kai kai kai
12 years ago
Only a couple of days left, then Ashiko goes home.
latest #11
kai kai kai
12 years ago
feel happy for him, sad to see him go though
12 years ago
arrr he won't be happy to leave kaiheaven too
12 years ago
he won't he adores Kai and has such adventures with her
12 years ago
thats what i mean.. he gonna miss her :-)
kai kai kai
12 years ago
he's going to take a big trip with Ephedra though, so he'll have fun!
12 years ago
he will more likely like the arrival in a new good home, haha :-)
12 years ago
he will be happy to see his mum again
12 years ago
yup :-)
kai kai kai
12 years ago
yep, he'll be more than happy to be home, finally.
kaicake when does she arrive here?
kai kai kai
12 years ago
starfiresilverstar: o.0 she leaves tomorrow. She arrived last thursday hugs
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