England is
13 years ago
going out to a club tonight-rock concerts are too damn expensive, and he just needs to move. He's even gotten rid of his stuffy buisness
latest #76
13 years ago
suit in favour of donning a sleeveless leather jacket and tight pants. Thankfully, the chance of a fellow nation seeing him like this is
13 years ago
almost none-after all, who would come to his country for fun?
Danmark will
13 years ago
go almost anywhere for booze. So that's why he's here tonight. Boozing it up. Wearing like a million glowsticks. Just 'cause.
13 years ago
walks into the club, suprised to see a Scandinavian nation, of all people-though he's tempted to take blackmail pictures, he came here to
13 years ago
relax and let go-might as well allow Denmark to have his fun in peace.
13 years ago
yells out for more liquor as he starts dancing with... every. Single. Person. That walks by. He is having way too much fun.
13 years ago
makes his way over the bar, briefly glancing over the menu-he doesn't want to get entirely wasted, because lord knows what will happen
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if he ends up unconcious on the streets outside...again...
Danmark is
13 years ago
so busy dancing around and dropping glowsticks like they're leaves falling from a tree in autumn that he doesn't
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realize he's dancing straight into another nation until he bumps England. And about a dozen glowsticks hit the ground.
13 years ago
turns around to give the stranger a friendly smile and a greeting, mouth left hanging open when he realizes that it's Denmark-well, it's a
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fairly small club, they were going to run into each other eventually...he just wasn't expecting immediantly. "Ah...hullo, there..." Very
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smooth, Arthur.
13 years ago
It takes him a few long moments to recognize England. When he does, he grins really big and throws his arms wide (and there go a couple more
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glowsticks). "Arthur! Heeej. What's happenin'?" He patted the other man on both shoulders.
13 years ago
chuckles quietly, leaning up a bit to briefly wrap an arm around the other man's shoulders in a friendly hug. He smells heavily of...whiskey
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, so he's certainly drunk...odd that they would run into each other here, of all places. "I'm doing wonderfully at the moment~...
13 years ago
13 years ago
makes an odd noise of amusement. "You have to ask?" Gestures to himself. "I'm covered in glowing bits of plastic..."
13 years ago
notes the dozens of glowsticks on the floor, looking extremely amused. "Oh, I can see that~...you like them, then?"
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"Of course! They're like... little... sticky lightbulbs... But colorful! You know?" Is wasted.
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laughs, shaking his head. "Lightbulbs indeed~...how much have you had to drink tonight?"
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holds up a finger. "One of everything. At least, I think it was only one of everything..."
13 years ago
glances at the menu over his shoulder-there are at least fifty items on it..."Is that so? Where did you get the money to pay for all of
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that~?" Perhaps he can mooch off of the other man for alchohol...
13 years ago
"I... have no idea." Looks around. "I think some ladies paid for some of it..." And some of it he may have stolen a little.
13 years ago
Ladies, hm...? "Oh, I see...you must be quite the charmer, hm~?"
13 years ago
laughs and shakes his head, throwing an arm around England's shoulders. "I'm just drunk..." Snatches a random drink off of the bar and takes
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a gulp.
13 years ago
blinks, eyeing the...borrowed drink in the Dane's hand. Well, that explains quite alot...still being entirely sober, he shrugs the other's
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arm off, giving him a small smile. "I see~.."
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doesn't notice that he's lost his support until he starts falling a little. Catches himself and finishes off the drink he stole. "Ah... you
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want one? I can get you one."
13 years ago
sits down on one of the stools, finding it odd to be looking down on the Dane. Well..one drink won't hurt..."Yes, but...through legal
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means, if you don't mind."
13 years ago
laughs. "Legal. You're so funny." Flags down the bartender. Orders a couple of drinks. Points to a man down the bar and says it will be on
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his tab. "There. Legal." Grin.
13 years ago
lets out a loud, uncharacteristic laugh, eyes sparkling with a rare bout of amusement. "Brilliant~...you know, you seem like you'd make an
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interesting drinking partner~"
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snickers and waves a hand. "Interesting? Look in the dictionary. You'll see a picture of me next to the word." Hehehe.
13 years ago
grabs one of the drinks, quickly finishing it off-bloody hell, that's the good stuff, too..."Oh, I'm sure~..."
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"I'm serious. I don't joke about shit like this." Gets about halfway through his drink before he gets mildly distracted. "Oh... nice ass
13 years ago
England gives
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him a quizzical look, following the other man's gaze. Well...he is drunk, after all..."Pardon me?"
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leans over to line up his own and England's vision. Then points. "There. The girl in the really short snakeskin skirt. Nice ass, ja?"
13 years ago
eyes her only briefly, finding the...slutty appearence of the girl not very appealing. "Oh...yes, by conventional stanards...I suppose so.
13 years ago
Why don't you go talk to her?"
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laughs. "Maybe I will." Grins at him. "But that involves standing." And he might fall...
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rolls his eyes, finishing off another drink. "Why don't you use the counter for support~?"
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"What, you really want me to go get some while you sit here? Sure, I'll go do that." Smirks and stands up. Wavers.
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waves in return, leaning back a bit. This should be interesting to see~..
13 years ago
wanders over and starts talking to the girl. Offers her some of his glowsticks. Manages to convince her he needs his arm around her to stay
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standing. Cops a feel during this. And gets her to buy him a drink. Finally comes back with his new drink. "That worked out great."
England is
13 years ago
actually slightly impressed-well, alchohol does give people courage...taking another sip of his own drink, he wonders if he'll even
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remember any of this tommorow. Most likely not.
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starts downing the drink he got from the girl. "Hey, you next. Go talk to ... uh... that one!" Points to a girl who looks a bit more
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13 years ago
shakes his head, finishing off the drink-he didn't come here to have a one-night stand with a nameless human. "Er...no thank you. I'm not
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very interested..."
13 years ago
"Oh come ooon. Have a little fun. Talk to the pretty lady." Leans heavily on the bar.
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"No...no, I'd rather not." Erk, he hates how awkward that makes him sound. Nonetheless...
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laughs. "Alright, fine. It's okay. You don't have the moves like me. I get it." Adjusts his glow-crown.
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very nearly agrees with him...he's just generally socially awkward. "Yes, yes...take it as you will."
China is
13 years ago
standing in the corner of the club, not entirely sure why he's in England in the first place. He plays with his rather girly drink, not that
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thirsty or interested in drinking it.
13 years ago
"Ha! I can't believe you think you're that lame!" Reaches out to ruffle England's hair.
13 years ago
((OOC: Oh, and sorry for just randomly joining this. ^^; I'm bored~))
13 years ago
glances around the club, wanting to look at anything or anyone but that...scantily-clad woman Denmark was insisting he talk with. Speaking
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of women...is that China over there, in the corner...?
13 years ago
(Ffff. It's cool. Just, uh, next time... ask permission first?)
13 years ago
((I'll keep that in mind. :3 /apologizes))
13 years ago
keeps to himself, not noticing the other nations. He takes another tentative sip of his neglected drink, thinking that he should probably
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leave.... After all, this didn't seem like very much fun...
13 years ago
notices England looking somewhere and follows his gaze. "... hey. Do we know that guy...?"
13 years ago
Yes, that's certainly China...how odd that tonight, of all nights, they would all end up in the same club...it's his country, though, so
England wonders
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if it's some sort of...conspiracy, or if it honestly is just coincidence. "I believe we do..."
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