren't involved in the secret.))
13 years ago
(/pats reassuringly)
13 years ago
(/clings C-C' won't hurt to tell me, right...? Owo)
13 years ago
((/tries to use mind control to make you tell me))
13 years ago
doesn't believe that, but...he can't really move right now, so there's nothing he can do about it. Damn.
13 years ago
cannot possibly begin to imagine the mess that he'll have to suffer through if this isn't even the real party yet! Well...there goes
13 years ago
his cheery mood, not that he was in one ever since he started washing up... "Then tell Sunny that I'd be very happy to cook for
13 years ago
long as someone else does the cleaning."
13 years ago
(...wait. I-Is Sunny Russia and America's baby...? Owo /going to start guessing)
13 years ago
walks into the kitchen and over to the other two, "What are you doing, aru? Why is there a mess and a lot of plates in the garbage?" He
13 years ago
(Wtf baby...)
Alfred gives
13 years ago
you a pat on the head and smiles, hoping that'll help! "Cheer up, dude, the party will be so much better!" And he pauses,
13 years ago
looks shocked. Well, as shocked as he can through the drunkeness.
13 years ago
pondering... "Sunny wouldn't have fun cleaning. That's for old people!
13 years ago
(...I don't know. ;A; I'm just...guessing, okay??)
13 years ago
((Does America like have multiple personalities and 'Sunny' is one of his personalities?))
13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
(...that's possible. Owo ...w-why doesn't just America tell us?? /le sob)
13 years ago
((Sunny...isn't real, per se...))
13 years ago
does not believe your words for one second...besides, parties were never his thing. "No. Cleaning is for neat people...of which
13 years ago
((So... Is Sunny like a shared hallucination between Russia and America? o3o))
13 years ago
Sunny is not..." He turns to give China the biggest glare he can muster in terms of plates-being-unwashable. "And you have horrible
13 years ago
plates!" Pout, pout.
13 years ago
((And now I realize I made them sound crazy...crazier than they already are. To the question: NO.))
13 years ago
(Not real...per se? ;A; How do you mean...?)
13 years ago
(/dies laughing)
13 years ago
blinks, looking apologetic, "I'm... Sorry, aru." He goes and sits on the counter on a whim, watching Russia and America with a confused
13 years ago
and curious look.
13 years ago
pouts a little at that, before seeing that company has arrived! So with that, he jumps off the counter and saunters over to China,
13 years ago
grinning. "So, how's England?~"
13 years ago
smiles slightly, looking over at said Brit, "So drunk that he's wallowing on the floor, unable to get up, aru~" He laughs softly. "So, now
13 years ago
what? What's the rest of the plan?"
13 years ago
(You guys are so meaaaannnnn..../sobs Did all of this happen on a private thread or something, when I wasn't looking...? D8)
13 years ago
(Russia and I have a lot of private threads. XD)
13 years ago
"Really?" He grins childishly. "Before we do that, can we take a couple of pictures? It's always so fun teasing him after he
13 years ago
gets hungover, haha.~"
13 years ago
(...oohhh... ;A; I suppose that explains a bit, then...)
13 years ago
shrugs, "I don't much care if you do, aru. He's right over there." He points to the spot, a foot or so from the table. "I hope he hasn't
13 years ago
blacked out or thrown up on my floor, aru~"
England is
13 years ago
curled up in a fetal position, wishing that he had his faerie friends with him-he can barely move, let alone speak right now, and he
13 years ago
((Oh. Hurp de derp, that makes sense. DX But... Still... Who the hell is Sunny?))
England wonders
13 years ago
why he agreed to that blasted drinking contest...
13 years ago
takes out his phone then and goes over to where Artie is. He snaps pictures and encourages China to do the same. "Well... at least
13 years ago
he's passed out enough not to insult me..."
13 years ago
continues to sit on the edge of the counter, feeling sort of light and giggling to himself for no reason. He doesn't have a camera and
13 years ago
doesn't want to have to fight with his stupid cellphone in this state in order to snap a picture with that.
13 years ago
groans and squeezes his eyes shut, covering his ears with his hands. It's too bright and there's too much noise and everything hurts..
13 years ago
pokes England curiously.
13 years ago
doesn't even have the energy to shove your hand away, trying to edge away from the touch. "Nn.."
Alfred is
13 years ago
actually enjoying this. Poke, poke, poke.
England feels
13 years ago
as though he's either going to throw up or pass out. "C-Cruel bastard.." he murmurs weakly, trying to crawl under the table.
Ivan is
13 years ago
going to crawl into a corner and curse everything there is to curse about unwashable plates...though he wonders why he's so stuck on the
13 years ago
13 years ago
takes a video of this feeble and completely fail attempt, laughing. "Hey, Artie, I thought you used to be a pirate! Why do you get so
13 years ago
drunk so fast?~"
13 years ago
did, indeed, used to be a pirate, but even back then he wouldn't have been able to handle six bottles of vodka. "G-Go away..." He groans
13 years ago
, the flashing lights only worsening his headache.
13 years ago
hops off of the counter and over to Russia, patting him on the head. "What's wrong, aru~?" He smiles slightly.
Ivan is
13 years ago
still sulking about China's plates, the pouting getting worse when that very man pats his head. "Your plates are stupid..."
China wonders
13 years ago
what he's talking about, "I think my plates were smart, aru, but that's just my opinion~" He moves his hand away, sitting down beside him.
13 years ago
blinks and sits next to the hunched figure of England. "Neh, England, do you really want me to go away?~"
13 years ago
((BRB Dinner~ Going out to eat. :-D))
13 years ago
13 years ago
(Oh, have fun~ :3)
13 years ago
wraps his arms around himself, trembling slightly from exertion. "...o-of course not, you i-idiot...d-don't ask such an obvious question.."
13 years ago
starts poking now, just grinning. "Then why'd you say I should stop bothering you, huh?~"
England wishes
13 years ago
that he had the strength to push him away, sincerely regretting all of that vodka.."B-Because I want you here, b-but I don't want you to
13 years ago
p-pester me like that..."
13 years ago
keeps poking. "I don't get the difference, you know!~"
England feels
13 years ago
his stomach clench, letting out another pained groan. "W-Well, that's not my fault, is it...?"
Alfred is
13 years ago
still poking. "Probably not!~ Hey, Artie, why aren't you going on a rant like you usually do when you're drunk?"
13 years ago
tries to hug himself tighter, shaking his head. "B-Because...p-perhaps I don't want you to h-hear what I have to say..?"
Alfred thinks
13 years ago
that curling up like is just making his poking thing easier! "Eh, that's weird though, when you're drunk, you usually just spout
13 years ago
whatever and you don't care who hears!"
13 years ago
"....what makes you think I don't care?" He asks quietly, peeking up at America momentarily. "...y-you seem to find it so bloody humourous
13 years ago
to get me wasted that you hardly pay attention to a single word I say...isn't that how it is...?"
13 years ago
"I listen when you go off like that, actually." He pouts a little, thinking about it. "Because they say when people are drunk and they
13 years ago
talk, that's when their true feelings come out, right?~"
13 years ago
finds a sudden splotch on China's wall very, very interesting...and he's still not over the whole plate fiasco...
13 years ago
isn't sure whether to believe that or not. You never seem to pay it any mind, too busy laughing or taking pictures or god knows what
13 years ago
else..."That's true...I-I didn't think you had noticed that..."
13 years ago
blinks. "Why the heck would I not notice when you're just going on and on? Now come on, spit it out!~"
13 years ago
shakes his head, at the very least glad that the poking has stopped..."I always thought that you just...tuned me out...spit what out?"
13 years ago
"I dunno, something, anything. I'm actually surprised you're drunk and not spouting anything.." and he' s slightly disappointed, yes.
13 years ago
It's not that there isn't anything to's just that he's so tired of being manipulated, used, and lied to that he wonders, at this
13 years ago
point, what good being honest does...he's not going to lie, of course, no, never again, but... "...I'd rather not..."
13 years ago
Come on, please\
Ivan is
13 years ago
totally not eavesdropping on this conversation...but he wonders what England means by being 'lied to'...
13 years ago
I fail to see how you begging helps the situation...
13 years ago
would really like you to tell him, and he has that puppy-dog look right now.
13 years ago
looks off to the side to avoid melting under that infamous look, clearing his throat. ...why do you want to know so badly?
13 years ago
Because you know him, and you know hes extremely curious!
13 years ago the only reason is curiousity?
13 years ago
13 years ago
...get used to dissapointment, then.
13 years ago
shrugs and ignores you completely then.
Ivan thinks
13 years ago
you two need to work on your communication a little...
13 years ago
doesn't appreciate that, considering he's completely drunk off his arse and unable to do almost anything, but...sure, fine.
13 years ago
goes back to the kitchen and looks around, huffing.
Ivan is
13 years ago
still in his little corner, somewhat sad that his not-so-eavesdropping session has ended...
13 years ago
continues to huddle under the table, wondering if he might find some way for a nation to kill themselves...
Alfred wonders
13 years ago
if there's food here... Hm.
13 years ago
sort of wants to cry, but he'll be damned if he shows weakness in front of other people.
Ivan is
13 years ago
sick of sulking by himself (China be darned, since he's just sitting there) and goes off to find England.
13 years ago
, still cowering under the table, would be glad for Russia's company. Better than being alone, certainly...
13 years ago
finds England's lonesome figure underneath a table, not quite sure what to make of that. He gives the man a small wave. "Hello~"
Alfred has
13 years ago
found possible ingredients, yes!
13 years ago
pokes his head up, hesitantly waving back. Has Russia come to taunt him, too...? "...hullo there..."
13 years ago
gets himself into a comfortable positioning, bringing his knees up to his chin. "Why are you hiding underneat a table?"
13 years ago
glances back at the ground, his spirit, if possible, falling even farther down. "...well...why not?"
Ivan gives
13 years ago
the man a deadpanned look. "Because it's a table."
13 years ago
would normally feel intimidated, but right now he's just rather...apathetic. " is, isn't it..? So what?"
13 years ago
isn't trying to be intimidating, and goes back to staring at something random. "It's a table. People don't hide under tables."
13 years ago
simply shrugs, letting out a quiet sigh. "No, I suppose they don't...perhaps I'm not a person, then."
13 years ago
finds the answer amusing for reasons that escape him. "That is true...but it's still weird, you know."
13 years ago
"I never said it wasn't." He replies, feeling slightly more sober, but still...rather miserable.
13 years ago
((Well. :T I'm back. What happened while I was gone?))
13 years ago
(Nothing much, England's still under the table and America's in the kitchen cooking.)
13 years ago
(Oh, welcome back~ :3 Nope, you missed everything~)
13 years ago
((YEAH. You missed life.))
13 years ago
raises an eyebrow at the man, finding that England is radiating a weird aura. "What's wrong with you?"
13 years ago
((D8 Nooooo! That's what I get for needing to eat. Oh, alright.))
13 years ago
simply shakes his head, distress sinking in through the cracks in his resolve. "...nothing. Why would you get the impression that something
England was
13 years ago
13 years ago
walks back into the dining room, looking at the other three with a weird look on his face. He slurs his words, "Do you all hate me, aru?" He
13 years ago
doesn't know why he's asking the question, but his alcohol induced brain is making him think weird things...
13 years ago
stiffens a bit when he hears China's voice-he's fairly sure that an argument with the man is only going to make things even worse...he's
13 years ago
... just pauses for a second when China comes in, eyebrow rising at the question, before he shrugs and continues frying rice.
13 years ago
planning on just staying under the table.
13 years ago
peeps out from underneath the table, waving to China but not quite hoping the man would come over...since England would just clamp up even
13 years ago
more if he did. He looks back to England, gesturing wildly, despite the limited space. "You just...have this aura about you.."
13 years ago
turns back to go into the kitchen again, watching America cook, his question still unanswered. He pouts, jumping back up onto the counter.
Alfred is
13 years ago
enjoying the good smell of friend rice!~
13 years ago
(wow.. fried rice, yo, not friend)
13 years ago
" aura, hm...?" He lets out a quiet sigh, marking that down as his first mistake-making his feelings known. That, nevermind,
13 years ago
that wasn't his first mistake. He's lost count at this point, though he should have done a better job of controlling himself-if he were
13 years ago
still sober, he wouldn't be underneath the table producing the aura that made his current mood obvious..."I see...sorry about that..."
China thinks
13 years ago
that the fried rice smells really good as well. He lies back on the counter, looking over at Russia and England upside-down. "Humm..."
Alfred is
13 years ago
content to just finish cooking and go back to watching a game or something! Almost done.
13 years ago
China feels
13 years ago
suddenly really bad for England... Mostly because it's HIS fault that the Brit is currently under the table feeling like crap. He sighs, a
13 years ago
contemplative expression on his face. "Sorry, aru..." He doesn't even look at England when he says the apology, so doesn't know how he'll
13 years ago
know it's for him, but hopes that he gets the message across.
13 years ago
barely catches the apology, not sure why it's coming from China...certainly, it was the other man who got him extremely drunk, but...the
13 years ago
situation isn't really his fault..."Oh,'s fine...?"
13 years ago
isn't going to admit that he actually got a bit scared when China suddenly popped up (or really, down), giving England an once-over...
13 years ago
"It's going to be a wild guess, but did America do something? Again?"
13 years ago
nods, "It's sort of a little bit his fault too, aru.." He doesn't want to put the blame on the American though, since he went along with it.
13 years ago
finally finishes the rice and is proud of himself. He's cooked enough for all four of them, because he's just so nice like that, and
13 years ago
proceeds to divide it into plates - though his has the biggest share!~
13 years ago
perks up a bit at the smell of food, crawling out from under the table. Perhaps...perhaps he can forgive America long enough to eat, because
13 years ago
his stomach is killing him right now..."Ah...what is that..?"
13 years ago
isn't hungry and is now feeling rather crappy himself, even though the food smells really good. He rolls over onto his stomach, still on top
13 years ago
of the counter.
13 years ago
pouts at having his sudden psychologist session interrupted...but follows England out from under the table.
13 years ago
slides into a chair instead, deciding that it's much more comfortable than the floor. He wouldn't mind continuing his conversation with
13 years ago
Russia later, though, if it will help...
13 years ago
grins at the job done, and proceeds to bring two plates over to the rest of them. He hands one to China, and the other, to England.
13 years ago
But before he does so, he casts him a worried glance, before covering that up with a smile. "Here ya' go!~ Now you can all shut up for a few
13 years ago
minutes and eat!"
13 years ago
manages a small, grateful smile, grabbing a fork and starting to eat. He never would have imagined that America actually knew how to cook,
13 years ago
and wonders where he learned it from. He actually feels a tad bit better now, and almost misses the worried glance-now, why would the
13 years ago
other man be worried about him...?
13 years ago
sits up on the counter, cross-legged and stares at the food in his lap, still not hungry. He would normally eat just to be polite, but
China feels
13 years ago
as though if he tried to eat he'd throw it up or something.
13 years ago going to go back to sulking in his special corner now...
13 years ago
...but not before he steals a plate of fried rice.
13 years ago
looks over at Russia, as though inviting him to join the meal-he just feels...awkward sitting here alone, eating...
13 years ago
looks over at Russia, wondering why he's sulking so much. He wants to give away his rice to someone who'll eat it, but thinks it would be
13 years ago
rude to just give it away after America kindly made it for him.
13 years ago
blinks and rushes off to Russia, pulling the plate out of his hand. "That's not yours; that's mine!" Then he runs back into the kitchen and
13 years ago
offers him his plate. "That's yours. Don't go jacking other's food!" Then he offers him a smile and proceeds to sit on the counter,
13 years ago
munching happily.~
Ivan thinks
13 years ago
that he deserves the right to sulk as much as he wants...especially when someone just forgot about him...cough ;-;
13 years ago
gets up, going over to sit by Russia in the corner. He knows how awful it feels to be alone when you're already feeling upset, so if the
China is
13 years ago
very confused by America's switching out plates. He puts his plate off to the side, sitting with his feet up to his chest. He feels a bit
13 years ago
other will welcome his company, he'll willing to offer it. " don't mind if I eat other here, do you?"
13 years ago
girly in the position, but doesn't care.
13 years ago
continues munching on the food in his plate and wonders vaguely if Russia will see that pattern on his plate of food...
13 years ago
((D8 Make feet knees. You can't bring your feet to your chest.))
13 years ago
((You can if you're Chinese /shot shot shot))
13 years ago
hops down off of the counter and goes to the couch, flopping down onto it with a pout. Everyone is being so depressed, it's rubbing off on
13 years ago
(Owo W-What is that supposed to mean...?)
13 years ago
13 years ago
((My post. -3- I said that he brought his feet to his chest, when I meant his knees.)
13 years ago
((... If you don't get it, never mind. XD))
13 years ago
(Oh, no, I saw that...I was just wondering what Mari meant by Chinese people being able to do it... Owo /mind is in the gutter)
13 years ago
((o3o Oh my. When did she say that?))
13 years ago
(/points up She said it up there~ :3 And...I took it the wrong way~)
13 years ago
13 years ago
(/slinks back
13 years ago
((D8 I don't understand./fails))
13 years ago
(/patpat Just...think like Connor~ :3)
13 years ago
((No, I get it. Fuu- I'm not like Avery okay? I just don't see WHEN she said that Chinese people could.. You know what, nevermind. -A-))
13 years ago
((... sighs. I was just referring to fact that Chinese "acrobats" are flexible so if you're Chinese, you could do that. xD;; ))
13 years ago
(/flails O-Oh, okay... ;A; Um...sorry about that...? D8)
13 years ago
((Let's just... Continue the rp, yes? XD))
13 years ago
(Oh...yes, alright. :3 Whose turn was it...?)
13 years ago
((/shrugs I just posted a reply so not mine.))
13 years ago
(Oh...well, I'm sort of waiting for Russia. :3)
13 years ago
(Then we wait. And relax a little, ugh.)
13 years ago
(Alright, works for me...a-and I can't relax... ;A; /too tense)
13 years ago
((D8 Is it wrong of me to feel like an unloved character when you three are off being a love-triangle?/just wondering))
13 years ago
((Fft... then start a love-hate thing with England and voila! Another love triangle!!)
13 years ago
(Huh...? Owo I-I don't know about wrong...we're not ignoring you, are we? Or do you just feel like you need a love interest..?)
13 years ago
((I could try to do that. Yes I want a love interest of my very owwwwn~ Er... Of China's very own. I guess I'll make more drama then. >:-D))
13 years ago
((D8 Nooooo... Darn you emoticons... I meant to type '>8D'))
13 years ago
(Haha, poor you~... :3 /patpat ...I-I don't know if I trust that... Owo How are you going to make more drama..?)
Ivan is
13 years ago
not paying any attention to whatever it is that's going into his mouth, chewing in an almost robotic way. He looks up to give England a
13 years ago
((By getting in the way of England's undying and OBVIOUS love for America while America's off having a hate-hate/love thing with Russia.))
13 years ago
((See? I've been paying attention./feels proud))
13 years ago
small pout. "Sure...if you want."
13 years ago
( ^^; Oh...wait, what? /confuzzled)
Alfred wonders
13 years ago
then, if Russia will have eaten that piece of paper he stuck in there, too...
13 years ago
nods gratefully, sititng down beside Russia and continuing to eat. He wants to make some sort of small talk, to break this awkward silence,
13 years ago
((China is going to make things difficult for England, I'm assuming...? Or is he suddenly going to find England handsome and sexy? :3))
13 years ago subject comes to mind.
13 years ago
(Ah-hah... nice...)
13 years ago
((He's suddenly going to find England handsome and sexy- NO. D8 China's just gonna be a troll and get all up in this love-tri biznezz.))
13 years ago
sits up, looking over the edge of the couch at the other three, feeling bored. He stands, walking back over to the table- if he's going to
13 years ago
(Owo U-Um...not sure how to respond to that. China be trolling, yes? /runs off to cling to America)
13 years ago
go through the trouble of having people in his house, he's going to at least try to socialize with them.
13 years ago
((/shoves England off D8< ))
13 years ago
( ;A; /goes back to cutting)
13 years ago
((/clings to England instead))
Ivan has
13 years ago
indeed just chewed on something rough and papery...he casts it a weary look before unfolding it...
13 years ago
(/cuts you D8)
13 years ago
watches Russia curiously, starting to understand America's OCD over the plates a second ago. "Hmm..."
13 years ago
glances over at the sheet of Paper in your rice, looking monetarily dumbfounded. " that...?"
13 years ago
hums to himself and wonders if the picture of the sunflower and Sunny is already digested. Ah, well!~ What matters is his awesome cooking.
13 years ago
Maybe France isn't too bad...~
13 years ago
(Wth guys. XD;
13 years ago
13 years ago
((D8 /is cut Wtf? Why'd you cut me? T-that's mean.))
13 years ago
('cause I'm a hater. ;A; /goes off to cut sum moar)
13 years ago
Though he's kind of hoping you don't open it there in front of everyone. Geez...
13 years ago just staring at the photo (but printed on paper - really, America? Are you that cheap?) with his mouth opening and closing to form
13 years ago
silent words. He immediately stores the picture away in his pocket, dusting off specks of rice as he does so.
13 years ago
13 years ago
((I don't know. ;A; IGGY CUT ME./is sad))
13 years ago
only catches a glimpse of the photo, not really sure as to what it's supposed to be...he's not sure if it's really his place to ask,
13 years ago
13 years ago
gets a knowing look, smiling slightly. Something's going on and no one will explain it to him, but he thinks he had already figure it out~ "
13 years ago
What was that piece of paper in your rice, Russia, aru?" He asks in an innocent voice.
13 years ago
(...yes, but you know that I love you, don't you~? ;3 /hugs)
13 years ago
remains completely oblivious to all the talking, and jumps off the counter as he's done his food, before proceeding to plug his earphones
13 years ago
in and blast up his iPod on high as he washes the dishes. La la la!~ And he is not washing your guys' dishes, just for future reerence.
13 years ago
13 years ago
((I keep messing up tenses. :T I just realized that too. Fruk. >A> Suuuure- that's why you cut me right?))
13 years ago
((GO FRUK!!)
13 years ago
(/cuts le frog instead ....y-yes? D8)
13 years ago
13 years ago
(...homaigod, you guys. Owo S-So many UK pairings.../backs away)
13 years ago
((D8 Don't cut France!!/huggles))
13 years ago
((Hahahaha, England should be paired with everyone~ Just like France and canada and America... And Russia. XD))
13 years ago
(Really think we should stop making this OOC XDD)
13 years ago
(So,'re saying everyone should be paired with everyone...? :3)
13 years ago
((Well... I think it's Russia's turn. :3 Or is it England's? >A</not sure))
13 years ago
(...probably... ^^; /checks Erm...I think it's Russia's, though. :3)
13 years ago
(( it now.../slinks 8D))
13 years ago
((It is. >u>;-))
Ivan is
13 years ago
going to pretend that he did not hear China's question, or note that tentative tone to England's one word... He turns to America, wanting
13 years ago
the blonde to explain things...but in front of the other two nations...? He'll just keep quiet, going back to his rice.
13 years ago
(Yes. Owo /pokes)
13 years ago
finishes off his rice, getting up to bring his plate to the sink. He's tempted to go into the livingroom and turn on the telly, if only for
13 years ago
the sake of creating the illusion of a pleasant, social atmosphere. He can't begin to imagine how awkward the party will be if they can't
13 years ago
even get along now...
China is
13 years ago
not very happy that Russia shrugged off his question, watching England walk into the living room. "Well, this isn't very fun, aru." He's
13 years ago
starting to think that this whole 'party' thing isn't going to go over very well. He hopes that maybe with Canada and France there things
13 years ago
might go a bit smoothly, but doubts it.
Alfred is
13 years ago
still just finishing up with the plate, wondering if China has anything else he can cook, because he's really still hungry... Humming to
13 years ago
himself in beat with the music, he decides that he's going to eat that cake in the dining room, since he bought two. Yes.
Ivan is
13 years ago
eating his food at a snail's pace, the spoonful of rice slowly rising up to his mouth before he closes his mouth around it and pulls the
13 years ago
utensil out with agonizingly lagged movements...all he can think about is that goddamn picture...
13 years ago
offers to give his neglected plate of rice to America if he wants it. "Are you all planning on staying the night here, aru?" It's getting
13 years ago
((Fuuu- I think I went out of turn. o3o Sorry Iggy.))
13 years ago
(Oh, that's fine. :3)
13 years ago
((I...actually did not know we had turns, but WHATEVER.))
13 years ago
flips the channel, looking for a football game, but it's most just newscasts...chinese newscasts,and they aren't even terribly interesting
13 years ago
. "...staying the night?,actually, I was planning on going home..."
13 years ago
((/shrugs and finishes response))
13 years ago
later and he wants to know if he's going to have to lend them his guest bedroom.
13 years ago
(Better if we have turns so no one is left out. XD )
13 years ago
blinks at the plate of rice and tosses it at the sink; he'll maybe clean that later after he's done with his cake - which he is in
13 years ago
(Very true. :3)
13 years ago
the process of slicing, by the way!~ "Me? Uh... let me see..." He pulls out his phone, looking for appointments... "Yeah, I suppose I can!
13 years ago
I'm not going to be busy.~"
Ivan has
13 years ago
finally finished, pushing him back onto his feet and lumbering his way to the kitchen with his clean plate. Catching America cutting up a
13 years ago
poisonous-looking cake, he gives the blonde a hard glaring at as he puts his utensils in the sink.
13 years ago
eyes the cake, deciding that he can stay for...a bit longer. The colour is...bizarre, as he feared, but hopefully it still tastes decent
13 years ago
. ", Alfred, what kind of cake is that?"
13 years ago
can't believe that America decided to get a cake like that, watching him cut it as well. Maybe it won't taste so bad, though honestly it
13 years ago
reminds him of the type of brightly-colored poisonous frogs that live in rain-forests...
13 years ago
pulls out one of his earphones, wondering why everyone's just suddenly looking at him - not that that's bad, of course, since this just
13 years ago
reminds him of the meetings where everyone was looking at him! "Uhhh, I honestly don't know, but anything that's neon and rainbow
13 years ago
coloured can't be too, bad right?~ You guys should have some too! 8D"
Ivan is
13 years ago
going to refuse to look at that abomination of a cake, content to just start washing up everyone else's mess...because he's OCD like that.
13 years ago
decides that he'll just have to eat with his eyes closed or...something. He's tempted to point out that, with colouring like that, the
13 years ago
cake most likely contains some form of toxin or another, but...well, as a nation, the very least he'll end up with a very bad stomachache,
13 years ago
and if the cake is decent, it'll be worth it.
13 years ago
((I...need to work.../hatesomuch))
13 years ago
(Have fun, yo!~)
13 years ago
(Eh? D'aww, that sucks... ;A; /patpat Good luck...)
13 years ago
(...though, I'll probably have to turn in soon... D8)
13 years ago
((2 HOURS. You can stay up. 8D))
13 years ago
((Sorry dude, we're not crazy with our sleep patterns like you are. xD)
13 years ago
((LADY. You're not one to talk. D8> ))
13 years ago
(...? I SLEEP!)
13 years ago
((WELL I SLEEP TOO. J-just...not as much...ADSLFKSDF. Late. ASDFKLDSK. Buh bye~ <3))
13 years ago
(Good luck at work!~ <3)
13 years ago now having another war with those stupid plates of China's...goddammit...
13 years ago
(Pfft, who needs sleep~? ^^ /should be asleep right now, OTL)
13 years ago
goes into the kitchen, hoping that he might be able to cause damage to something of China's..."...what are you doing, Russia?"
China is
13 years ago
a bit miffed that people keep deliberately destroying his things and/or ignoring him. "So, are you two going to be staying the night as
13 years ago
well, aru?"
Alfred has
13 years ago
cut some cake and offers some to England and China. "No, seriously dudes, try it! It's going to blow your mind. Or tongue, whichever!~"
13 years ago
looks at the cake suspiciously. "Did your Alien friend give you the cake, aru? It looks... strange..." He takes the plate anyway and will
13 years ago
probably end up eating it, even if it is poisonous- dying while eating cake is better than most deaths...
Ivan is
13 years ago
now arm-deep in detergent water, pulling out a plate to examine if it's clean or not. Content with that, he turns to England. "I'm washing
13 years ago
all the dishes...why?"
13 years ago
stares at China as he eats. "Dude, how is it?~" And he's still waiting for England to eat some, too...
13 years ago
"...well...I suppose I could stay, if everyone else is..." He replies after a moment, going over to the toxic-looking cake to risk having
13 years ago
a slice. "Oh, I was just curious. Would you like help with that, Russia?"
13 years ago
shrugs, putting the fork down. "It's alright, aru- really sweet, but otherwise edible." He doesn't really want to eat anymore of it.
Ivan wonders
13 years ago
if anyone's died from the cake yet...then shrugs, because he doesn't really care all that much. "Thank you, but it's alright...~"
13 years ago
doesn't see why everyone's so cautious about the awesome cake and proceeds to eat about a good half of it. Now this is quality! And
13 years ago
he wonders if anyone else wants another piece!
13 years ago
cuts himself a small piece of the cake, grabbing a fork and sticking a bite into his mouth. He's suprised to find that it's...actually
13 years ago
rather decent. Not too bland, and...while he can't really place the flavour, it certainly doesn't taste poisonous. "Ah? You don't have to
13 years ago
do all of the work yourself, you know...but yes, alright..."
13 years ago
goes to scrape his barely eaten piece of cake into the garbage. It was much too sweet-tasting and bright to trust.
13 years ago
immediately goes to take China's plate away from him - "You don't need it anymore, da?" - before returning to the sink. "It's fine~ I like
13 years ago
cleaning up~"
13 years ago
pouts a little. "Hey, why don't you take my plate, too!?" He finishes up the cake and grumbles under his breath, before snickering. "Dude,
13 years ago
you're like a perfect housewife.~"
13 years ago
"Alright...but let me know if you decide you need help." He takes his cake back into the livingroom to finish watching the football game-
13 years ago
again, it's in Chinese, and it's probably extremely filtered by the paranoid government,'s better than nothing.
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